Chapter six

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(1997 Words)

Hermione P.O.V

Me and Angelina look at ourselves in the mirror, she hugged me from behind "go knock him dead" she whispered happily to me, I giggle and smile "now you go make your boyfriend's jaw drop" I winked at her which made her blush "Yeah yeah, let's go before they end up falling asleep" she joked, I sigh and nod "He will be speechless when he sees you" she said.

We walk down the stairs to see the twins playing chess, they didn't see us walk down which gave me an idea "You angie....I think our dates stood us up" I joked which made her giggle "I think so Mione...we should go flirt with a couple of guys and get them to come with us" she winked at me which made me laugh "You two are very funny" George said as he walked over and kisses Angelina while Fred walked over and kisses my head softly "You look stunning" he whispered so only I was able to hear it "Shall we go love birds?" George asked "Sure mate let's go" he said. Angelina linked her arm with George's arm while I did the same with Fred "if they begin to make out....I'll be your hero and take you away for a walk" he whispered to me making me giggle.

Silvia P.O.V

Me and Draco walk into the ball with all eyes on us which is strange for me because people don't really stop to look at me since I'm not really that important and I would normally keep to myself and not start any drama or fights. Me and Draco make our way over to his friends Blaise (who I do like but not a lot), Theo (who I have never actually met before), Astoria (Who is Theo's date and girlfriend I think?), Pansy (she is crazy over Draco), Daphne (Who is Blaise's date and Astoria's sister) and Goyle (who is Pansy's date), Draco smiles at his friends while I sat there silent "Hey guys" he said "Hey mate have you seen Weasley?" Theo said "Yeah I have seen Ginny Weasley why?" he asked " was looking good today" he said kind of unsure, I raised an eyebrow when Pansy began to talk "Who cares? I want to dance!" she said as she took Goyle's hand and dragged him to the dancefloor so that they could dance, not long after Astoria took Blaise to the dance floor.

Me, Draco, Theo and Daphne just sat there not moving, I thought this was going to be fun but all it is, is boring and Draco doesn't want to dance I guess it is because his family has a ball every year on the Christmas break while we are off, it is a tradition for his family, but I don't know anyone who has been able to go to it because most people that I know aren't pure-bloods. I heard the doors open, my whole table look over to see Granger, Johnson, Fred and George walk into the room with all eyes on them, it kind of annoys me that everyone looks at them, I don't like attention but it annoys me that the two people that I don't like that people want to give them attention.

Angelina P.O.V

The ball is beautiful and everyone is looking at us which is strange for us because we never really have people look at us unless I am on the pitch or Hermione is with Harry and Ronald which she tries to not be around now after everything that has happened between her and Ronald and that big blow up he had on her which was wrong hew should be understanding that she doesn't feel the same about him.

George leads me to the drink area away from Fred and Hermione who began to laugh and dance in the middle of the hall, I smile watching them dance as George got us some drinks. Fred and Hermione look so in love with each other and they aren't even together yet, which shocks me because how much time they spend with each other. I remember meeting the twins for the first time in my first year, I was sitting alone because I didn't know anyone yet until they sat with me and started to talk to me. From that day the three of us became friends then I got to meet Lee and Katie and Oli (Oliver but I call him Oli because it annoys him) and then I got to meet Hermione through the twins, funny story the way the twins met Hermione for the first time was Fred and Hermione walked into each other but at the time Fred was angry over something so he didn't sorry until he met her again on the train which was right before I met her. I remembered Fred feeling so bad that he walked her to class for her whole first year, he would carry her books, walk her to the great hall and basically did everything for her. After a while I felt someone tap my shoulder "You okay love? You were daydreaming for awhile" George said slightly worried, I kissed him softly "I'm alright. I was just deep in thought" I said softly, taking my drink from George.

After a while of us talking and drinking our drinks, we made our way to the dance floor, we began to dance with him, as we danced I noticed Stone watching us give me a dirty look "Why is Stone giving me dirty looks?" I asked "What?" he asked then noticed and waves at her which she gave him a wave back with a smile "Love she seems fine to me" he said softly "It could be the lights hitting her funny and it looks like she is making it look like she is doing something that she isn't doing" he said softly as he kissed me.

Hermione P.O.V

Me and Fred walked out of the great hall hand in hand, we made our way down to the black lake, we didn't speak as we walked. I think he knew that I was just enjoying the moment with him and don't want to ruin it.

We finally got to the lake, he walked behind me and hugs me from behind which I leaned back into him "This view...I could stay here forever" I whispered, he kisses my head as he sighs "So do do I" he whispered as he rubs my arms, I look up at him "you sound as if you are leaving" I whispered, he kissed my nose "I'm not leaving...not yet" he whispered "But it won't be long till I have to leave. I would be leaving Hogwarts....I would be leaving you"! He whispered looking at me, I cup his face gently and kiss him softly "But you will never lose me when you leave" I whisper as he smiles "I'm glad. You're too special for someone to lose you" he whispered which made me giggle "Your cheesy you know that" I whispered which made him do his boyish grin "Only for you love" he whispered before kissing me.

We stayed there for a while without speaking at all, just enjoying the view until something came to my head "Fred?" I asked softly, "Yes?" he asked softly "What are we?" I asked slowly "Like is this just a fun thing? Or are we dating? Or was this just because you felt bad for me?" I asked slightly tear up scared "I don't know yet...I like you, I do but...I have a plan which you need to trust me with" he said taking my hands in his "I want to make it right when I ask you out, I want to treat you before I ask, I want to be with you and trust me we will be together at some point but I want to take you on a perfect date" he said as I smile "I will spend as long as it takes for the perfect date for you okay" he whispered as he moved his hands from mine then brought his hands to my face "I like you more than you know" he said kissing me softly which I kissed him back "I like you too" I whispered, he smiles happily and picks me and began to spin me around which was making me laugh as I cuddle into him as he gently put me down on to the floor.

Silvia P.O.V

Me and Draco were walking hand in hand to the Hufflepuff common room, we walked in silence not wanting to ruin the moment that we were having as we walked up the common room. As we walked I seen George and Johnson making out against the wall "Ugh can't they do that somewhere else" I said which made Draco laugh "Oh come on" he said "Me and you would be like that if we have dated as long as them" he said as he kisses my head "I guess you are right" I said with a slight blush.

After about ten minutes of walking we made it to my common room, I gave him back his jacket which he smiled "You didn't have to walk me all the way here" I said "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't do that?" he asked, he cups my face which I cuddle into his hand "I had fun tonight" I whispered which made him grin "So did I" he whispered, he leans softly and kisses me softly "Goodnight" he whispered before walking off, I blush and walk into the common room.

Once I was done getting out of my dress and took off of my make up, Hannah had walked in all happy "Someone looks like they had a time of their life" I teased "Oh I did" she said as she lies on her bed that was next to me "He was so sweet...and kind...I just loved hanging out with him" she said dreamily, she looks at me and we both giggle "Someone is in love" I said "says the one sucking face with Malfoy before coming into here" she said " did you know that?" I asked embarrassedly "I didn't....but you just confirmed it!" she yelled happily, thankfully we were the only people in the room "What was it like?" she asked

Angelina P.O.V

"It was perfect" Hermione said happily "just perfect" I clap my hands happily "Oh this is amazing!" I said happily as we sat on my bed eating chocolate "The four of us can go on double dates!" I said happily "Wouldn't that be fun!" I said

Hannah P.O.V

"We're not dating though" I said softly "Yeah but I have faith that you both will and then you will get married and have kids!" Silvia said happily, I wish I had her way of thinking, she sees the world in this happy and good way than what it actually is, I just wish my mind was like that "Shouldn't we go to bed?" I said

Hermione P.O.V

"Yeah you're right" Angelina said "are you going to the twins house for Christmas?" she asked "Yeah I am, why?" I asked, she just smiles "I'll be meeting George one day while we are off so we may get to see each other" she said as I stood up "Oh really I hope we can hang out a bit before George swipes you off of your feet" I said with a wink which made her blush "Yeah yeah" she said "Night Mione" she said

Silvia P.O.V

I smiled at Hannah as I blew out the candle that was on the nightstand that was between our beds "Night Hannah" I said softly before I pulled the cover my body before falling asleep in my bed.

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