Chapter Ten

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Fred P.O.V

I woke up to holding Hermione as she slept, her nightmare is getting bad, she has had it from what I know for the past month but I think because we have gotten closer that he it is getting worse, I hate not being able to do anything for her...all I can do is sit next to her and just let her cry to get it all out, it hurts me to watch the person that may like or even love to have her sobbing because she thinks I am going to die in this war. I can't die. I can't leave George. I can't leave her. She is the person I can see my future with and I want that but I am not sure if she does.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that she had woken up until I felt a kiss on my shoulder "You okay Freddie?" she asked softly as she rubs my arm, I looked at her and nodded "Yes love, I was just thinking" I whispered kissing her head "What were you thinking about?" she asked "Just how adorable you look when you are sleeping" I flirted which made her blush "Oh really?" she asked "Definitely so adorable" I said before leaning down to her and kissing her softly which she kissed back cupping my face as she did. We stayed like this just kissing and being in each others arms for about an hour before we got up and walked down the stairs, Hermione was her PJ's bottoms, a tank top with my large Weasley jumper on top of that, once we walked down we seen Bill writing with a smile on his face "What has you so happy?" I asked which he looked up and went red "You will find out at dinner don't you two worry" he said then smirked when he saw mine and Hermione's hands "So you two huh?" he asked with a smirk which made me and Hermione blush "Not officially...yet" I said which made Hermione blush a lot more than before, she looked up at me "Hopefully soon though" she said as she looked at me which made me smile and lean down to give her peck on the lips "Very soon" I said, I could see Bill smirk more as my sister walk in "Oh you two are so cute!" she said gleefully "Oh please tell me that you two are together!" she said happily "Actually they are-" Bill began to say before I cut "Yes we are...and very happy" I said which made Hermione blush and nod "very very happy" she said as she cuddles into me "MUM THEY ARE TOGETHER!" she yelled happily as she ran to the kitchen.

Angelina P.O.V

I slowly made my way up to the burrow slowly, I am so scared because this is my first Christmas with the Weasley's but it's also my first Christmas with George who is now my boyfriend now, which am so grateful for but then again if we break up it would be awkward because we used to be such good friends before we starting dating.

I was so lost in thought until I hear someone say my name, I look up and smile, I drop my bags when I seen George run to me, I jumped onto him, I wrap my arms and legs around him, I know I know I seen him yesterday but I am just so in love with him that I just love being in his arms "I love you" he whispered he said as he holds me close to, I looked into his eyes and blushed "I love you more" I whispered as he kept an arm around me then picks up my bags "I've missed you" he whispered softly to me "I've missed you a lot more" I whispered "I've missed you so much" he said "You seen each other yesterday!" Fred yelled as he walked past the front door which made us both laugh at him.

{Three hours later}

After three hours of waiting and fighting with Mrs Weasley about waiting to open our gifts, she kept saying that we had to wait for Silvia which annoys the twins because they just want to give us their gifts to me and Mione.

It wasn't long until Silvia showed up with Diggory "Why is Cedric here?" the twins asked at the same time "I didn't want to leave him alone in the common room so I brought him with me" she said sweetly to the twin then shot me a dirty look, Mrs Weasley came rushing into the room and hugs Silvia "Oh my dear I am so glad to see you" she said as she hugs her 'second' daughter "You all should open your gifts now while I make dinner" she said. We all sat on the sofas, Hermione and Fred sat next together on one sofa, While Silvia and Cedric sat on the other sofa and I sat on George's lap on the arm chair "How do we pick who goes first?" I asked "we could put names into a hat and then we pull out who has to open their gifts" Hermione suggested which Fred nods "sounds like a plan" he said before using his wand and making a hat with our names in it "Mia since you came up with the idea you pull out first" he said which made her nod and pulls a name out "Cedric" she said.

Cedric used his wand to bring all of his gifts from us to him, he opened Silvia's which was a bunch of quidditch stuff which does not shock anyone, he then opens my gift which was a bunch of books about the best games of quidditch matches and how the teams won them, he then opens Hermione's gift which was a quidditch shirt and then he opened it and it was a bunch of prank stuff which made him laugh "Thanks you guys" he said happily before he got up and sits next to Stone again, he pulled out a name and it was Fred.

Fred did the same as Cedric did and used his wand to bring all of his gifts from us to him, he almost instantly went for the one from Hermione which did not shock anyone at all, he opens it which was a collection of prank books she had gotten when me and her hung out yesterday without the twins while they were getting our gifts, he then opens mine next which was a collection of potion books to help him with there joke shop which he hasn't told Hermione about yet which scares me for them but he said he will tell her soon, he then opened Stones which had a quidditch shirt that had his favourite teams signature on it "This is the best gift ever!" he said happily which made Hermione frown, I gave her a soft smile. He then opens the one from Cedric which was the same thing the twins gave him and then he opens George, he tears up and smiles looking at the photo album his twin brother got for him with photos of him, me and Hermione together. Fred puts his hand in the hat then pulls out my name.

I got my presents brought over to me and I go for Fred's gift which was a stunning necklace 

"Oh Fred that necklace is amazing thank you so much" I said happily "Hermione helped me pick it out because I wasn't sure what to get you" he said with a sheepish grin which made me, Hermione, George, Cedric and Silvia laugh while I open my gift from Hermione next which was an amazing ring

"Oh my merlin"" I said in shock "Mione it's amazing thank you!" I said as I got up and hug her tightly, I could see in the corner of my eye with the twins smiling to each other, we pulled away and I sat on George's lap before I opened his gift and my heart stopped then I looked at George "You didn't" I whispered

I hugged him tightly "Oh George thank you" I said happily "It's so sweet of you George you really didn't have too" I whispered as he kissed my shoulder before I picked out a name which was George.

He used his wand and brought the presents to him, the gift that Fred opened from Cedric was for them both. George picked up the gift from Stone which was the same as Fred's gift, he then opened Hermione's gift which was a set of joke books and then he opened mine which made him smile then kiss me softly "I love the photo album love" he whispered to me before I pulled out a name and it was Hermione.

Hermione P.O.V

I take all of my gifts over and I opened Angelina's first since Fred wanted me to open his last, I opened it up which was a set of Sherlock books which I had said I wanted when we were out, I then open the one from George it was a photo book which had 'H.G + F.W' on it which made me blush "Thank you George" I said happily then I opened Freds and tear up "Oh Fred!" I said pulling out a rose gold necklace in the shape of a Rose "I know how much you like roses so I got you the necklace" he said before I kissed him "Thank you"

Silvia P.O.V

I began to open my gifts, I only had two because the twins would normally buy something and give it to someone together. I opened Cedric's one first which was a quidditch shirt of my favorite team then I opened the twins one and laugh shaking my head looking at the prank set they got me with a note 'use it on Malfoy for us please'.

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