Unit 12

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Before You Read

Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer the questions.(làm việc từng đôi. Nhìn hình và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. Can you name the sport in the picture?

2. Where is it played?

3. How do people play it?


1. It's water polo.

2. It's played in a pool.

3. People play it with a ball, which is passed to each other by hand or advanced with the head over the water between the player's arms.

While You Read

Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (Đọc đoạn văn và làm bài tập kèm theo.)

Môn bóng nước được chơi trong hồ (bơi) sâu 1,8 mét, dài 30 mét và rộng 20 mét. Với khung thành (cầu môn) cao 3 mét và cao trên mặt nước ít nhất 0,9 mét. Khung thành được đánh dấu bằng hai trụ thẳng đứng, một thanh ngang và lưới.

Có 7 cầu thủ ở mỗi đội: sáu tay bơi và một thủ môn. Đội nhà đội mũ trắng, đội khách đội mũ xanh dướng và các thủ môn đội mũ đỏ với số 1 màu trắng.

Giống như bóng đá, cuộc thi đấu bắt đầu với trái banh ở trung tâm hồ bơi và hai đội bơi nhanh đến nó từ đường khung thành của mình. Quá banh có thể được đưa tới trước do chuyền bằng tay hoặc bơi với đầu trên nước và quả banh giữa hai cánh tay, do đó trái banh lướt trên sóng tạo nên bởi đầu của cầu thủ. Không một cầu thủ nào trừ thủ môn có thề giữ banh với cả hai tay.

Hậu vệ không được can thiệp vào di chuyển của đốì phướng trừ phi cầu thủ đang giữ banh. Những lỗi nặng bị phạt một phút trong vùng cấm địa và một cầu thù bị đuổi ra ngoài sau khi tự mình phạm năm lỗi.

Đối với lỗi nhẹ, như cầm hoặc bấm bóng, một quả ném tự do được thưởng từ điểm phạm lỗi. Ít nhất hai cầu thủ phải chạm bóng sau quả ném tự do trước khi bàn thắng được ghi

Một trận đấu được chia thành quarter lâu từ 5 đến 8 phút. Sau một trận hòa, có hai lần thêm giờ, mỗi lần 3 phút. Nếu trận đấu vẫn còn hòa sau những lần thêm giờ, hai đội tiếp tục chơi thêm một lần thêm giờ 3 phút cho đến khi trọng tài quyết định.

Task 1: Work in pairs. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. (Làm việc từng đôi. Ghép những từ ở cột A với nghĩa của chứng ở cột B.)


.... B

1. opponent

2. penalize

3. eject

4. foul

5. tie

a. to make someone leave a game

b. an action in sports that is against the rules

c. to punish a team or player who breaks the rules

d. a situation in a game when two teams have the same scores

e. someone who tries to defeat another person in a competition

1. e 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d

Task 2: Complete the following sentences, using the information from the passage. (Điền những câu sau, dùng thông tin từ đoạn văn.)

1. Water polo is played in a pool..........metres deep,..........long and..........wide.

2. The home team wears........., the visiting team wears ...............and the goalies wear.................

3. Both teams sprint for the ball from................

4. A free throw is awarded for minor fouls, such as................

5. A game is divided into quarters ranging from.............in length.

1. 1,8 ; 30 metres ; 20 metrers

2. while caps ; blue caps ; red caps with the number 1 in while.

3. their own goal lines.

4. holding or punching the ball.

5. five to eight minutes

Task 3: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. (Làm việc từng đôi. Hỏi và trả lời những câu hỏi sau.)

1. Where can people play water polo?

2. Where is the ball when the game starts?

3. How can the ball be advanced?

4. Which players are allowed to hold the ball with both hands?

5. What happens to a player who commits five personal fouls?


1. People can play it in a pool.

2. It is in die centre of the pool.

3. ball can be advanced by passing with in a hand or swimming with the head above the water and the ball between the arms so it rides on the waves created by the swimmer's head.

4. Only cant the goalies hold the ball with both hands.

5. He is ejected from the same after commitlins five personal fouls.

After You Read

Work in groups. Make a comparison between football and water polo, using the following suggestions. (Làm việc từng nhóm. So sánh giữa bóng đá và bóng nước, dùng những từ để nghị sau.)

- place to play (nơi chơi)

- number of players (số cầu thủ)

- main rules (luật chính)

- length of game (thời gian trận đấu)


Water polo

Place to play

on a pitch or a playground

in a pool

Number of players



Main rules

- the ball is advanced with a fool;

- only the goalie can hold the ball in hands;

- a touch of the ball on the arm or hand is awarded with a shot from the spot of the foul.

- major foul in the penalty area is awarded a penaily from a penally spot

- a player is ejected when be received a red card.

- minor foul, such as holding or punching the ball, is awarded with a free throw gtom the spoot of the foul;

- major foul is penalized by one minute in the penally box:

- a player committing five personal fouls is ejectcd.

Length of game

-two halves, 45 minutes each

- into quarters from 5 lo 8 minutes in length.


Task 1: Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and match the names with the appropriate water sports. (Làm việc từng đôi. Nhìn vào hình và ghép tên môn thể thao dưới nước thích hợp.)

1. A. What's the sport in the upper right picture?

B. It's synchronized swimming.

2. A. What do you call the sport in the upper centre picture?

B. We call it water polo.

3. A. What's the sport in the upper left picture?

B. It's swimming.

4. A. What's the sport in the lower right picture?

B. It's rowing.

5. A. What's the name of the sport in the lower centre picture?

B. It's scuba-diving.

6. A. What's the sport in the lower left picture?

B. It's windsurfing.

Task 2: Work in pairs. Look at the table and talk about each of the water sport. (Làm việc từng đôi. Nhìn vào bản và nói về một môn thể thao dưới nước.)

Type of sport


Equipment required to play with

Number of players/ participants

Water polo





sea, lake, river

boat, oars

individually, team

Wind­ surfing

sea, lake

board, sail





air tank, regulator, wet suit, mask, fins

pairs, team

1. Rowing is usually played in a lake or on a river. It's played in a boat and people in a learn use oars to push the boat lo go forwards.

2. Windsurfinc is played in the sea or a lake, especially where there is strong wind. It is played with a board and a sail. People can play it individually.

3. Scuba-diving is played in the sea. People who play it must have required equipment an air tank, a regulator, a pair of fins and a mask. People usually play it in pairs. This sport is rather dangerous when you dive in a deep sea because you can be attacked by sharks.

Task 3: Work in groups. Discuss the question "Which of the above sports would you prefer to play / to participate in? Explain why?" (Làm việc từng nhóm.Thảo luận câu hỏi "Môn thể thao nước nào trong những môn kể trên em thích chơi / tham gia hơtn? Giải thích tại sao?)

A. Among water sports which would you prefer to play?

B. I'd prefer to swim,

C. Why?

B. According to me, it's an easy, interesting and healthy sport. Swimming not only gives you good health, but it can also give you a good shape. When you swim, all parts of your body move. And it's this move that stimulates all the muscles of your body.

D. In addition, swimming is a cheap sport because it doesn't require any equipment. You need to go to a swimmong pool. It'll do.

A. Moreover swimming is also a safe sport.

B. As result of this swimming is becoming more and more popular.


Before You listen

Look at die picture and discuss in groups whether this water sport is played: (Nhìn vào hình và thảo luận từng nhóm xem môn thể thao dưới nước này được chơi)

- in a swimming pool or in the sea. (trong hồ bơi hay ở biển)

- with or without equipment (có hay không trang thiết bị)

- individually or in a team, (cá nhân hay từng đội.)

A. Do you know synchronized swimming?

B. Sorry, I don't. What about you?

C. Oh, I know it. I read about this sport in a magazine.

D. What's about it?

C.First this sport is only played in a swimming pool. It's a complicated sport because it requires the players to practise a lot beside being a good swimmer.

A. This sport is played with music and die swimmer must wear a nose clip.

C. And it can be played either individually or in a team

While You Listen

Task 1: Listen to a woman talking about synchronized swimmine and circle the most appropriate option (A, B or C) to complete each of the following sentences. (Nghe một phụ nữ nói về môn bơi nghệ thuật và khoanh câu chọn thích hợp nhất (A, B hoặc C) để điền vào mỗi câu sau.)

1. Synchronized swimming was first performed ..........

A. in a swimming pool

B. in a glass tank

C. in a lake

2. Curtis's water ballet club attracted............

A. national publicity

B. international publicity

C. both national and international publicity

3. Rules for synchronized swimming competition are based mainly on scoring methods used in............

A. gymnastics and diving

B. diving and skating

C. gymnastics and skating

4. The first recorded competition was held in.........

A. 1907

B. 1939

C. 1940

5. The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) staged the first multi-team competition on...............

A. March 1, 1940

B. May 1, 1940

C. March 10, 1940

1.B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5.A


Synchronized swimming

The great Australian swimmer, Annette Lellerman planted the first seed of what was to become synchronized swimming when she perfomed water ballet in a glass tank in New York in 1907.

Katherine Curtis, an American woman, was very inspired by the new water sport and tried to seek for the addition of the synchronized swimming to the school's physical education for women. In 1923, she founded a water ballet club and sixty of her swimmers attracted national and international publicity.

The sport quickly became popular among young women in the Chicago area and Curtis developed rules for competition, based essentially on the scoring methods used in gymnastics and diving.

The first recorded competition was held on May 27.1939, between Chicago Teacher's College coached by Curtis and Wright Junior College, also in Chicago.

Shortly afterwards, synchronized swimming received another major publicity when the Association of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) was founded on March 1,1940. The following year, the AAU officially accepted synchronized swimming as a competitive sport for team events. In 1946, the first formal national championships were conducted by the AAU.

Synchronized swimming became an Olympic cvent at the Los Angeles Games in 1984.

Task 2: Listen again and answer the questions. (Nghe lại và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. Who invented synchronized swimming?

2. When did Katherine Curtis found a water ballet club?

3. Who developed the competition rules of synchronized swimming?

4. When were the first formal national championships conducted?

5. When did synchronized swimming become an Olympic event?


1. The great Australian swimmer, Annette Leilerman did.

2. She founded it in 1923.

3. Curtis did.

4. It was in 1946.

5. It became an Olympic event at the Los Angeles Games in 1984.

After You Listen

Work in groups. Talk about the history of synchronized swimming, using the cues below. (Làm việc từng nhóm. Nói về lịch sử của món bơi nghệ thuật, dùng từ gợi ý dưới đây.)

A. When did the synchronized swimming come into existence?

B. In 1907.

C. Who planted its seed?

B. A great Australian swimmer. Annette Lellerman.

D. Who developed this sport and introduced it to school curriculum?

B. Katherine Curtis. And 1923, she founded a water ballet club in Chicago.

A. When did it become a publicly competition?

C. In 1939 in Chicago.

D. When was ihe synchronized swimming accepted as a competitive sport?

B. In 1941 by the AAU, which was founded in 1940.

C. And in 1946, this sport was formally played for the first time in the national championships conductcd by the AAU.

A. And in 1984 synchronized swimming becamc an Olympic event al the Los Angeles Games.


Task 1 : Below are the instructions for warm-up exercises before swimming. Read and match each sentence with one appropriate action. Zero has been done as an example. (Dưới đây là những lời chỉ dẫn bài tập khởi động trước khi bơi. Đọc và ghép mỗi câu với hành động thích hợp. Hành động số (0) được làm mẫu.)

1. Put out your arms to the sides horizontally.

2. Stand with your feet apart, push both arms out straight in front of you.

3. Put down your arms to the first position.

4. Raise your hands above your head, looking straight ahead.

a. 2 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3

Task 2: Look at the pictures below. Write the instructions for one warm-up exercise before playing water polo. Use the verbs in the box. (Nhìn vào hình dưới đây. Viết lời chỉ dẫn cho bài tập khởi động trước khi chơi bóng nước. Dùng động từ trong khung.)







1. Set yourself in vertical position.

2. Stand with your feet apart, raise your hands above your head.

3. Bend forwards, fingertips touch the ground.

4. Bend again, fingertips touch the ground between the feet.

5. Finally put cach arm back to the first position.


- Pronunciation: Elision

- Grammar: Transitive and intranstive verbs.


Exercise 1: Which of the following verbs can have an object, and which cannot? (Động từ nào trong các động từ sau có một túc từ, và động từ nào không?)

Sleep read write lie meet occur

Grow help arrive rain exist climb

a. Transitive verbs : read, write, meet, help, grow, climb

b. Intransilive verbs: sleep, arrive, lie, rain, exist, occur

Exercise 2: Which verbs in the following sentences are T (transitive) and which are I (intransitive). Tick the right column. (Động từ nào trong những câu sau là T (ngoại động lừ), động từ nào là nội động từ (I). Ghi dấu cột đúng.)

1. A serious accident happened yesterday.

2. The customer bought a lot of butter.

3. Our team won the game.

4. Their team won yesterday.

5. Alice arrived at six o'clock.

6. They are staying at a resort hotel in San Antonio, Texas.

7. The wind is blowing hard today.

8. I walked to the station with my friends.

1.I 2.T 3.T 4.I 5.I 6.I 7.I 8.I

Exercise 3: Choose the sentences that have objects and then change them to the passive voice. (Chọn câu có túc từ và sau dó đổi sang bị động.)

1. An will pay the bill.

2. Sue will come tomorrow.

3. The hotel supplies towels.

4. Accidents happen every day.

5. Everyone noticed my mistakes.

6. The train arrived at three.

7. The news didn't surprise me.

8. Birds fly in the sky.

9. An old man told the story.

10. Sue laughed loudly.

1. The bill will be paid by An. 3. Towels are supplied by the hotel.

5. My mistakes were noticed. 7. I wasn't surprised by the news.

9. The story was told by an old man.

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