Chapter Eleven

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{New years}

Hermione P.O.V

It's the last day of the year which I am so happy for because this year could not have ended faster! I'm lying in bed with Fred because I had another nightmare again, he basically stays in my room which I don't mind because I feel a lot safer with him in the room with me, and it also makes me happy that he is still alive and he's safe. It has been silent since Christmas day, minus the fight Angelina and Silvia had which Bill and George had to break up because Silvia backhanded Cedric which broke his nose. I've been up for about an hour before I felt Fred wrap his arms around my waist "Why do you get up so early?" he mumbled into my shoulder as he kissed it "The early bird catches the worm" I said which made him smirk "Well you caught me" he teased which made me laugh "Chessy Freddie bear" I whispered which made him laugh "I am your teddy bear since you cuddle with me every night while we sleep" he teased which made me slap his arm "Like you complain" I teased "I would never" he said " I love seeing you first thing I wake up" he said which made me blush "Soon enough we can do this every day for the rest of our lives" he said before lightly kissing me, I lie back as he slowly gets on top of me still kissing me.

We stayed like that until someone walked into the room "Oh my eyes" the voice said "The image of my twin making out with someone! Ew" George said over dramatically which made me giggle when me and Fred pull away "Like it is any different to what you and Angie do" Fred said "Oh wait it is because I don't make noises in the middle of the night and banging the bed against the wall" he said which made George blush "I really need to soundproof the room" George mumbled to himself which made Fred laugh "You really do mate" he said as he rubs my arm "Mum says breakfast is ready" he said before he left the room, I rest my head on Fred's chest "He has the worst timing ever" I joked which made him laugh "He really does" he said "He walked in on mum and dad once" which made me laugh "They were horrified that he had seen them doing it that they gave him a bunch of stuff to keep him quite" he said as he rubs my back, I sigh "What is it?" he asked "I don't want to get up" I whispered, he smiles and lightly kisses me "We can come straight back to bed after breakfast if you want" he whispered which made me smile and then I kiss his cheek before throwing the covers off of me, Fred got out of bed and held his hand out "Let's go love" he said said as he kisses my hand and leads me downstairs to the kitchen.

We walk in and all eyes are on us, Molly and Arthur both smile at us as we sit down "Now that everyone is-" Ron cut her off "So you're screwing my brother?!" he yelled "Ronald-" Molly tried to speak but Ron cut her off again "Is it a way to get back at me!?!? Because I didn't want to be with a slut" he snapped which made Fred angry "Mia is not a slut Ronald" Fred snapped which made Ron laugh "When she gets bored of you she would most likely move on to George or Bill" he said which made Fred shot up angry "RONALD WEASLEY TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" Molly yelled at the top of her lungs, Ron got up and kicked the chair before storming off to his room "Fred sit down son" Arthur said softly which made Fred do what he was told, he takes my hands and kisses them "I'm so sorry" he whispered to me and only me "Your not a slut and I understand if-" I cut him off with a kiss "Thank you" I whispered as I cup his face, he cuddles into my hand which made me giggle "See told you" Ginny whispered to Harry which made him laugh "I never thought you were wrong" he whispered which made her blush.

The rest of breakfast went by alright, Molly kept talking about how much time the twins had left before they leave Hogwarts. Once we were done with breakfast, me and Fred went back to my room, I jump onto the bed which made Fred laugh as he got into bed next to me and wraps his arms around me "you are too cute" he whispered which made me blush "Your cute" I whispered which made him kiss me, I wrap my arms around his neck as he hovers on top of me, he brought one of his hands to my hip and squeezed it gently which made me moan a little which made him smirk, he pulls away "I don't want to do it with you" he whispered "I don't want to do it before we get together" he said which made me blush "I want to do it with you when we are together" I smile and kiss him softly which he kissed back.

{A few hours later}

Me and Fred spent most of the day in bed just talking, joking around and kissing each other, we ended up getting up and going for a walk around the lake that was near the burrow, we had another snowball fight which of course I won but I'm pretty sure Fred let me win "I still can't believe you let me win!" I said as I hugged his arm as we walked back to the burrow, it was almost dinner which means Molly is making us all a special dinner since it is the last day before the new year so she thought it would be a good idea to make a bunch of party food.

As we walked into the burrow I could see Angelina in a black and cream long sleeve dress

I walk over to her and hug her tightly "Hey" I said softly "Hi" she whispered, her throat was hurting after all the shouting she did with Stone on Christmas, I honestly don't care if Stone hates us because that is her choice and if she hates us then she can "How are you?" I asked softly which made her smile "I'm good it's only a little sore" she said "George has been bringing honey tea every day for my throat" she said softly which made me smile "That's amazing! I'm glad he is treating you right" I said as I hug her again "And I'm glad Fred is treating you right also" she whispered softly, not long after Fred came over and wraps his arms around me "We should start getting ready" he said as he kisses my cheek "alright" I whisper as I lean back "See you soon Angie" I said before going to my room and Fred going to his. I got into my dress that my parents had gotten me.

I hear a knock on my door, I open it to see Fred standing outside of it with a single rose in his hand "For my amazing flower" he said as I take the rose "Oh Fred thank you" I whispered, he leans down kisses me softly "No problem love" he said before taking my hand and leading me downstairs to the living room to were all his family were and Angelian was. I notice George lead Angelina out of the house and over to the tree the twins always stay when they are in the house, Fred smirked "dirty dog" he whispered which made giggle "as long as they are happy I don't mind" I whispered which made him smile "are you happy?" he asked which made me look at him "Of course I am happy with you" I said which made him grin and kisses me softly "I'm happy with you too" he whispered before we heard Bill say "It isn't midnight yet!" he called which made Fred flipped him off "Fred Weasley I raised you better" Molly scolds him which made him blush "Sorry Mum" he said sheepishly which made me giggle.

Dinner was eventful other than Ron calling me a slut again and all of his brothers standing up for me and Angelina punching him and breaking his nose. Once it hit midnight me and Fred kissed, while George kissed Angelina and while Molly kissed Arthur.

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