Unit 13

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Before You Read

Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Ask and answer the following questions. (Làm việc từng đôi. Nhìn hình và trả lời những câu hỏi sau.)

1. What event was it?

2. Where do you think the event took place?


1. It's a football game.

2. It look place in My Dinh stadium. Ha Noi.

While You Read

Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (Đọc đoạn văn và làm bài tập kèm theo.)

Đông Nam Á Vận Hội lần thứ 22 được tổ chức ở Việt Nam từ 5 đến 13 tháng 12, năm 2003. Mặc dù đó là lần tiên Việt Nam đăng cai sự kiện thể thao lớn như thế, Đông Nam Á Vận Hội là một thành công lớn. Đông Nam Á Vận Hội thực sự trở nên ngày hội đã cảm kích những người say mê thể thao với tinh thần của nó: Đòan kết, hợp tác vì hòa bình và phát triển.

Các vận động viên từ 11 nước tham dự tranh tài ở 32 môn thể thao, và 444 huy chương vàng đã được trao. Một số đội như bóng bàn, cầu lông, không thủ dạo, bóng chuyền, bóng rổ. và đô vật tập hợp những đấu thủ hàng đầu trong vùng. Nhiều kỉ lục Đông Nam Á Vận Hội đạt gần trình độ quốc tế. Việt Nam đoạt 158 huy chương vàng đứng đâu vị trí huy chương Đông Nam Á Vận Hội. Thái Lan xếp hạng nhì với 90 huy chương vàng, và In-dô-nê-zia xếp thứ ba với chỉ 55 huy chương vàng. Sin-ga-po và Việt Nam là hai quốc gia có người tham dự được tăng danh hiệu Vận động viên xuất sắc nhất ở môn Bơi lội và Bắn súng. Đội bóng đá nữ Việt Nam bảo vệ thành công danh hiệu Đông Nam Á Vận Hội. Đội bóng đá nam đoạt huy chương bạc. Ở các bộ môn khác như karatedo, điền kinh, thể dục thể hình và wushu, các vận động viên trẻ và đầy sinh lực Việt Nam biểu diễn xuất sắc và đoạt nhiều huy chương Vàng.

Điểm chung cuộc hạng nhất của Việt Nam không có gì ngạc nhiên. Trước tiên, để chuẩn bị cho Đông Nam Á Vận Hội, Việt Nam đã thực hiện chướng trình tập trung cho các vận động viên, bao gồm đào tạo ở mọi phương tiện, trong nước lẫn ngoại quốc. Thứ hai, với sự ủng hộ mạnh mẽ của đồng bào, các vận động viên Việt Nam thi đấu với tinh thần cao. Sự thành công của quốc gia chứng tỏ Việt Nam có thể tổ chức các sự kiện thể thao trên bình diện quốc tế. Một dự án được đề nghị cho Việt Nam đăng cai Á Vận Hội vào một thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai.

Task 1: Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the followine words and phrases. (Cho từ tiếng Vit tương đương vi nhng t và cm t sau.)

1. sports enthusiast: người say mê thể thao 2. solidarity: tình đoàn kết

3. title : danh hiu 4. bodybuilding : th dc th hình

5. high spirits : tinh thn cao 6. countrymen : đồng bào

Task 2: Scan the passaae and complete each of the following sentences. (Đọc lướt đon văn và đin nhng câu sau.)

1. The 22nd SEA Games were held in Vietnam from...........

2. Thailand was ranked second with..................

3. Singapore and Vietnam had participants who were awarded the Most Outstanding Athlete titles in......................

4. A plan has been proposed for Vietnam to host the Asia Sports Games at ...............

1. the 5th to 13th December, 2003. 2. 90 solds.

3. the Swimming and Shooting events. 4. some point in the future.

Task 3: Answer the quesiions. (Tr li nhng câu hi.)

1. What was the spirit of the 22nd SEA Games?

2. How many gold medals were won at the SEA Games?

3. Which Women's Football team defended the SEA Games title?

4. Which Men's Football team won the gold medal?

5. Why was Vietnam's first place finish not a surprise to everyone?


1. It was solidarity, co-operation for pcace and development.

2. 444 gold medals were won at the SEA Games.

3. The Vietnamese Women's Foolball team successfully defended the SEA Games title.

4. The Thailand's Men's Football Team won the gold medal.

5. It was because Vietnam had first carried out the intensive programme for its athletes, both at home and abroad; secondly, the Vietnamese athletes competed in high spirits, with the strong support of their countrymen.

After You Read

Work with a partner and name some of the Vietnamese athletes you love. Say what they are famous for, and what aspects of sportsmanship you admire (fairness, respect, generosity....). (Làm việc với một bạn cùng học và nói tên mọt vài vận động viên Việt Nam em mến chuộng. Nói họ nổi tiếng về gì và em ngưỡng mộ khía cạnh nào của tình thần thượng võ (sự công bằng, kính trọng, tính hào phóng,..)

A. Who of tho Vietnamese athletes do you admire?

B. I admire Le Quans Liem and Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son most.

A. What are they famous for?

B. Ther're famous for the excellent skills for chess at their young ages.

A. Have they won any national championships?

B. Sure, a lot. Not only the national championships have they won, but also international ones at various ages.

A. What aspect of them do you love?

B. Well. Despite their big fames, they have never proved themselves talented. I means it's their humility. In addition, what makes them loved and admired is their determination and patience in practising chess problems.

A. They're really significant virtues of the talented.

B. I think so, too.


Task 1: Work in pairs. Discuss and write the name of the sport under each symbol. Which sport(s) do you like / dislike? Give your reasons. (Làm việc từng đôi.Thảo luận và viết tên của môn thể thao dưới mỗi biểu tượng. Em thích / không thích (những) môn thể thao nào? Cho lí do.)

1.football 2. tennis 3. swimming

5. cycling 5. basketball 6. running (athletics)

I like swimming because it's an easy and inexpensive sport. We can practise swimming at any place: in a river, in a lake or in a swimming pool. In an other aspect, it doesn't require any equipment to exercise. In addition, we can teach ourselves how to swim.

Task 2: Work with a partner. Talk about some of the records at the 22nd SEA Games, using the information in the table below. (Làm việc với một bạn cùng học. Nói về một số kỉ lục ở Đông Nam Á Vận Hội lần 22, dùng thông tin ở bàn dưới đây.)

Records of the 22nd SEA Games

Athletics (Men's 200 m)

Boonthung (Thailand) 20.14 seconds

Women's Marathon (42 km)

Emi (Indonesia) 2 hours 52 minutes 28 seconds

Men's Long Jump

Amri (Malaysia) 7.76 m.

Women's High Jump

Ruphai (Thailand) 1.86 m.

Swimming (Men's 1500 m)

Yurita (Indonesia) 13 minutes 19.26 seconds

Cycling (Women's 25 km cross-country)

Maria (Philippines) 1 hour 29 minutes 35 seconds.

Tennis (Men's Singles)

Dannal (Thailand) defeated Febi (Indonesia) 6-2,6-1.

1. Emi, from Indonesia, won the Women's Marathon in two hours 52 minutes 28 seconds.

2 . Amri, a Malaysian athlete, won the Men's Long Jump. He jumped 7,76 meters.

3. Ruphai. from Thailand, won the Women's Hish Jump. She jumped 1,86 meters.

4. Yurila, an Indonesian athlete, won the Men's Swimming. He swam 1,500 meters in 13 minutes 19.26 seconds.

Task 3: Work in groups. Make a report on the sports results, using the information in the scoreboard..(Làm việc từng nhóm. Tường thuật theo kết quả của những môn thể thao, dùng thông tin ở bảng điểm.)


22nd SEA Games


Women's Final: Vietnam: 2.........Myanmar: 1

Third - place Playoff: Thailand: 6..........Malaysia: 1

Men's Final: Thailand: 2............Vietnam: 1


Women s Final: Thailand: 3..........Vietnam: 0

1. Thailand and Malaysia played in the Women's Third Place Play-off. The Thai Team won the bronze medal with the score 6-1.

2. Thailand and Vietnam played in the Men's Football Final and the Thai Team won the gold medal. The result was 2-1.

3. Thailand and Vietnam played in the Women's Volleyball Final. The Thai Team won the gold medal with the score 3-0 (three-nil)


Before You Listen

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. ( Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. Look at the picture and say what sport it is. Do you like it? Why/Why not?

2. Can you guess what jobs the players of Vietnam's Women's Football team did after the 22nd SEA Games?


1. It's pole vaulting. I don't like it because it's hard to practise and I, myself, is not strong enough for this sport.

2. As I know, most of the players of Vietnamese Women's Football team, after the SEA Games, have to look for a job to make ends meet, because they will become jobless.

While You Listen

Task 1: Listen to the first newspaper article about Amnat, the winner in the 22nd Southeast Asian Games Pole Vaulting competition, and answer the questions. (Nghe bài báo thứ nhất về Anmat, người đoạt giải nhảy sào Đông Nam Á Vận Hội lần 22, và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. How many gold medals did Aranat win in the Pole Vaulting competition?

2. Where does he come from?

3. How many metres did he clear?

4. Did he break the SEA Games record?

Answer :

1. He won one. 2. He came from Thailand.

3. He cleared 4.8 metres. 4. No, he didn't.


Only Amnat won a gold in the Southeast Asian Games Pole Vaulting yesterday. Nobody else could clear the bar. While he was the only one who stood alone on the podium. Amnat was among the Thai athletes who won 10 sold medals in early events yesterday. He won the gold in the Pole Vaulting Final after clearing 4,80m. Meanwhile four other pole-vaulters missed their tries at the heights ranging from4,44 m to 4,80m. Arrmat has proved a lonely winner in this event, but his points were Still .below the SEA Games record of 5,05 m.

Task 2: Listen to the second newspaper article about the players of Vietnam's Women's Football team and decide whether the statements are true (T) ot false (F). (Nghe bài báo thứ hai về các cầu thủ của đội bóng đá nữ Việt Nam và quyết định những câu nói đúng (T) hay sai (F).)

1.Vinamilk has offered jobs to 27 members of Vietnam's Women's Football team.

2. The players will certainly work as milkmaids when they stop playing football.

3. Most of them will be jobless when the Games are over.

4. The new employees will be trained right after the deal is signed.

5. The team's goalkeeper hopes to open a restaurant.

1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6. F


The Vietnamese Milk Company (Vinamilk) has offered jobs to the 27 members of Vietnamese Women's Football Team after they won the the Games' record title .Perhaps they are going to be milkmaids when they retire. It is not an odd proposal because the majority of the footballers will become unemployed when the Games are over. And they now have to struggle to make ends meet. Vinamilk has promised to train their new employees as soon as the deal is signed. The goalkeeper of Vietnamese Women's Football Team is dreaming to run a café after doctors have said her injuries would stop her from playing ever again. At the moment, she is short of money, so the Vinamilk offer looks tempting to her.

After You Listen

Work in groups. Discuss the following question: "Which Vietnamese foolballer(s) do you like best? Why? (Làm việc từng nhóm. Thảo luận câu hỏi sau; "Em thích (những) cầu thủ bóng đá Việt Nam nào nhất? Tại sao?)

A : Do you like football?

B : Yes. It's my favourite sport.

A : I see. Which Vietnamese footballer do you like best?

B : Former or current footballer?

A : Either of them. ,

B : Well. I like Le Huynh Duc most. I think you also like him.

A : Why do you like him?

B : OK. In my opinion, he was a aoodfoolballer. He played not only very skilfully but also fairly. In a game, he played in tile team-spirit. Rarely did he show his individual fame or victory. Due to his character, he has won every football enthusiats' heart.


Task 1: You are going to write a description of a football mach between your school's team and one of your neighbouring schools' teams. The following are the questions you have to answer when describing the match but they are jumbled. Work with a partner and put the questions in the suitable sections. (Em sẽ viết một bài mô tả trận bóng đá giữa đội của trường em với một trong những đội của các trường xung quanh. Sau đây là những câu hỏi em phải trả lời khi mô tả trận đấu nhưng chúng lộn xộn. Làm việc với một bạn cùng học và xếp những câu hỏi theo phần thích hợp.)

1. How did each team play in the first half?/ second half?

2. What was the result? 

3. When and where did the match take place?

4. Why was the football match held?

5. What did you think about the game?

6. What was the weather like on that day?

7. What teams took part in the match?

8. What was the spectators' attitude?

9. Which team played better?

10. Who scored a goal?

SECTIONS: Introduction: ...................

Details of the match:...........................


Introduction:4. Why was the football match held?

7. What team took part in the match?

3. When and where did the match take place?

Details of the match: 6. What was the weather like on that day?

1. How did each team play in the first half? second half?

8.What was the spectators' attitude?

9. Which team played better?

10. Who scored a goal?

Conclusion: 2. What was the result?

5. What did you think about the game?

Task 2: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the above questions about a football match you have watched recently. (Làm việc từng đôi. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi trên về trận bóng đá em vừa xem.)

A. I heard you just watched the final women's football match. Right?

B. Yes. It was a match in the 2008 AFC Women's Asian Cup Football finals.

A. What teams took part in it?

B. The China Team played the Vietnam Team.

A. When and where did the match take place?

B. At the Thong Nhat Stadium in HoChiMinh City on May 28.

A. What was the weather like on that day?

B. Fine. Great for the match.

A. How did each team play?

B. The China team was quite suprior to their Vietnam team in strength and skill. So in the whole match, the China team appeared to he the master of the game Despite the.disadvantage, the Vietnam played fairly spectacularly.

A. What was the speclators'attitude?

B. They cheered and encouraged both teams.

A. Which team played better?

B. Certainly the China team, and I think you can guess which team scored the goal.

A. OK. What was the result?

B. The China won the game with the result 1-0 (one -nil).

A. What did you think about the game?

B. It was really a good match. The Vietnam, in spite of losing the game was thought to play beautifully. They played with confidence, enthusiasm and determination.

Task 3: Write a description of the football match mentioned above, based on the results of Tasks 1 and 2. The Useful Language may help you. (Viết bài mô tả trận bóng đá được nói ở trên, dựa vào những kết quả ở Tasks 1và 2. Phần Ngôn ngữ hữu ích có thể giúp em.)

Useful Language

- in the first half,/second half,

- keep the ball away from the goal

- by a combination of passing and dribbling..

- give a kick (shot) straight into the goal

- save a shot struck at close ranae

- score a goal/make a goal against...

- jump up and cheer

- players captain/defender/striker/goalkeeper.

- spectators/opponents/

To celehrate the HCM Communist Youth Union's Foundation Day, our school Sports Club recently played a friendly match with Nguyen Khuyen School's Football Team. The match was held on March 24th at 3:00 pm on the Hoa Lu stadium.

It was a nice day. In the first half, our tearn played pretty well. They tried to keep the ball away from the goal and as near to our rival's as possible. By a combination of passing and dribbling, the oppcnenis gave a shot into our goal. Fortunately, our goalie could catch the ball. All the stands seemed to be exploded with merry and exciting shouts. And all the schoolboys and girls jumped up and down cheering. In the second half, both teams played beautifully and skilfully and tried to score the goal, but no-one succeeded. Finally it was a draw.

When the game was over, all of us were happy to have a fair game. I think all the schools in the area should hold such a friendly game to tie up and promote the friendship and solidarity together.


- Pronunciation : Linking

- Grammar: Double comparison.

- Comparative + and + comparative.

- The+ comparative, the comparative


Exercise 1: Match a half-sentenec from box A with a suitable half-sentence from box B. (Ghép nửa câu ở khung A nửa câu thích hợp ở khung B.)



1. Finding a job is becoming.

2. Travelling is becoming

3. As I waited for my interview, I became

4. That hole in your pullover is getting

5. As the conversation went on he became

6. The suitcase seemed to get

7. Her English is improving; it's setting

a. more and more nervous

b. bigger and bigger

c. more and more difficult

d. more and more talkative

e. more and more expensive

f. better and better

g. heavier and heavier as I carried it upstairs

1 – C 2 - C 3 - a 4 - b 5 - d 6 - g 7 - f

Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences, using the structure comparative + and + cotnparative with the words in brackets (Hoàn chỉnh những câu sau. dùng cấu trúc "comparative. + and + comparative" với từ trong ngoặc.)

1. His visit to New York seemed to get.........because he was very busy at work, (short)

2. Eating and travelling in this city is setting................ (expensive)

3. As the day went on, the weather got..................... (bad)

4. We had to stop the discussion because the question was becoming .........(complicated)

5. Your English is OK now. your pronunciation has got......................(good)

6. Little John is becoming......................(active)

7. As it was setting dark, it was becoming...............to see everything in the house without electricity, (difficult)

8. I feel happy as my birthday is coming................ (close)

1. shorter and shorter 2. more and more expensive

3. worse and worse 4. more and more complicated

5. belter and better 6. more and more active

7. more and more difficult 8. closer and closer

Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences, using the structure: "tile + comparative, the comparative . Choose a suitable half-senlcnce from the box. (Hoàn chỉnh mỗi câu sau, dùng cấu trúc: "the + compararive, the + comparative Chọn nửa câu thích hợp trong khung.

the faster you will learn the more I liked him

the more impatient he became the better I feel

the sooner we will arrive the more you want

the higher your bill will be the better the service

Example: The earlier we leave ............................

The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.

1. The warmer the weather.................................

2. The more you practise your English......................

3. The longer he waited..............................

4. The more electricity you use .............................

5. The more expensive the hotel...........................

6. The more I got to know him .................................

7. The more you have ...................................

1. .......the better I feel. 2. ........the raster you will learn

3...... the more impatient he became 4..... the higher your bill will he.

5..... the better the service. 6...... the more I liked him.

7 ..........the more you want.



Listen to the text and write down the missing word or number. The first one has been done as an example. (Nghe đoạn văn và ghi lại từ hoặc số thiếu. Từ đầu tiên đã được làm như phần mẫu.)

Today we think of a book as a volume of many (0) sheets of paper containing text, (1)................, photographs, etc. Because of their durability and portability, the main uses of books are to (2)..........and distribute information. In ancient times, people wrote on clay tablets, wood or (3)............tablets tied with cord, or book rolls to store information. Later, with the invention of paper, the Chinese had the first book called Jingangjing (the Diamond Sutra) printed in AD (4) .................In the 20th century, despite the challenge from other media such as radio or television and computer, books continued to be a primary means for dissemination of (5)............ for instruction and pleasure in skills and arts, and for the storage of human's experience.

1. illustrations 2. preserve 3. bamboo

4. 868 5. knowledge


Today we think of a book as a volume of many sheets of paper containing text, illustrations, photograths, etc,... Because of their durability and portability, the main uses of books are to preserve and distribute information. In ancient times, people wrote on clay tables, wood or bamboo tables tied with cord, or book rolls to store information. Later, with the invention of paper, the Chinese had the first book called Jingangjing (the Diamond Sutra) printed in AD 868. In the 20th century, despite the challenge from other media such as radio or television and computer, books continue to be a primary means for dissemination of knowledge, for instruction and pleasure in skills and arts, and for the storage of humans' experience.


Read the text and decide which type of sporl (A-E) corresponds with each description. You may use any match more than once. (Đọc đoạn văn và quvết định loại hình thể thao nào (A -E) từng ứng với từng bài mô tả. Em có thể dùng bất kì phần ghép nào hơn một lần.)

Thể Thao Dưới Nước

Thể thao dưới nước - những môn thể thao chơi trong hoặc trên nước - có nhiều dạng khác nhau. Những hoạt động chính trên mặt nước bao gồm : bơi lội, bơi nghệ thuật, lặn và bóng đá nước. Bằng cách bơi. chúng ta muốn nói đến môn thể thao trong đó người chơi / cầu thủ thể hiện hoạt động di chuyển trong nước bằng cách dùng cách tay, chân, và thân di chuyển. Bơi là một phần toàn bộ cùa hầu hết tất cả sinh hoạt trong nước.

Liên hệ mật thiết với bơi là bởi nghệ thuật trong đó các người chơi thể hiện những thao tác đẹp theo nhạc là lặn. Bóng đá nước, trái lại, là cuộc thi đấu trong đó hai đội đấu với nhau, cố gắng ghi điểm bằng cách ném quả bóng nổi vào khung thành của đối phương.

Các hoạt động dưới nước ít đa dạng hơn, hoạt động phổ biến nhất trong số đó là môn lặn có ống thông hơi và lặn với bình dưỡng khí. Môn lặn có ống thông hơi gồm việc bơi với mặt úp dưới mặt nước trong khi đó thở qua một ống nhựa dẻo gọi là ống thông hơi. Người lặn với bình dưỡng khí, trái lại, mang một bình không khí lớn nó cho phép họ thở trong khi lặn sâu dưới nước.

Thể thao dưới nước đã từ lâu dược công nhận như những phương cách tuyệt vời để luyện tập thân thể. Hơn nữa, luyện tập chúng được xem mang lại nhiều lợi ích cả vê tâm lí lẫn thể chất giúp cải thiện trạng thái tâm lí và giảm nguy cơ của nhiều bệnh nghiêm trọng

A. bơi lội

B. bơi nghệ thuật

Hình thái thể thao C. bóng đá nước

D lặn với ống thông hơi

E. Lặn vớ i bình dưỡng khí


Type of sport


This team sport was developed from water ballet.


The activity is also called skin diving because so little equipment is used in this activity.


Considered one of the most complete forms of exercise, this activity is the basic part of many other aquatic sports.


This is a team sport and is played with a ball.


This activity is usually earned out in the ocean where people want to explore the underwater world.

1. B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.E


In each pair of sentences below one sentence has a transitive verb and the other an intransitive verb. Mark the sentences T (transitive) or I (intransitive). The first one has been done as an example. (Ớ mỗi cặp câu dưới đây một câu có ngoại động từ và câu kia có nội động từ. Ghi những T hoặc I. Câu thứ nhất đã được làm như câu mẫu.)

1. The postman calls at about 7 am everv morning. (I)

They are going to call the new town Skelmerdale. (T)

2. You are not allowed to drive a car until you are 17.

She learned to drive when she was 18.

3. I've never deliberately hurt anyone.

My leg was beginning to hurt quite a lot.

4. You look just the same. You haven't changed a bit.

You can't change human nature.

5. We are running a course for English teachers.

I can't run as fast as I used to.

6. She is studying for a law degree.

He had studied chemistry at university.

7. He turned to Joan and began to explain.

He turned the handle and pushed the door open.

8. I don't think we've met before, have we?

Dan came to the airport to meet me.

9. He's only young, but he's leamina fast.

What did you learn at school today?

10. Could you stop the bus, please? I want to get off.

Do you think you could stop in front of the post office?

2. T-I 3.T-I 4.I-T 5.T-I 6.I -T

7.I-T 8.I-T 9.I- T 10.T-I


In about 120 words, write about a book you have read recendy. The report should have the following information. (Với 120 từ, viết về cuốn sách em mới đọc gần đây, tường thuật nên có những thông tin sau.)

• Name(s) of the author(s)

• Year of publication

• The title of the book

• The length of the book

• The main theme of the story

• The setting of the story

A few weeks ago, I read the novel "The Old Man and The Sea", by Emest Hemingway published in 1946.

The whole book ties together a story about an old fisherman trying to catch a fish and a deeper story about a man templing to prove to society that he is not useless. This novel is an example of Man's struggle to maintain dignity on face of adversity - difficulties and risks - the image of an old fisherman, Santiago, in the immense sea.

Throughout the story, Santiago, the main character, strusạled persistently and unyieldingly in the facc of various risks. Santiago could not give up his struggle to maintain his "man" - when sharks attacked and tore his fish bit by bit, which he got after restless days and nights in ihe open sea - it is as if they were tearing apart his dignity bit by bit.

To Hemingway the human dignity should be so important that he is willing to die for it. If a man will not risk his life for his dignity, then what is in this life to live for? Hemingway's book deciphers man's constant battle with maintaining the right to keep his head uphigh.

In conclusion, this book is worth reading and it offers us a precious lesson in life: always maintain one's dignity.

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