•6• Scarred Past

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"Today's deal went quite well. I was waiting for some bloodshed but nothing happened to be particular." Taehyung said waving his hands in dramatic gestures.

"Really! this kid. I have told you right. We never kill for fun but only when things go downhill.", Jin's voice interrupted him.

"Ughh!! Stop all of this. Everything went well. That's the thing that matters.", Jungkook said in a frustrated voice.

"What happened to him hyung?",Hoseok whispered to Suga.
Suga just shrugged himself not knowing the fact behind Jungkook's anxiety.

"I think it's about Y/n.", Taehyung said to Hoseok in a low tone.

"Oh!Is that so!",Hoseok also whispered.

"Guys, what's with all this whispering?", Jimin said feeling confused as he just came out from his room.
"Actually....",Taehyung started to say something but got interrupted by a loud sound.

The front door bursted open with Dave and Alex hurriedly making their way towards Jungkook.

"Boss!", Alex and Dave shouted in unison.
"What is it? Tell me!" ,Jungkook also half-shouted in worry.

"Boss, actually Miss Y/n got in some trouble today but we barged in at the right time and safely rescued her to her house.", Dave quickly explained.

"What! Is she alright right? And after which gang was she today?", Jungkook felt himself losing his temper at the thought of her all alone at her home.

"Night Howlers.", they both said feeling his eyes boring holes in their bodies.

"What the fuck!", Jungkook's eyes widened at the name of that gang which was well known to all for its ugly work.

"And you fucking left her alone at her house in such a situation.", Jungkook growled losing his cool.

"But boss , we told her strictly to stay inside.", Alex stuttered out gathering some courage.

Jungkook just glared at them for a second and started putting his guns back, one at his thigh band and one at the back of his waist.

"Jungkook, are you now going to her place?", Jimin said getting annoyed.

"Yes, I am.", Jungkook simply replied.

"Bro ,are you serious? She will be safe. I mean what can happen to her. We should rest for some time. We have just returned from the mission.", Jimin again said.

"I don't have time for this Jimin. You guys just go and take rest. I am not asking anyone of you to accompany me.", Jungkook said in a low tone.

Tears of fear and anxiety kept on welling up in her eyes. She kept on saying the same thing again and again

"It's gonna be alright.

It's gonna be alright,Y/n.

Nothing bad would happen."

Her phone ringed for the fourth time and she finally turned her attention to the phone's screen and found that there were 4 missed calls of 'Boss'.

"Shit! How can I forget that? I had to give those photos to him tonight only. And now, it is even more important as those culprits should be punished. No girl deserves to be treated like that.", she murmured to herself with more tears blurring her vision as she remembered her past.


"Yes sir, she would not be able to do anything as we had just made her drink that. And you would be able to enjoy more today.", the man said with a sick grin as he explained how he added drugs pills in the juice of that poor girl.

A man dressed in a high-end suit listened intently to his words a smirk plastered on his face.

He moved ahead and entered her room. The suit looked neatly ironed with no folds or wrinkles.

His fingers lingered on his coat button which he swiftly opened removing the coat from his body.

She caught the sight of his actions with her half-closed eyes but she gulped in fear and remained glued to her spot.

Her innocent brain still prayed for everything of this to be a nightmare as she kept her eyes tightly shut.

The next moment she found the blanket on the floor which was till now covering her body. She shivered in fear as a frightened whimper left her mouth.

"Oh! You didn't take that drug I see.", he said with a sick grin coming towards her.

"But you know what...", he said as his one hand loosened the tie on his neck and with the other he carresed her shoulder.

"I like to have you when you are resisting and crying."

As those words escaped his mouth, tears pricked her eyes and she shifted her body away from him.

At that instant , he pushed her on the bed hovering over her body like a beast. A laugh erupted from his mouth as she tried to push him away with her tiny hands.

Her actions only fueled his lust as he started unbuttoning the shirt she was wearing.

She hit his chest with her tiny hands but it had no effect on that giant monster.

She kept on screaming as he harshly removed the shirt from her body. She felt disgusted by his touch as he rubbed her shoulders.

"Aww, don't cry like this angel.", he whispered in her ear before licking her neck.

Lust engulfed his mind as he sucked on her skin before biting it hard.

He grunted and moaned as he forcefully took her hand in his and kept it on his growing bulge.

She cried in disgust and tried to force her hand away but that only made him angry.

His hand forced her soft hand down inside his boxers making his skin get rubbed by her soft hands as he bit his lips in pleasure.

"You're doing so good princess.", he moaned while she cried in disgust at the forced action.

As pleasure overtook him, his grip on her hand loosened and her hand retreated back but was covered with sticky fluid. His eyes darkened as he saw that.

"Now it's my turn.", he said in a dark voice.

As he said that, his hand started pulling down the white skirt she was wearing.

Her legs thrashed in attempt to escape him but all in vain and only whimpers and cries escaped her mouth. He removed her skirt harshly almost tearing it.

His hand went down roughly touching her inner thighs. His body rubbed against hers as another moan escaped his mouth.

She kept on screaming for help but no one came to save her. It's not like no one was present there but the money this man offered had shut their eyes and made them deaf to any of her cries and wailings.

He slipped his hand inside her underwear and his fingers started assault on her delicate flesh.

She croaked out a painful sob when he shoved his two fingers inside her.

His face twisted in pleasure as he added two more fingers increasing the torture.

Her throat felt sore from the cries and her eyes begin to close when a harsh slap opened her eyes.

"No no angel, you have to feel me inside you. You can't sleep so quickly.", his sickly sweet voice greeted her which he said with heavy breaths as his fingers in her never slowed down.

Her body shook in weird pleasure and pain as she again tried to close her legs. It only resulted in a harsh smack on her thigh.

His entire body was drowned in lust as he hastily stripped himself off the clothes.

His actions quickened as he harshly removed the clothes from her body leaving her completely naked.

She tried to move back painfully but his hand grabbed her by her ankle pulling her under him again.

His hands gripped her thighs pushing them wide open for him. Her body was drained of any energy as her arms fell limp by her sides.

He smiled sickly at the sight of her broken form under him. He was the alpha here and it gave him immense pleasure.

He positioned himself at her entrance and grunted in pleasure as he rammed inside her.

Her lower region felt like ripping apart as the pain felt unbearable. She cried in pain as he continued to thrust inside her.

He continuously rammed inside her with full force and till now she had lost all her strength to even hold on to the bedsheets which she was holding tightly all this time to bear the pain.

He kept on grunting and moaning in her ears as he was taking all the pleasure by assaulting her body and crushing her soul.

As he was about to reach his high, his thrusts became fast and sloppy as he kept on abusing her.

He let out a loud moan as he finally released inside her and his hands left her thighs which were covered with nail marks.

Her body laid dead on the bed as blood trickled down between her thighs.

Her eyes were closed now and it was evident that she was unconscious by now.

Her body turned to the side as he laid himself next to her and his hands cupped her breasts.

His tongue licked and sucked on her soft mounds as she laid oblivous to any of that.

Lust was still visible in his dark eyes as he hovered over her body again just this time with her eyes shut and no cries or screams disturbing him.

He spread her legs slowly and his cock twitched at the bloody view of her delicate spot. His sadist mind enjoyed her bloodied form.

She was brutally broken as he again rammed inside her quickening the pace while pinching her hardened nipples.

Her insides were getting torn apart by his actions but that the least of his bothers in front of his lust.

Flashback ends.

Her body started trembling in fear as painful memories of her past started invading her mind.

"N...no! It's gonna be al...alright! It's gonna be...", her lips quivered as she murmured to herself.

The ringing sound of the phone distracted her as she turned her attention towards her phone.

She answered the call.
"Y...yes boss", she spoke calming herself down.

"Y/n! Just fucking come here right now and give me those pictures. Wait!have you even taken some pictures or you are just simply wasting my time!?", her boss's strong voice invaded her ears.

"No, no...I mean yes. Yes, I have taken pictures and I have them. Please just wait for few minutes , I am coming.", she said as she realised that she had to give those pictures to media in order to save those girls.

"I don't have whole night here to wait for you unless...you have something else as well to offer me.", his stern voice suddenly became husky towards the end of his comment.

"No! I am coming.", she quickly said and disconnected the call feeling disgusted by his words.

"Dog!", she cursed as she wiped the last drop of tears from her cheeks and quickly gathered the photos and her camera and started making her way out of the house towards her office.


Jungkook's POV

"I don't have time for all this. Let me just go alone.", I said feeling uneasy as it had been several minutes since they had said that they would also come with me but they were still not in sight.

"Just coming! ", Hoseok's voice came from inside the room.

"Okay, ready to go.", Jin's voice also came.

And finally everyone came.

I would have just broken their jaws if someone else would have been there at their place but I couldn't just hurt them.

"Okay everyone, let's go." , I announced as we sat down in our respective cars and started making our way towards her apartment.


Let's see what will happen next!
Stay tuned!
Also this is the first time I have written some mature content so I don't know how it was.Please let me know if you liked the chapter in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!

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