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With her alert mode on, Yoon young retrieved the papers out of the file as carefully as she can. Her tongue clenched between her teeth and eyes continuously sat on hae jun's back as yoon young hid the papers in midst of the newspaper.

Ruffling sound of papers alerted hae jun which stopped Yoon young's hands in air but seeing he continued on his search, she quickly covered the papers and placed the newspaper unattended as it was.

If someone saw her like this, he could easily mistake her for a thief breaking into an apartment. But, she didn't mind it, it was a matter of life and death for her pride.

For the file cover, Yoon young was thinking what to do with it, when suddenly hae jun turned and out of reflex, Yoon young threw the file on sofa and sat on it.

She gave her nervous laughter to hae jun and erected her body straight, which made him tilt his head and look at her if she grew two horns.

Never mind, he shifted towards the sofa table to check which made Yoon young's breath stop in horror.

"Have you tried searching there?", Yoon young pointed frantically.

With nimbleness, hae jun followed Yoon young's point of direction only to find laughing Buddha statue sitting on table besides TV cabinet.

"What? Lord Buddha is reading my file?", he questioned her with sarcasm.

She scowled but contained it.

Following, she faked a laugh, "Ofcourse not. Where are you looking? I am pointing not to him but there, under the cabinet?"

Hae jun scrunched his face.

"Oh don't be like that. See there, I'm sure it's there.", she nodded her head.


"don't worry there are no spiders in this apartment, you have nothing to fear", she clicked her tongue and laughed.

Giving her a sour look and scowling at her, hae jun reluctantly went to search there. Seeing that, Yoon young released a sigh of relief.

With horror, hae jun bent to see the file under the cabinet. To his luck, there wasn't any spider but to his bad luck his file wasn't there.

With difficultly, he sat up to complain when Yoon young pointed to other direction and for the next five minutes it was the scene. Yoon young being the commander and hae jun the follower.

It wouldn't be wrong to say, Yoon young was having the best time of her life, definitely revenge tastes sweet. He called her forgetful, now she will make him remember each and every corner of this apartment.

It became more hilarious to Yoon young when she heard an "aah" from hae jun, who got tired of following her orders.

"Stop, wait.", hae jun said in midst of trying to soothe his cramp in leg.

"Why? Ran out of energy so fast, Uncle?", Yoon young mocked him with extra stress on "uncle".

Giggling a little, she popped her favourite sweet-salty candy in her mouth, and continued, " Well, Figures. Kids never lie afterall. You're growing old, hae jun ssi. But we don't have time, you have to find file first, right? Let's focus on that"

Yoon young felt so satisfied after taking a jibe at him.

"What?", hae jun squeaked, with his wide eyes as Yoon young turned to look at him and gave him a lopsided grin.

"There, check near the mat, hae jun-ssi.", she bit her tongue and beckoned him.

Giving her a narrow stare, hae jun turned to find the file under the mat, when he remembered something. He had just turned to say something to her when his eyes fell on the blue file underneath her. This made him realise the situation.

Yoon young popped another candy in her mouth as she looked at hae jun with a smile. But her smile turned straight when she found hae jun was instead coming close to her.

"Why are you coming here?", she asked puzzled.

"Because I'm never going to find my blue file", he declared.

Yoon young couldn't make out what suddenly went in him. So, she blankly stared at him waiting for him to explain.

"How will I find my file, when a devil is sitting on it."

"Right miss devil?", he smirked.

This made her gulp in horror. He had found it. She is busted.

"It was nice till it lasted. Just surender now, young-a. You have played much, now it's time to play some and maybe then punish you", he smirked and winked a little in the end which sent electric shivers down her spine.

Yoon young won't lie, horror struck her through his words. Where the heck did this version of hae jun came from?, she wondered.

She gulped and held the file tightly.

He came slowly for her when she smirked.

"Oh you got it wrong, mister. You're not going to get me", she announced.

Hae jun looked at her puzzled when something unexpected happened.

Yoon young hopped from seat and jumped to the other side of sofa.

"Are we really going that lane?", hae jun asked rubbing the tip of his nose.

"Oh yes, we are going that lane.", she retorted with a pride.

"You'll loose.", he replied.

"Oh, we'll see that, uncle.", she smirked to which he reciprocated with equal fervor.

And as if some silent whistle blowed, they both stood on toes and ran. Hae jun ran to catch her and she ran to escape him. It wouldn't be wrong to say, once a peaceful apartment has now become an arena for Tom and Jerry game.

He had her covered, but to his bad luck, she tricked him and dodged him successfully.

"Don't try hard, you can only criminals, hae jun ssi. But you can never catch me", Yoon young said loudly and stuck her tongue out as she saw him catching breaths.

"You just wait, I'm gonna catch you and then gonna make you pay in my way", he winked as he stood by table resting on his knees.

And for the second time in row, Yoon young was left speechless.

"Keep on dreaming." , she replied after mustering her little shreds of confidence.

Saying this, she sprinted towards the kitchen and in no time, hae jun followed her to catch her in time.

To her dismay, this was a wrong move as she came to the dead end. Now, she was stuck between the fridge at her back and a smirking hae jun in front of her.

"Shit", she muttered under breath.

Her heartbeat shot up, she wasn't going to give in so soon and loose to him when she had started it all. She sent a prayer above who ever was listening to her.

"Now, now. It seems I can catch you as well too, miss devil", hae jun said with his eyebrows twirked up in pride.

Slowly, hae jun stepped towards her and yoon young won't lie, she felt like a prey in a lion's cave. Her throat dried and she looked for that just one hope to escape.

And heavens answered.

"Oh no, mister. Wrong again. When you  meet dead end, you slip away", she  winked and before hae jun could make out what she meant, Yoon young had jumped up the kitchen slab and slid to the other side, leaving a shocked hae jun behind.

"That's cheating", hae jun whined.

"Everything is fair in love and war", she  chuckled as she dashed towards his room.

Yes, they live in separate room because they're taking things slowly and it was her idea which he respected without wasting even a second.

Beaming with laughters of a winner, Yoon young thought she had siezed the victory but she didn't know she was about to fail. That's when it all happened in fraction of seconds.

Yoon young had her palm over the knob of door and she had just twisted it, laughing, when two strong hands snaked around her waist. Her breath hitched and her body disbalanced making her swivel on her heel.

She couldn't understand how it all happened but one moment her head had hit hae jun's chest as his cologne hit her nose, tightly engulfed in his strong arms and the other moment, her heel had stumbled against something and she landed on her back on bed with hae jun on top.

But what she did knew was, something was definitely meant to happen today. Something good. She can feel it in her heart.


How's it?

Next chapter, the last one will be uploaded by 8pm IST tonight. Wait a little :p

Please vote, comment and share. Let me know how's it. :)

Until then,
Stay smiling.

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