Chapter Five

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(2075 words)

Hermione P.O.V

Today is the ball! I am so excited to go and with my crush! I don't have a dress and Angelina is going to go out before the ball and get them! I know what colour I am getting for sure! Being the gryffindor that I am, I am going in red....I think angelina is going in gold which I think will look amazing on her....she is so pretty....I wish I looked as pretty as her. I began to change into my uniform until I heard a annoying voice "Why in merlin's name are you up?" she whined, I roll my eyes "because some of us don't always sleep in till like ten" I replied sarcastically "Stop being a bitch Granger!" she snapped which I just turn around and look at her "Says you Brown" I said before leaving and going down to the common room.

I sat there for about ten minutes later Angelina came down still yawning as she made her way to me "A girl needs a lot of beauty sleep" she joked, I laugh as she linked her arm with mine and we began to make our way to the great hall "I can't wait to go dress shopping!" she said "Ugh we have to spend up till dinner getting our dress because knowing me I will find like six different dress that I love and then I will have a hard time picking between them all" she said as we sat down at the Gryffindor table "Well we have to have to the best and most perfect dress for the ball tonight!" I said which she smiles like a child on christmas "That's the spirit!" she said happily.

After eating breakfast we walked over to the twins and some girl who me and Angelina have never met before "I wonder who she is" I whispered "Let's hope she is nice because if she isn't she is not hanging with us or our men" she replied "Fred is not my man" I said as we walk to them "Am I not your man Granger?" Fred joked which made me blush, I push him softly "shut up" I said which made him smile and hug me "So adorable!" said Lee's date "Hi" I'm Kizzy! Nice to meet you!" she hugs both Hermione and Angelina, we both didn't hug back because we had just met her and didn't trust her "Hi" we both said at the same time and tone which made the twins laugh "You two have been around us way to long" they said which made Kizzy giggle "You guys are so funny! Aren't they funny!" We both nod "Thats why they are our dates" Angelina said as she hugs George while Fred brought his arm around me which made me smile as I cuddle close to him.

The six of us walked down to Hogsmead talking, Kizzy was laughing her head off every time that the twins said something, I noticed Angelina getting mad, so I took her hand and took her to the first dress shop I had seen. Angelina began to take deep breaths as she closed her eyes "I hate her" was all she said. Once she had gotten calm we began to look a dresses, we both pulled out three dresses out that we both liked the look of.

Hermione's Dresses:

(Dress 1)

(Dress 2)

(Dress 3)

Angelina's Dresses:

(Dress 1)

(Dress 2)

(Dress 3)

Once we had picked our dresses, which I have to be honest took less time than I thought it was, maybe it was because Angelina was still kinda annoyed with Kizzy and laughing her head off when the twins talked "How about we go and find some shoes?" I suggested which made Angelina's eyes light up, she grabs my arm and drags me to the shoe shop. We walk in and she pulls me to the heels, she was way to happy for shoe shopping than she was for dress shopping but I don't mind since she happy and has forgotten all about Kizzy "ooo these would look amazing with my dress!" she said happily "Now we need to get you shoes now...I think...oh those ones!" she pointed to these red shoes that are stunning, I walk over to them and smile "Perfect!"

{Two month later}

Angelina P.O.V

TONIGHT IS THE BALL! I am so excited for the ball, it's just going to be me, my best friend, my handsome boyfriend and his twin brother which also happens to be my best friend CRUSH! They like each other a lot and you have to blind (like them two) to not see the chemistry between them two. I was sitting in the common room waiting for Hermione to wake's strange that I am the one waiting for her when it is normally the other way around.

I waited for an hour, before I got worried and started to think that something is wrong with her, I got up and went to her year dorm. I walked into the room and I see her crying on her bed with her head in her hands "Mione what's wrong?" I ask as I sit next to her "Lavender kept saying that Fred would leave me for her because she is better than me" she whispered. Ugh I hate that girl, today is supposed to be the best night of our lives and she is ruining it for Hermione "You know what? Fuck her" I said "She is a low life cow who wears a bucket of make up per day" I saiid while Hermione laughs "Thanks Angie" she whispered as she hugged me, I hugged back and held her close "No problem Mione" I said.

{two hours later}

Silvia P.O.V

Everyone's all happy and excited about the ball, I wish I was but I have no one to go with. I'm going to ask one of the twins to see if we could go as friends because hanging out with them would be fun to hang out with them you know? I mean I know we are supposed to ask someone that we like but I think the person I like has a date...well I am not sure who I like right now but I think they all have dates anyway.

I was making my way to the tree were the twins normally are at when they are planning there prank ideas, Lee is normally there too but I think he is with his new girlfriend in some broom closet somewhere with her. I walk up to the tree and wave at them "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully "Hey Siv" they said at the same time as they write prank ideas down "I have a question to ask you both" she said as they both look up "Will you go to the ball with me?" I ask hopefully, but when I asked Granger and Johnson walked over. Granger sat next to Fred who wrap his arm around her, while George kisses Johnson "Sorry Stone but....there taken" she said in a bossy tone which made me roll my eyes "Don't have to be rude Johnson" I snapped, she got up and got into my face "If you want me to be rude I will if you like stone" she snapped, George got up and held Johnson back. I hate her and Granger, they act as if they deserve everything, I storm off, why do they get to act all high and mighty as if they run the place because they are gryffindors.

I had tried to ask Cedric but of course he asked Cho Chang which I am happy for because he is my best friend and he deserves to be happy but not with her! She sleeps around and I don't want him to get hurt. I was slightly crying knowing that I won't have a date for the ball....I hate being looked down at because of my house, it isn't far and girls like Granger and Johnson get to have everything that they want but me? I get nothing. They get things handed to them, Johnson is a star quidditch player who is in talks of being the captain when she is seventh year and that has been talked about since her third year! Then there is Granger who is the top of every class in our year and does better than most people who are seventh year! They get to be the golden ones who can do no wrong in the eyes of....everyone.

I sat down in my favourite place of the castle which is, this little tree away from the main part of the castle but not far away were I am in the forest. I sat there hugging my knees until I feel someone sit next to me, I looked up and saw Draco. I've had a crush on him since I was a first year, I smile weakly at him "Hey..." I whispered which resulted in him hugging me "No date?" he asked, I nod sadly "How about we go together?" he asked softly, I look at him and smile "Really? You want to go with me?" I asked in shock "Yes really" he said, I hug him tightly and hiding my face in his neck, he rubs my back "You get starts in a few hours" he whispered, I look into his eyes as he looks at mine.

{Two hours later}

Hermione P.O.V

I was sitting in my dorm room waiting for Angelina to come up with our dresses which she kept in the room since neither of us trusted Lavender being alone in the room with our dress. I waited for about ten minutes until she walked in with the dresses and a bottle of pumpkin juice as well as two glasses with her "We have to drink something while we get ready for the ball tonight!" she said happily, Lavender wasn't here because she had to be sent home because her mother had gotten sick. I took the glasses and the bottle from her and set it on my desk where she had brought up a bunch of make-up that morning "Hair first then we do make-up and then we put on our dresses!" she said happily.

We had an hour before we had to actually had to start to get ready and it was the best to start at that time because it would meant that we would be ready in time for the ball and we wouldn't have to make the twins wait "I can't wait for the ball.....this will be the best day of our lives" she said dreamily which made me laugh "What about your wedding?" I asked which made her sigh "You can get married as many times as you want but you are only able to go to one ball unless you get invited to the Malfoy ball which is only close friends anyway" she said which I nodded.


Silvia P.O.V

I was sitting alone in the dorm room looking at my yellow and black dress on it's hanger, I was waiting for Hannah to show up to help me with my hair and make-up.

After about ten minutes of waiting she walked in with her bag of make-up, she set it down and then she began to put her stuff out before she began to do my hair. After about an hour and half we were ready to out to the ball and to have fun with our dates, I think Hannah's is Neville, I just hope she doesn't hurt him because I know he really likes her and I don't know if she feels the same way.

Silvia's dress:

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