Unit 15

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Before You Read

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions that follow. (Làm việc từng đôi. Nlùn các hình và trả lời câu hỏi kèm theo.)

1. How many roles does this woman have?

2. Is her life typical of a Vietnamese woman's life? Why/Why not?


1. This woman has two roles: a wife's role and a mother's role.

2. Yes, it is, because it's the Vietnamese traditional lifestyle and culture.

While You Read

Read the text and do the tasks that follow. (Đọc đoạn văn và làm bài tập kèm theo.)

Trải qua nhiêu lịch sử của nền văn minh nhân loại, những niềm tin văn hóa lâu đời cho phép phụ nữ chỉ bị hạn chế những vai trò trong xã hội. Nhiều người tin rằng vai trò tự nhiên của phụ nữ là mẹ và vợ. Những người này xem phụ nữ phù hợp cho việc sinh con và việc chăm sóc gia đình hơn là dấn thân vào đời sống công cộng của việc kinh doanh hay chính trị. Sự nghi ngờ phổ biến về khả năng trí thức của phụ nữ đã đưa nhiều xã hội từ chối việc giáo dục, việc làm và nhiều quyền pháp lí và chính trị đối với phụ nữ. Chính phụ nữ là người kiểm soát phần lớn việc làm và quyền lực trong xã hội.

Cuộc tranh đấu cho quyền của phụ nữ- những quyền thiết lập cùng một địa vị xã hội. văn hóa và chính trị cho phụ nữ cũng như đàn ông - bắt đầu vào thế kỉ 18, trong suốt thời kì được biết như là Thời đại Ánh Sáng. Trong suối thời kì này, các nhà triết học chính trị ở Âu châu bắt đầu lí giải rằng tất cả cá nhân, nam hay nữ, được sinh ra với quyền tự nhiên làm cho họ tự do và bình đẳng. Những nhà tư tưởng tiên phong này biện hộ rằng phụ nữ không nên bị phân biệt đối xử vì căn cứ vào nền tảng phái tính của họ.

Ngày nay, dù địa vị của họ thay đổi ở nhiều quốc gia khác nhau, phụ nữ phần lớn trên thế giới đã đạt nhiều quyền pháp lí quan trọng. Quyền quan trọng nhất trong những quyển này là : quyền có việc làm và trả lương như đàn ông, quyền bầu cử và quyền có nền giáo dục chính qui.

Task 1: Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the following Words and phrases. (Cho từ tiếng Việt tương đương với những từ và cụm từ sau.)

1. human civilization; nền văn minh nhân loại

2. childbearing : việc sinh con

3. involvement: sự dấn thân, tham gia

4. Age of Enlightenment: Thời đại ánh sáng

5. deep-seated cultural beliefs : những niềm tin văn hóa lâu đời

6. homemaking : việc chăm sóc gia đình

7. intelleclual ability : khả năng trí thức/hiểu biết

8. equal work opportunity : cơ hội nghề nghiệp/ việc làm bình đẳng

Task 2: Choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer the following questions. (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất A, B,C hay D đề trả lời những câu hỏi sau)

1. According to the text, what was the main role traditionally accorded to women?

A. working in education

B. building houses

C. taking care of the house and family

D. working in factories

2. Before the 18th century, what was the attitude of societies towards women's intellectual ability?

A. respectful

B. supportive

C. resentful

D. disbelieving

3. According to the text, what is the purpose of the struggle for women's rights?

A. to free women from housework

B. to establish a friendly relationship between men and women

C. to bring equality between men and women

D. to argue that women have better intellectual ability

4. What do "these pioneer thinkers'" at the end of paragraph 2 refer to?

A. 18th century European people

B. 18th century European political philosophers

C. 18th century European women

D. 18th century European politicians

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as one of women's legal rights today?

A. the right to hold property

B. the right to equal pay

C. equal employment opportunity rights

D. the right to vote

1.C 2. D 3.C 4. B 5. A

Task 3: Choose the best title for the passage. (Chọn tựa đúng nhất cho đoạn văn)

A. Intellectual Ability

B. The Ase of Enlightenment

C. Women's Rights

D. Women's Role in Education

Answer : C : Women's Rights

After You Read

Work in pairs. Summarize the reading passage by writing ONE, sentence for each paragraph. ( Làm việc từng đôi. Tóm tắt đoạn văn đọc bằn cahs viết một câu cho mối đoạn văn)

- Paragraph ONE : In the past, women were limited to the natural roles: mother's and wife's because of widespread doubt about their intellectual ability.

- Paragraph TWO : The struggle for women's rights began in the 18lh century with European philosophers' thoughts that women should not be discriminated on the basis of sex.

- Paragraph THREE: Women now enjoy significant legal rights such as equal work and pay rights, the right to vote and to get formal education.


Task 1: Study the expressions and practise sav ing them aloud. (Học nhứng cụm từ và thực hành nói to chúng)

Giving your opinion

I think .../1 believe .../ In my opinion, point of view, .../As I see it,...



I quite agree./ I agree with you completely./ Absolutely!/ That's right!



Well, I see your point but .ẽề/ I don't quite agree/ To a certain extent, yes, but..


I don't agree./ I'm afraid, I disagree./That's wrone./ That's not true.



What nonsense!, What rubbish!/ I completely disagree.

- Cho ý kiến : Tôi nghĩ /Tôi tin/Theo ý tôi. Theo quan điểm của tôi..., Như tôi thấy

- Hoàn toàn đồng ý : Tôi hoàn loàn đồng ý.../Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn.../ Tuyệt đối đồng ý / Đúng vậy.

- Đồng ý một phần : À, tôi hiểu ý bạn, nhưng.../ Tôi không hoàn toàn đồng ý / ở mức độ nào đó, đúng, nhưng...

- Không đồng ý : Tôi không đồng ý.../ E rằng tôi không đồng ý.../ Điều đó sai.../ Điều đó không đúng.

- Hoàn toàn không đồng ý : Vô lí làm sao! Phi lí sao ấy! Tôi hoàn toàn không đồng ý.

Task 2: Work in groups. Read and respond to these statements. Begin your responses with one of the expressions in Task 1 (Làm việc từng nhóm. Đọc và trả lời những câu nói này. Bắt đầu câu trả lời của em với một trong những cụm từ ở Task 1.)

A. Men are usually stronger than women.

B. Women are usually more sympathetic than men.

C. Women are usually better with children than men.

D. Women are usually more careful than men.

E. Men are better at making decisions than women.

F. Women are better at running a home than men.

G. Men lose their temper more easily than women.

H. Women waste more time than men.

I. Women work harder than men.

1. A : Men are usually stronger than women.

B : That's right.

C : It's my opinion, too

2. A : Women are usually more sympathetic than men. I think.

B : I quite agree with you.

C : Absolutely, because women are more sensitive than men.

3. A : Women arc belter at running a home than men

B : Well, I see your point, but I think men can run a home better loo.

C: I think so. Too.

4. A : Women work harder than men.

B : I'm afraid 1 disagree with you, because men are stronger than women in both physical and mental aspects.

C : Thai's right.

Task 3: Work ill groups. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statements and give explanations, married women should not go to work. (Làm việc từng nhóm. Thảo luận xem em đồng ý hay không đồng ý vài những câu nói sau. và cho lời giải thích phụ nữ ? có gia đình không nên đi làm.)



stay at home, looking after their children and husbandsbetter at looking after children, doins houseworktraditional role of housewivesneglect family responsibilities if spending too much time at workcannot do two jobs well at the same time: rearine; children and working at officesprevent husbands from developing their full potential at work too boring to be housewives all their livesfinancially dependent and have no decisions or powerbe slaves at homelose contact with friendslose touch with social activitieshousework can be tiring, stressful and boringbe looked down upon bv menwaste education and knowledge gained before marriage

A : From my poinl of view, married women should not go to work.

B : I completely disagree. I think if they stay at home, they gradually lose touch with social life.

C : And they are likely to waste, at some extent, education and knowledge they gained before marriage.

D : But doing the traditional role of housewives is their divine duties.

A : Moreover, one cannot do two jobs well at the same time : rearing children, doing household choires and working at the office.

B : That's not true. At present, with labour-saving devices, women can perform their housework rapidly and well.

D : However, this can make women financially dependent and have no decisions or power.

C : As I see, in this present economic and political situation, the marriage life requires the contribution of both husband and wife, especially in the financial aspect. In other words, husband and wife should share together the family work or responsibility.


Before You Listen

Work in pairs. Answer the following question. (Làm việc từng đôi. Trả lời câu hỏi sau.)

Is the life of a city woman easier than that of a village woman nowadays? What is your point of view ? Why? (Phải cuộc sốn của phụ nữ thành phố thoải mái hơn cuộc sống của phụ nữ ở làng quê? Quan điểm của em là gì? Tại sao?)

A. Do you think the life of a city woman is easier than that of a village, woman?

A. Well, I see your point. To some extern, for example, a city woman's doing housework is much easier thanks to modem labour -saving devices. Or finding a job in a city is much easier too, because there is much work.

A. But in some other ways, the life of a city woman is more difficult and busier. I think... It is because of the high standard of living that a city woman has to work much harder to make ends meet. Meanwhie the village life is much simpler and not hasty. Most village women are content with their lot.

While You Listen

Task 1: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer A, B or C to complete each sentence. (Nghe đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất A, B hay C để hoàn chỉnh mỗi câu.)

1 ..............of all working hours, the work is done by women.

A. Nearly 50 percent

B. Nearly two-thirds

C. Nearly three-fourths

2.The average woman earns................the average man.

A. more than B. the same as C. less than

3. In Africa,....................of the farm work is done by men.

A. 80 percent B. 50 percent c. 20 percent

4. A typical woman in a developing country spends............collecting firewood daily.

A. 1 hour B. 2 hours c. 3 hours

5...................is the amount of time a typical African woman spends on cooking every day.

A. 1 hour B. 2 hours c. 3 hours

1. B 2.G 3.C 4. A 5. B


Women hold up half the sky. This is an old Chinese saying. However, research shows that perhaps women do more than the share of "holding up the sky."

Fifty percent of the world's population are women, but in nearly two-thirds of all working hours, the work is done by women. They do most of the domestic work, for example, cooking and washing clothes. Millions also work outside the home. Women hold forty percent of the world's jobs. For this work, they earn only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and of course they earn nothing for their domestic work.

In developing countries, where three-fourths of the world's population lives, women produce more than half of the food. In Africa, 80 percent of all agricultural work is done by Women.

In parts of Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman. At 4.45 am. she gets up, washes, and eats. It lakes her half an hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3.00 pm. She collects firewood until 4.00 pm then comes hack home. She spends the next hour and a half preparing food to cook. Then she collects water for another hour. From 6.30 to 8.30 she cooks. Alter dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes. She goes to bed at 9.30 pm.

Task 2: Listen again then answer the following questions. (Nghe lại sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. According to the passage, what percentage of all the world's jobs do women hold?

2. What do they earn for doing their domestic work?

3. How much food do women in developing countries produce?

4. How much farmwork do African women do?

5. What time does a typical day for an African village woman begin?

6. What time does it finish?

Answer :

1. It's 40 percent.

2. They earn nothing for their domestic work.

3. They produce more than half of the rood.

4. They do 80 percent of farm work.

5. She begins her day at 4.45 am.

6. It finishes at 9.30pm.

After You Listen

Work in pairs. Compare a typical day of an African village woman in the listening passage with that of a woman in your family (for example, your sister or mother), (Làm việc từng đôi. So sánh một ngày tiêu biểu của một phụ nữ nông thôn Phi châu ở bài nghe với một ngày của một phụ nữ trong gia đình em chẳng hạn chị em hay mẹ em).

A : Let's compare a typical day of an African village woman with that of a woman in your family.

B : Well, first I see the African village woman works more hours than my mother: nearly 17 hours.

A : What about the nature of work?

B : You mean hard work or light work?

A: That's it.

B : OK. Both hard and more. From the passage, I see an African village woman does nearly all domestic work. My mother only does the cooking and the washing - up. All other housework has been done by machine. She doesn't have to find firewood and water. My mother's work day is much easier.

A : So I he life of African village women is really difficult.

B : Hut It's undoubted that with development program of the UN, African village women's life will get much improved.

A : I hope so, too.


Describing a chart (Mô tả đồ thị)

Task 1: Work ill pairs. The chart below shows the average hours of housework per week by people of difficult sexes and with different marital status in Fantasia. Look at the chart then answer the questions that follow. (Làm việc từng đôi. Nhìn biểu đồ dưới đây cho biết những giờ việc nhà trung bình hàng tuần bởi nhiều người khác phái và với tình trạng hôn nhân khac nhau ở Fantasia. Nhìn biu đồ và tr li câu hi kèm theo)

1. Who, in general, does more housework?

2. Do married women have to do more or less housework when they have more children?

3. Do married men have to do more or less housework when they have more children?

4. How many hours do married men and women without children spend on their housework per week?

5. How much time does it take men and women with one or two children to do their housework every week?

6. What are the numbers of weekly housework hours that men and women with three or more children do respectively?

7. What do you think should be done to reduce the unequal distribution of housework hours per week between married men and women?


1. In general, married women do more housework than men.

2. They have to do more housework when they have more children.

3. Married men have to do less housework when they have more children.

4. Married men and women without children spend 20 and 30 hours on their housework per week respectively.

5. It takes men and women with one or two children 15 and 50 hours respectively to do their housework every week.

6. They are 10 and 55 .

7. Married men should spend more time sharing the housework with their wives.

Task 2: Write a report describing the information shown in the column chart in Task 1. Begin your report with. (Viết bài tường thuật mô tả thông, tin được cho ở biểu đồ cột à Task 1. Bắt đầu bài tường thuật của em với)

The column chart illustrates the average housework hours per week by married women in comparison with married men.

As seen in the chart, there is the distinctive difference in the average hours of housework in households. In childless families, the gap of housework hours per week between men and women is not largely. Women do some 30 hours per week, meanwhile men's contribution in housework is about 20 hours.

In families of one or two children, however, the number of men's housework hours decreases to 15 hours, but women's number of housework rises even to 50. Undoubtedly the cause of this rise is due to childcare.

And amazingly in households with three or more children, the inequality becomes more distinct. Men work fewer hours than about 10 hours, but women's housework hours rise to 55 per week.

The chart shows that the inequality in housework between husband and wife should be resolved. It is important that women should be liberated from the unreasonable burden of familial responsibilities. And to get the target, men should do their share of housemaking.


- Intonation : The rising tune.

- Grammar: Phrasal verbs (continued)


Exercise 1: Choose one of the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition to complete the sentences. (Chọn một trong những động từ sau (ở dạng đúng) + giới từ đúng để hoàn chỉnh các câu.)

Explain invite laugh listen point

Glance speak throw stare write

1. I..............my watch to see what the time was.

2. We've been...........the party but unfortunately we can't go.

3. Please.........me! I've got something important to tell you.

4. Don't.........stones..............the birds. That's prohibited.

5. The woman sitting opposite me on the train kept...........me.

6. Sally and Kevin had an argument and now they're not...........one another.

7. I..........Joanna last week but she hasn't replied to my letter yet.

8. Be careful with those scissors! Don't ..........them............me!

1. glance at 2. invited to 3. listen to 4. throw at

5. starting at 6. speaking to 7. wrote to 8. point at

Exercise 2: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition if necessary (Điền mỗi chỗ trống với giới từ thích hợp nếu cần thiết.)

1. You're always asking me............money. Ask somebody else for a change.

2. I've applied .................a job at the factory. I don't know if i'll get it.

3. If I want a job at the factory, who do I apply...................?

4. I've searched everywhere............John but I haven't been able to find him.

5. I don't want to talk ...............what happened last night. Let's forget it.

6. I don't want to discuss ................what happened last night. Let's forget it.

7. We had an interesting discussion...........the problem but we didn't reach a decision.

8. Keith and Sonia are touring Europe. They're in Rome at the moment, but tomorrow they leave ............. Venice

9. The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something.........it.

10. We waited I........... Jim for half an hour but he never came.

1. for 2. For 3. To 4. For 5. About 6. No

7. about 8. No 9. For 10. For 11. About 12. For 13. for

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