4. | Siren Song

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Another spicy update🌶🌶
More smut in this chapter, like really gritty stuff ahead, and then it cleans up a bit, so you've been warned.


A putrid swell was rolling in, bringing with it a salty aftertaste that would damage most of the coastline and immobilize the port for nearly a week thereafter. The dark sky held firm as the late afternoon sun was shielded by the blockade of storm clouds, and the only two people out in the hurricane would soon be swept away if they remained outside.

Amila's smile was gleaming, her full grin in the grit of the storm was borderline psychotic. Robert's outlook was less enthusiastic, as the officer could barely keep his footing while pushing against the high winds and rain that felt like pellets breaking against his skin. The docks that they'd run past earlier had begun to loosen and break with the harsh waves, the water washing up past the pier and onto the walkway and pavement, greedily grabbing at anything so it could pull it out to sea. Amila kept the waves at arm's length, taking a little pleasure with how much the grown man behind her was struggling.

The door to Amila's apartment closed hard, Robert let his full weight rest against its back as he struggled against the gale-force winds. The power had gone out so Amila rushed around her home in the dark, starting a small fire in the woodstove and lighting a few candles. Robert shook the cold off him, patting himself down with a small towel Amila had given him and walked into her living room. Amila's home, like Robert's, was relatively empty, however, the items she did have were sentimental. He'd picked up a small photo frame and looked at Amila questioningly.

" Red hair? "

His thick accent made her wince a smile, and she turned to see what he was holding.

" That's my father, " Amila spoke nonchalantly, her eyes matching his for a moment.

" Pretty broad must be your mum, " Robert's eyes baited between her and the picture.

" Yeah, she was an aquatic researcher, she met my dad overseas. "

Robert still seemed transfixed on the photo, she was sure it was because she didn't inherit his red hair. Amila still went about her home, picking up and lighting more candles. She didn't owe him any type of explanation.

" He's around, always out at sea. "

The truth was just that. Her mother had passed a few years ago from a terminal illness, but her father was still fine and able-bodied, living out his role under the sea. They both had known about her abilities, in fact, her father had been the one to help her get a better grip at using them. She'd inherited it from him after all.

All it took was a delicate touch to a shoulder, and Robert's full attention was back on Amila. His burly hand roughly set the photo down as he turned in her direction and followed her to the living room. The warmth from the woodstove was welcomed, as both Amila and Robert had been running in the cold rain and wind. The seawitch had made herself more comfortable. Amila had her raven hair pulled up with dry clothes on, she was in her own home with a warm stove and tea. The raging storm outside brought her a peace she couldn't explain and now she had a very handsome man in her living room keeping her company. She never thought she'd see this day, abundantly sure she would have killed him by now.

He stared at her quietly, sitting on the soft sofa, covered in a small throw blanket, his amber eyes catching brief reflections from the dancing flames. He nearly looked disgusted with himself, and Amila smiled coyly as she noticed how uncomfortable he was with being comfortable.

" Drink your tea. "

Amila nodded to the mug that had been set by the table next to him. He cleared his through and shot a sour look at the steaming beverage.

" Ain't got anything a little stronger? " He paused to see her reaction but was met with something much less than he expected as she stayed silent and continued to sip her beverage.

" Your tellin' me the Bartender doesn't have anything to drink, " he sighed and nearly rolled his eyes, " might be runnin out into that damn storm again. "

Robert's comfort lay in chaos, Amila would soon realize that's why their souls were kindred. They were similar in so many fucked up ways that they couldn't help but be drawn to one another.

Reluctantly she flashed him an annoyed look, getting up and off the couch she grabbed two clean glasses and a half bottle of amber-colored brandy. Pouring him a little less than half a glass, she set the bottle beside him with the tonic and went to sit down. A stray hand reached up and out as she prepared to sit, Robert's rough touch softened the moment their eyes met, as he tried to make a gesture to show his appreciation. His hand lingered on her arm, calloused fingers pressing lightly into her skin as they both remained still. Their eye contact was constant as Amila slowly boarded the Sargent's lap, her bare legs comfortably straddling his hips and sitting down while Robert nearly spat out his drink. She leaned in, and just-so-lightly kissed the tip of Robert's nose while her hands rested against his robust chest. For a moment he was too stunned to move, Amila had taken his momentum and turned it over on him. His arms lay motionless for a flicker of a moment, but as Amila's body began to lift from his, his palms roughly grabbed the back of her thighs and held her in place.

Robert's hands tucked up past her thighs and against her round buttocks, his legs shifting uncomfortably as Amila's back arched and her hips pressed down against him. Continuous fast breaths quickened as she softly kissed his full lips, pausing every few moments to smile and relish in how much anguish he was in. Whether he knew it or not she was in control, manifesting his movements with hers, each touch like a string pulling a puppet's limbs.

Amila deepened her kiss, letting her hands trail down his chest and abdomen, unbuttoning Robert's pants and grinning against his lips as she knew she would get her way. Robert's grip on her bottom deepened, his hands precise and smooth as his palm sunk deeper, and caught her off guard.

Robert's middle and ring fingers glided delicately past the thin fabric on her body, softly petting against her core, and Amila's body froze up, not anticipating Robert's robust grip on her body. Her mouth pursed open, just on the verge of pressing into his neck when she fell still. Robert's lips rested against her jaw, his fingers pressing her underwear to the side as he slid himself into her. Amila's body moved with his as his hot breath rushed past her jawline, her hair standing completely on end. A soft groan escaped Robert's clenched jaw as he rhythmically petted against her again.

" You'r so fuckin' wet. " His warm whispering words blistered quietly against her skin, causing her to quake over him.

Amila gasped quietly into Robert's ear as his pace quickened, her back arching while his fingers precisely penetrated her, pushing Amila further and further until she moaned. Her entire body rocked with his as she suddenly pressed against Robert's grip, her thighs shaking as she felt her tight body release and climax on top of him. Wasting little to no time Robert aggressively shifted his pants just past his hips, and confidently Amila pulled herself up and mounted his lap, letting his entire erect body thrust into her. Their lips momentarily touched, his cock thrusting up into her, causing a horse "fuck" to escape her throat as he met his limit. The brawny sailor tightened his grip on Amila's body, his hips meeting her one last time, exerting up harshly as he fully released into her.

Amila's body shuddered while a growing grin consumed her face. She playfully bit the side of Robert's jaw, causing him to growl quietly under his breath. The moment Amila pulled from him, Robert cupped her buttock and flipped her over onto the couch. Sliding up the seawitch he firmly planted his cheek onto one of her breasts and remained there as Amila brought up a calming hand and ran it against his brow. Robert relaxed his weight onto her torso and legs, and slowly his breathing calmed.

" We can't see each other much longer, " Robert's voice was low and barely audible. " I'll be dead within the week. "

Robert's brilliant brown gaze took a break from her blossom to meet her salty sea eyes. Amila continued to warmly stroke his hairline, watching him sink into her skin.

" Sailors never keep their promises. " Amila's full lips curled into a smirk while Robert settled back onto her breast.

" Guess I've livd'a good life then. "


And that's how they stayed, cooped up in Amila's apartment, day drinking and occasionally fucking. Relishing in each other, chatting over cups of coffee, and enjoying brief warm moments together. Nearly a week after the storm hit everything began to settle and open up, the power was back on and Amila had parted with Robert to take a shift cleaning up the bar and getting it ready for reopening. After her shift, Amila was met with a tall handsome man leaning on her front door.

" Wanna grab something to eat, I-"

Amila cut herself short, watching Robert's lively demeanor wash out. His eyes darting up only a few times, averting from Amila's the moment they met.

" Listen, love, " Robert's raspy voice and low tone were offputting and almost immediately Amila paused what she was doing.

" Out with it. "

He looked at her as Amila crossed her arms and took another step towards him.

Robert cleared his throat, pushing himself off the front door to her apartment, and coldly towered over her. She could feel how standoffish he was being, not knowing that he'd just gotten a call an hour ago that would send him halfway across the world and a sea over.

" I got my orders, I leave at 1600. "

Amila listened to what Robert needed her to hear, and as fast as he had rolled in, he was gone. She wasn't sure what to say or to do, every breath she took urged her to tell him how much she didn't want him to leave. How this last week and a half had meant more to her than her 27 years on the planet. Her pride was caught behind the thick ball of anxiety in her throat, as she urged herself to speak up, and at least let him know how much she cared about him, loved him even.

" Less than an hour? That doesn't make sense. "

Robert cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, " Yeah, seems like it, " he paused and changed the conversation, " I'm packin'in, just wanted to give you a heads up. "

" A heads up, " Amila's wide eyes and quiet snarl caused Robert to wince.

She could kill him. Drown him in his own fluids while she stood over and watched him writhe in pain. She bit the inside of her bottom lip and felt her chest ache, knowing that there was no way she could hurt a single hair on his head.

" Well, Robert Du'Bois-Seargent, " Amila mocked him for a moment, causing him to shake his head sourly at her, instinctively reaching out to touch her, repulsed by how formal she was being with him leaving so suddenly.

" 'Milla, " Robert's hand fell empty as Amila took a step back.

Amila wanted to slap him, throw him around a bit and knock some sense into him. But why should she have to beg another man to love her, to stay with her? She knew what this was, who he really was, and that they, whatever-they-were, had an expiration. She just didn't think it would have been this soon. Robert's blase attitude, his avoidance, she'd seen it so many times before. Whatever she felt for him, he didn't feel it for her, and she refused to plead for him to love her.

Robert stepped forward, his strong stride catching her off guard as his shoulders bent so her eyes could match his. His strong hands gripped her arms, those same hands that had traced her skin and comforted her into ecstasy. His eyes had storms in them, the brown honey hues at war within his own turmoil as he stayed silent. He wet his bottom lip, leaving his mouth slightly gaped as he prepared to say something, but after a few moments of silence nothing came out.

Amila's heart was at her feet, shredded and filthy from her own cowardice. The words she would never say would stay with her for the rest of her life. Close enough to smell his cologne, to see the turmoil in his eyes and the fearing grip he had on her, slowly she pulled away from him.

" We're always going to say goodbye, weren't we? " Robert was looking for closure, something Amila didn't want to give him.

" Yeah. " She spoke coldly, unable to pass this bitter taste from her mouth.

The lumbering sea dog stayed on her every word, watching her body language closely as it would command his next move, but Amila's own swelling anger and disappointment with herself wouldn't allow her to show an inch of emotion. Robert pulled back hesitantly, the softness of his gaze made her want to melt to the ground, but she held firm, cold, and completely still. He took another step forward, this time walking by her. Pausing for just a fleeting second before pacing past her and out of her life forever.

" Goodbye Amila. "


She needed to look ahead, forward, and far away. She'd planned to move shortly and had excitedly told Robert how she had craved the warmer waters and wanted to leave as soon as the rainy season had lifted. A thousand little thoughts came crashing into her mind at once as she watched him walk off and away. Too proud to admit her feelings and too damaged to risk getting hurt again.

She opened the door to her empty apartment, which was cold and quiet. She silently walked through her kitchen and dining room, sitting down for a few minutes and disassociating into the placid emptiness that she'd shared with a man she knew she loved, a man that was now just another stranger.

Amila could feel a familiar weight slickly climb onto her back, its greedy tentacles wrapping tightly around her subconscious as she began to slightly tremble. This past week her passenger had been so silent, that for a brief moment, Amila nearly forgot she was still cursed by his presence.

" I can help you make him pay, Amila, my love. " The voice was a quiet growl, soft but jarring.

Amila flinched once the voice echoed within her, reminding her once again that happy endings don't pan out for you when you have a demon on your back that lusts for blood.

" I can make all of this terrible pain go away, wouldn't you like that? " Amila could feel the dark presence pressing from behind her, she could practically feel the warmth of his voice on the back of her neck. He'd been quiet for so long that Amila had forgotten about this weight and how heavy a burden it was.

" I'll pass. " She spoke sarcastically aloud to herself. Pushing herself up and off the sofa Amila picked up a few dishes and noticed some scrap paper on the counter. Only it was folded neatly, and placed under a half-empty liquor bottle. She removed the bottle and carefully unfolded the folded square, revealing two pieces of paper.

In a matter of seconds, her chest tightened, an angry storm of emotions overflowed from her as she read the first paper. Each page was torn from a different book, a different shade of white. While one was a light cream color, the other was a worn yellow.

I am still silently hoping
that time has made a mistake
and has already reserved a moment
for us to find each other again. 

Amila's eyes filled with rage and white-hot grief. Pouring over as she pulled her eyes from the first page, unable to even begin reading the second. She sobbed with every muscle in her body, finally allowing herself to feel everything that she'd been suppressing. Knowing it in her veins that this man wasn't like the rest. Robert matched her energy, instead of falling into her shadow he'd risen to meet her crazy and exceeded every one of her expectations. He was intense and strong enough to weather her storm and she was devastated that she likely wouldn't see him ever again.

Amila collected herself, she stuffed the papers into the pockets of her shorts and ran from her apartment. She'd put herself out before, just once before, and was nearly burned on a stake, but this was different. Robert had his own skeletons, she could tell he wasn't like anyone else she'd ever met.

She ran to Robert's flat, which was empty. The seas outside Rockport had gotten treacherous, seeming to storm out of nowhere as the clear skies began to churn and the waves unmanageable. Quiet screams escaped from the beaches below the pier as the angry swell seemed to come from thin air, again shaking the quiet coastal town.  Amila ran to the main port anxiously looking for a ship that may not have departed, but it was practically empty. Still reeling she checked another smaller port down the pier, but it was abundantly clear that he'd already left.

The seas began to calm and so did she. Amila continued to walk, still anxiously looking, hoping for another shot to see him. For nearly an hour she paced, raven hair and red eyes at the sea's mercy as she walked up and down the sandy coast. Finally too exhausted she stopped on the beach, wading out into the tepid waves, past her ankles, and nearly to her knees.

Amila pulled out the second sheet that Robert had left, this one was older, the paper itself more brittle. Her fingers were delicate, opening the page and reading it slowly before letting her hands fall to her sides, tightly clutching the words, and staring out past the ocean.

I will love you
until the salt leaves the sea.

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