•7• Kidnapped

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"I have to be quick.", she murmured under her breath to help herself not lose control on her sanity and anyhow reach her office.

"It'll be alright, Y/n.", her murmurs never quietened as the scenes of her past and screams of those girls kept on colliding with each other in her mind.

Suddenly, she started feeling like as if someone was there keeping an eye on her.

Her pace increased and eventually she started running on that lonely road with no vehicles or living soul in view.

Sweat trickled down her face as her breathing became ragged due to that intense running and fear.

Her mouth gaped for oxygen and her hands clutched tightly on her bag.


A loud sound followed from behind her as a black maserati seemed to coming at full speed but halted just beside her.

She swallowed a large gulp of saliva as its window rolled down to reveal a masked man.

His emotionless eyes felt a bit familiar but in a wicked way only making her take few steps back.

The back door of the car started to open as she realised that there were more men with him in the car.

Her feet backed away further from the car in fear. As the door opened completely, her eyes widened in fear and she moved towards her office which was not very far from where she was.

"Follow her!", a deep voice struck her ears as she realised that she was now being chased.

As her office came in view, she thought that she would be safe now but just then a rough grip on her left arm pulled her back and she was abruptly turned around.

A hard punch made its way on her face making her feel immense pain in her jaw.

She started to see two of everything as her consciousness started to fade away.

She felt herself being lifted up over someone's shoulder but couldn't react anymore than wriggling in his hold.

"No, no, please l...le...leave me.", she managed to say bearing all the pain in her jaw but her words fell on deaf ears.

"Yes , good job!", The same masked man who was seated in the front seat few moments ago ,said to the man carrying Y/n like a rag doll.

"Now stuff her in the backseat and let's get out of here.", again his voice reached Y/n's ears and his words sent chills down her spine.

Thousands of questions crossed her mind but none were answered and she finally gave in to the darkness.

"Where is she!? Huh! Fucking tell me!", Jungkook barked on Alex and Dave while clenching his fists restraining himself from hitting them.

"B...boss, we left her here at her home only. And at that time ,this place was alright.", Dave said while taking a look at the broken chairs and torn covers of the curtains of Y/n's house.

It felt like a tornado had hit the place destroying everything in its way.

"Ughhh!!!", Jungkook shouted in frustration and anger.

"Jungkook! It's alright. We'll find her somehow. Don't be like this."Jimin said in a concerned voice seeing him like that.

"But where? We don't know where she is or who... No!
Night Howlers! No..no.no.no.no!", he repeated in anxiety fucking up with his brain.

"Hey hey, please listen. We'll find her, okay.",Taehyung also tried to soothe him but nothing worked.

"We have checked every corner of the house. She is not here. They probably took her", Jin's voice interrupted everyone.

Jungkook quickly took a glance over the completely destroyed look of her house and started making his way towards his car.

"Where are you going? Hey, stop!", Jimin's voice came from behind him but he didn't stop.

I am not gonna lose you love. I am gonna find you.

Jungkook's thoughts got interrupted as someone shook him holding him by his shouders.

He stopped in his way and turned around only to be engulfed in a hug.

"I can't lose her.", He repeated clutching on his arm.

"You'll not. I promise you.", Jin said in an assuring tone while hugging Jungkook.

"Let's search for her.", Jungkook said after sometime pulling himself together.

"But Jungkook , it's so late right now..."Jimin started.

"Shut up everyone! We are gonna go search for Y/n right now and it's the order of the one incharge here.", Jungkook said in a demanding tone.

"Is it clear?", he growled.
"Yes boss", everyone said including Jimin as well.

"Why are we moving on the route towards her office? Shouldn't we be searching for her somewhere else?", Jimin again said.

"Cause by now I know her that much that she would not be sitting at home when her boss has asked her to give the pictures to him today only.", Jungkook said in a low tone.

Yes, he had kept a track of what she was doing or what was going on in her life since he had seen her and fell for her.

But the most painful part of her life was still hidden from him. He didn't know what she had gone through in her past.

He was unaware of the immense pain she had felt for years, the depression she has gone through, the nightmares which haunt her every night.

And he was also unaware of the storm waiting for both of them.


Here's a sexy gif of Jungkook for you all!!

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