Bio: Jaune luna mile

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" There maybe a protector in the fantasy world but there no hero in Reality"
-Jaune luna mile.

Former name: Jaune Arc
Former nickname: The weakest student of beacon, punching bag, Loser,

Hat: Old fedora hat
Former Weapon: Crocea Mors
Friend: No one
Former team: JNPR
Former partner: Pyrrha Nikos
Semblance: Haven't awaken.
Combat level: Newbie
Former Planet: Renmant.

Current name: Jaune luna mile
Current nickname: The Grimm hunter, Time shifter, Fastest man.

Hat: new black fedora

Fact: His old fedora got burn by flame Grimm after he done his mercenary mission. He bought the new fedora at super black market

Weapon: destiny wrath, Gunblade[from FF franchise]
Friend: aether, izuku,paimon
New team: The traverler group
Current partner: Izuku Denjiro
Semblance: chronon.
Combat level: mercenary
Planet: Teyvat.

Other Ability/time power:

Time vision: Jaune can experience premonitive-esque feelings, sensing things around him before they could happen, and echoes of the past as well.

Time stop: Jaune could freeze people and objects in time within a focused area and control the ability at all

Time dodge: allows Jaune to move faster than the average human being. His speed is such that he appear to "blink" out of existence to people operating within the normal flow of time. Basically he can dash like teleport to one place to another.

Time blast:  The blast is created by the summation of the aura energy stored within his bodies, directed and focused into a single bout of energy that can be set off like a grenade.

Time rush: Like Time Dodge, Jaune appear to blink in and out of existence to people operating within the normal flow of time. In actuality, Jaune ability to move faster than usual allows him to move outside the normal flow of time at incredible speed.

Time shield: Jaune able to manipulate the chronon field around him by his semblance to create the shield to use offensively or defensively.

Finisher move: Jaune have two finisher attack call "time break" and "trigger burst"

Time break: Like Zi-O and decade rider kick but time glyph, Jaune will jump high into mid air as Several Yellow Time glyph generate a straight path to his opponent. Jaune would launching pass Serveral yellow time glyph and preform a flying side kick.

[ Sans Gojo: example like this]

Trigger burst: Jaune will take out A light vial dust. When he put dust bullet into the chamber gunblade. The gunblade when it got pull trigger, it will release a burst of light coming from light dust vial. It would Extend a pillar of energy. Jaune can slash in vertical or horizontal direction

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