Chapter 2

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"Josh get up!" "What? It's like 9!" "Yeah. I got my appointment moved so I can make it to the concert. Get up." "Ugh fine." "Thanks. I'll get you some breakfast." "Alright. Thanks." I ran downstairs and fixed him a quick sandwich. I heard the shower turn on upstairs and sat his sandwich on the table. Once I was dressed, I went back downstairs to find Josh munching on his sandwich. "Only a few more months." "Yeah, 7..." He stood up and walked over to me. "It'll be okay. I'll be here with you. Now, let's go so you can go see Louis and Zayn." "Shut up!" I said laughing. He kissed my head sweetly and walked out. "Whatever. Let's go Tor!" I ran out and hopped in the back seat. "What do you think will happen this time??" "Hopefully we'll get good news. You've been doing great so I don't think you've got a lot to worry about." I nodded. "Thanks J."


"Ah Ms.Devine! And Josh, nice to see you again young man." "Nice to see you too." They shook hands and the doctor looked at me. "Okay, as you know, it'll take a while but not too bad. About an hour this time." I nodded. "Am I sill doing okay?" "You could be in worse shape..." My eyes went wide. "What do you mean??" "Well, you know there's a small chance-" "Yes I know that. What's happened that's bad though?" "Well, we're going to have to start having weekly visits." I sighed. "Fine...Other than that?" "Nothing else is wrong. This isn't very strong so we just need to step it up." "Oh okay. Thanks." I turned to Josh. "I'm ready." He grabbed my hand. As the needle entered my arm, I squeezed his hand. Soon, I felt no pain. We sat for a minute in silence. "Now, remember, your arm will be sore for a bit." I nodded. "How long?" "A few hours." "Okay." He gave me two more shots and I was done. "Have a good day Ms. Devine." "You too Dr.Winters." I couldn't move my arm as we walked out it hurt so badly. "Will you be able to play?" I nodded. "I think so. Will you call the guys and tell them I can make it?" "Oh yeah. They were really hoping you could. Especially Zayn." "Oh quit lying." "Fine don't believe me." He called them and put them on speaker as we got into the car. He handed me the phone and started diving back home. "Hey Josho!" "Liam? It's me, Tori." "Guys! It's Tori!!" I heard some background noise then a lot of 'hi's. "Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know I can make it tonight and I'm really looking forward to it." "Yes!!" "I can't wait to see you!" "I can't wait to see you either. I'll see you guys later!" "Alright. Bye Tori!!" "Bye guys." I hung up and smiled. "That was sweet of Liam saying he couldn't wait to see me." "That wasn't Liam." "Oh..."


I ran inside to go find the boys. As I was searching, I heard Niall's voice in his dressing room. I knocked and heard a, "Come in!" I opened the door and all of them immediately ran to me. "Tori!!" They engulfed me into a large hug. "Oh, by the way, we're hanging out at Zayn's tomorrow if you wanna come. We're gonna watch a movie and probaly just talk." I laughed lightly. "I'd love that." "Could you ask Josh if he wants to come as well?" "Sure guys." We got silent for a moment. "So how old are you anyway?" "19." I said smiling. "Hey Tori, I wanna show you something." "Alright Harry." He pulled me to the side. "I see how you look at him." "Is it obvious??" "A little, but I won't tell him in case he doesn't know." "Oh thank you so much!" "You're welcome." "Speaking of Zayn, Perrie's really sweet." "Yeah, she's pretty awesome..." I sighed. I will never be able to compete with her. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" He nodded. "Yeah, that's it." "Alright. Thanks again Hazza." I hugged him tight and walked off waving. As I went to Josh's dressing room, I caught Zayn's eye and saw him wave, smiling. I waved back shyly and made my way to my dressing room. God, I'm such an idiot. I heard a knock on my door and ran to answer it. I opened it to see Zayn. "Hey I have a question." "Yeah?" "Why do you always have your hair up in that hat? Does it get in the way?" "Uh-um gets it the way..." "Oh alright. Sorry. I was just wondering and so was Perrie so I decided to ask." "It's fine..." He gave a slight smile and walked off. I sat down and started crying. Why is this so hard? I didn't do anything to deserve this crap...but only 7 months and I'll be free...


As we were playing Teenage Dirtbag, my arms started feeling numb. It wasn't too bad so I kept playing then everything started getting blurry. My eyes shut and I heard the music stop and arms around me. That's the last thing I remember...


I woke up and looked to my left to see all of the guys and Josh. Well, all except Zayn. I felt my head and found I had my hat on. Good. "J, what happened?" "Uh, the doctor gave you too much medicine this morning and you passed out from overdose." "But I thought he said I needed more..." "Apparently not." I nodded and looked towards the boys. "Sorry you had to leave the concert." "It's okay. It was our last one of the tour anyway." I gave a slight smile. "Oh thanks for taking me here too. And whoever carried me out." "You're welcome but I didn't carry you." "I didn't either." "Not me." "Was it Zayn?" I smiled to myself thinking of Zayn carrying me. Josh patted my arm and I looked to where he was pointing. I found Zayn standing in the doorway. "Did you carry me?" He nodded and walked over. "Yeah, I was the first one to notice and kinda panicked." He admitted, laughing a little. "Well, thanks." I said smiling. "No problem." The door opened and Dr.Winters walked in. Josh stood up and went over to him. "Are you trying to get her killed?!" "Well, from her past tests it showed she needed a little bit more. But, we have good news!" Josh stepped into the hallway with him. An awkward silence fell over us. "What's wrong??" "Uh-it's nothing." "Tori, it has to be something. Just tell us." "I'll tell you later..." How am I supposed to tell them??

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