Chapter 1

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"Josh! C'mon!" "I'm coming! Calm down!" Once he caught up to me, I locked our arms. "You just want me to hurry because you like them." "I only think two of them are cute, thank-you-very-much." "Yeah, the two that have girlfriends." He said smirking. "Oh shut up!" We finally made it inside, out of the freezing cold. He guided me to the stairs to go backstage. As we got back there, we were approached by A LOT of people, but I wanted to see the boys. I pulled on Josh's jacket. Luckily he got the hint. "Well, I think I'm going to introduce the boys to their new drummer." We walked off onto the stage where I saw the one and only One Direction. They were just goofing off, but they still looked amazing. "Guys!!" They stopped and looked at Josh. "Yeah?" "Ooh. A guest!!" Liam walked up and shook my hand. "You must be Tori." I nodded. "Yeah. I'll be your drummer for a while since Josh broke his hand." "Oh alright." "Are you any good?" Josh laughed. "Yeah. She's good. She's better than I am." I smiled. "So she's your girlfriend?" Zayn asked curiously. "Oh no. No, no, no! She's my little cousin!" "Ah..." I was almost tackled in a hug by Louis. "Oh, h-hey Louis." I was smiling wider than ever. He laughed and let go of me. Niall and Harry ran up together to hug me. "Hi Niall. Hi Harry." Niall giggled and let go of me. Harry soon followed as Zayn tapped his shoulder. Zayn pulled me into a huge hug. I was smiling ear to ear and there were butterflies in my stomach. "C'mere Tor and I'll show you how to play the songs for tonight." I nodded and followed him over to the drum set. As he was showing me, I felt eyes on me; probaly the boys judging their newest band member. As I finished the track list, they all started clapping. Josh walked over. "You're doing good. You'll do great tonight." I smiled. "Thanks Josh." "When's you next appointment?" He asked, voice low. "Sunday." He nodded and kissed my head. "I love you. I'll see you later." "Alright bye. I love you too." The boys came over as he walked out. "You're really good." "Thanks." I said, smiling shyly. "So, are you going to the next concert?" "Um, when is it?" "Sunday." I sighed. "What time?" "2:30." I nodded. "I'll see...I've got a doctor's appointment." "Oh alright. I hope you can come." "Yeah me too. Don't tell Josh but we like you better." I laughed and got up. I pulled my hat down farther on my head and walked backstage. I looked up to see Perrie walking around. She turned, saw me and ran over with a huge smile. "You must be Tori!" I smiled and nodded. She hugged me tight. "I love your hat!" "Oh thanks...I don't leave home without it." She smiled. "Well, it's cute. I'll see you later oh and I heard you earlier. You're good." "Thanks...Bye." I waved and walked off. I feel bad liking Zayn now...and Louis... I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Harry standing there. "Hey stranger." "Hey to you too." I smiled. "In about 20 minutes, the opening act will come out and you'll play for them and then you'll play for us." "Alright. Thanks." "Oh, I'll take you to Josh's room so you can relax." "Oh alright." He guided me back to his room and opened the door. "Here you go Miss Tori. I shall see you later." "Alright bye. Thanks Harry." He hugged me with a smile and walked off. I sighed and sat in the chair. I pulled my hat off and held it against my chest. I felt my head and started crying silently. Why has this happened? I heard a knock on my door and stood to go open it. I wiped my tears quickly before opening the door. I opened it to see Josh. "Hey what are you doing back?" "I left my jacket...why's your hat off??" "Crap." I slipped it on quickly and sighed. "I forgot I took it off." He walked over and grabbed his jacket. He came over with sad eyes. "I'll see you at the house alright?" I nodded. "Alright bye Jo, love you." "I love you too." He kissed my cheek and walked out. I sighed to myself. It's a good thing that was Josh... I walked out to find the opening act and found them off to the side, talking amongst themselves. I walked over and they all looked up. "Hi, you must be Tori." I nodded. "And you're 5SOS?" They nodded."I'm Luke and this is Ashton, Micheal and Calum." "Oh hey." I said shyly. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Zayn, with Perrie's arms around him. I was about to be sick. I loved both of them, but I wanted to be his... "Good luck! I know you'll be great." "Thanks Zayn." I said, giving a fake smile. "Okay boys! The band needs to go on stage then you 4 will go on!" I ran out on the stage, nobody seeing me yet and got behind the drum set. Let's do this.

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