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First of all, Thank you choosing to read this story. Welcome back to the world of Hae jun and Yoon young.

Now, I just wanna say this story is completely fictional and may have different aspects from original story, but I hope you enjoy it as much I did writing it.

Also, if you didn't like something, please be generous.

With that said, happy reading! :)


Yoon young can never be more happy than as she has felt in the last few months. Not only did she felt the love of her parents, her mom caressing her cheeks with a beautiful smile, them sharing happy faces in lawn in mornings as they both shared sips of coffee reading books; but she also finally carved out beautiful memories with her father, for whom, now she has become a priority.

She still sends thanks to the power above for this second chance given to her. Because if it weren't for this, she wouldn't have a treasure full of vivid memories that belong only to her now unlike in previous life, where she can't even call those faded memory as hers.

Talking about memories, just a month ago, yoon young got the best hilarious memory she can ever have.


After painful hour of battling with her hungry stomach that was bringing her to edge of dying, Yoon young's dad finally called her from kitchen saying that her pancakes are ready. Hearing this, Yoon young's face lit up like a kid whom just got announced she is getting her favourite toy. With a childish smile bouncing on face, yoon young hopped to the kitchen.

However, Much to her dismay, she didn't know her excitement was short lived. Because the moment she reached kitchen, she found the most horrifying sight in plain. Her father was about to pour olive oil on pancakes mistaking it for honey.

"Appa, andwae (Father, No)", Yoon young squeaked in horror and ran towards him.

"What happened, kiddo?", her father stopped midway and asked in shock.

But Yoon young didn't reply to him as her eyes watched something else happening in horror. The pancakes which she tried to save with all her might, finally got showered with yellow oil, making her die of hunger.

"It wasn't honey, appa", she whined.


Her dad looked at her puzzled and checked the bottle.

"No, it's a honey bottle. I think because you're hungry, your mind is making up illusions", he laughed and looked at Yoon young, only to find her shooting her infamous narrow stare at him.

This made her father gulp.

"Oemma filled the extra olive oil she bought yesterday in this empty honey bottle and she practically announced it to both of us. But because "you're getting old", I think your brain is getting weak", she threw him a glance as her words dripped in sarcasm.

Realisation dawned on hee sub like a boulder fell on a truck.

"Shit.", her father muttered under breath and instantly, gave her his sorry- puppy look.

Yoon young won't lie, she wanted to go on rant and whine because her hunger was exceeding every limit but as she looked at her dad, suddenly, she could visualise her dad's younger version, who treated her like his friend, standing there in front of her.

And all of a sudden, nothing mattered. She didn't know if it was her illusions playing with her but her heart was happy to see her friend, her dad in that way.

"Don't worry. I'll make you another one, real quick this time. Forgive me for this.  hm?"

Hee sub, her father, looked at her daughter with pleading eyes. Hee sub still doesn't know why Yoon young reacted that way, maybe hunger really makes a person crazy, he had heard it right and saw it proven live. Because next moment, Hee sub heard the melodious laughters ringing in their home, his daughter was laughing crazily and before he could get over her crazy act, she was hugging him.

"Appa, why are you so cute? I can't even get angry at you when this hunger gonna take my life anytime soon. This isn't fair"

Yoon young whined. Hearing his daughter's words, hee sub couldn't understand what got into her, but her words made him feel complete. Accepting her hug, he engulfed her equally and with a rumble of laughter, the daughter-father captured best of their life.


Back to present, recalling that memory, the warmth of his dad and his love, Yoon young smiled widely. She shook her head lightly as she turned next page of the book she was reading.

Life was pretty much going well for her. It wasn't any fairy tale but definitely a tale she wanted for herself. Afterall, it's been a month now since she started living with her boyfriend too. And it wouldn't be wrong to say, he's the sweetest and warmest person anyone could ask for.

Glancing up, her eyes roamed around their apartment. It wasn't too big, but it was not too small either. It was comfy, because it was homely filled with feelings of love and belongingness.

Truth to be told, Yoon young never expected that it would be altogether a unique, beautiful experience of having share your life with the person you love the most.

It wasn't she loved hae jun less then, but now after starting to share life, spending luxury time with him, getting to know his snores in midst of movies, his stink eye for that disorderly basket of fruits, or that fake, forced laughter when kids of their society told him he looks like a uncle; Yoon young couldn't help but love him a little more everytime.

However, the last one was the one that made Yoon young burst into uncontrollable laughters. Because only she know how much consolations it took on her part to convince hae jun, he's still young at heart and by body too.

A wide grin plastered on Yoon young's face as she remembered how hae jun also has a child behind his demeanor for the world. He makes her feel as if she doesn't want anything else from this world, but just his love and him is enough.

But, would they stay like this forever? An unexpected question came uninvited to her mind and her mood turned sour instantly. No, it's not their relationship is facing any kind of tremors, nor there is any misunderstanding, but at the end of the day, it is life and unexpected things always happen when you least expect it.

Moreover, Yoon young doesn't know if it's only the production of her mind but lately, she felt some distance being created by hae jun. She doesn't know if it's real but she couldn't shut off her senses that were alarming her.

Were they meant together forever? Yoon young prayed hard it was the case because otherwise her whole life will be a lost road.

Yoon young was deeply immersed in her own what-ifs and uninvited thoughts that she didn't realise hae jun was calling for her. Only when he shook her by her arms, she came back to the world.

"Hey, where are you lost?"

Hae jun looked at Yoon young with a concerned look.


Yoon young glanced up, looking lost which puzzled hae jun.

"Were you asking me something?", she asked him. Yoon young placed her book by her side and looked everywhere, except his eyes.

Hae jun sensed there was definitely something off with her but chose not to press her to tell him. He knew she always come around, she just needs some space. So, he did exactly that.

Hae jun cleared his throat and told her, "Ah, yes. I was asking, have you seen my blue cover file?"


"Blue file, young-a", hae jun repeated softly as he followed her movements. She seemed pretty much distracted and it worried him.

"Oh that. No, no. I haven't seen that.", she replied.

"Okay. Well, can you help me find it then? You know it's quite important to me, it contains details of the controversial issue that's going on right now"

This caught Yoon young's attention.

"Oh, that actor's scandal?", she asked curiously.

"Ne, (yes)", he replied as he stood up to look around the drawing room to find his file.

"So, the allegations are true? I mean, I'm not a gossiping girl type, but is it true that he worked as a spy for other country? I mean it's okay if you don't tell me either, because it must be secretive and I don't want to be a cat who died of curiosity", she replied and shrugged.

Hae jun who was looking through the cabinets, stopped midway and smiled wide after hearing her words. He knew Yoon young, the one he know is back. She act she didn't care about gossips but she's a curious little cat and no one can know that better than him.

Pressing his lips under teeth which were turning in a curve, hae jun turned and looked at her with a knowing look.

"What? I'm not curious. Not at all."

"Yes, as if I'm gonna buy that. But if you say, okay."

Hae jun stood arms crossed and nodded his head with a smirk as if mocking her. This annoyed Yoon young and she huffed.

"You know what? Look for that file on your own. Afterall, I'm not curious, so why should I even bother to find it when I can enjoy my book instead?", Yoon young smirked back and waved her book at him.

Smiling, she opened her book and crossed her legs to start reading it, which she was faking. This left hae jun with his fallen jaw.

"Don't be like a kid, young-a. No, the allegations aren't true. Happy? Now help me, please.", he pleaded but of no avail. She didn't spare him a glance.

He didn't know, yoon young was smiling mischeviously all this time with her nose stuck in book. After getting satisfied and pitying on him, she was about to give in when he just ruined her winning moment.

Hae jun had turned in defeat and started to look for the file by himself. Yoon young scrunched her nose and scowled at him seeing that.

"Can't he stay persistent for a little more seconds? I was about to say yes. Idiot.", she muttered under breath.

Throwing him a glance, Yoon young decided to give up and help the poor guy. She closed her book and was about to stand up when her eye fell on the blue file peaking through from under the newspaper.

This made her shake her head.

"He really can't find anything on his own. How did he even solve that murder mystery?", Yoon young muttered in a sarcasm and pulled the file out.

Yoon young was about to call hae jun when he said, " Where is this file, God?"

"I think your habit of forgetting habits is growing on me too. Otherwise, I was called the walking calendar. People used to forget the important dates but, I used to remember each date and instead, make other people recall. But now, see I don't even remember where did I put my file. How is it even possible?", hae jun mocked with a laughter that boiled Yoon young.

"Definitely the perks of your company", hae jun shook head with laughter as he looked in the cabinet behind TV. What he was unaware was the girl seething in rage behind him.

Yoon young was burning in desire to scream and hit his face with the pillow. Okay, she forgets things but is forgetting your period date that bad? It's normal, no?

Okay, it's not normal.

But he didn't have to give her a two hour lecture for that. It was already worse she felt cramps in midst of her presentation, but thanks to heaven, she completed it. And after everyone had left, when she was about to leave too, she had just fallen due to pain when hae jun caught her in time who made surprise visit for her.

Her mom didn't lecture her that much as much he did then. Well, she didn't expect the trivial abdomen pain since morning would aggravate that much because it's her menstrual cycle time.

However, bottom line is she is not forgetful. Situation turned out like that, it's not her fault.

Yoon young's anger hit the roof but she knew better. Getting angry on him is a waste, because she know she wouldn't resist him when he will say sorry as he usually do. That's when an evil plan devised in her brain and she smiled evilly.

He is so going to eat his words, she laughed.


How's is it?

Please don't forget to hit ☆ and leaving comments to let me know how it is before moving on to next chapter.

Keep smiling :)

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