Meeting Favonius and Temple

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The screen start to show previous chapter:"overcharge Storm"

Kaeya: Are you ally or...A new approaching storm-look at them- attacking Mondstadt itself!kaeya,Aether, izuku,Jaune you've come at right time. We must...-panic tone-

Kaeya: Hold on, amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?

Amber:-just realize-Oh...right. This is Kaeya. Our Cavalry captain. And these guy are traverler from afar, Aether the one with cape, paimon their small friend, Jaune the one with coat and his partner izuku.

Kaeya:<from afar? Is that all we know of them?>

Amber:long story short...

Kaeya: i see. Welcome to Mondstadt—though you haven't arrived at best of time, I'm afraid

Kaeya: I understand the anguish of being separated from family.

Kaeya: I'm not really sure why you're looking for anemo God...

Aether:look Cavalry captain, you really don't need to know my reason.

Kaeya: since everyone has their secret. So I won't press you for more.

Izuku: I had feeling you would say something like that later, Cavalry captain

Kaeya: Haha relax! I won't do that do something Sus~

Izuku: What?-confuse-

Jaune: What?-confuse-

Kaeya: What?

Kaeya: Anyway. First and foremost, on behalf of the knights of Favonius. I would like to extent our thank to you two for your help just now.

Aether: Well, we couldn't just leave the situation to fester.

Kaeya: Your fight to defend and city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens.

Jaune:-hold his chest and sigh in relief-<thank Monty oum, they didn't see me using my semblance in the blur>

Only amber witness Jaune using time dodge moving in the blur. She forgot to mention kaeya about Jaune semblance ability.

Kaeya: The Acting Grand master of knight of favonius is also very interested in you guy and formally invites you four to our headquarters.

Scene change to a tall woman, waiting someone special to come.then she look at the clock

She has grayish blue eye and medium length blonde hair kept back in a ponytail with a black bow she can always be seen fidgeting with. She wears an ornate strapless shirt with blue, black, and red accents, underneath a dark blue tailcoat with gold linings and an insignia over her left shoulder. White tights ordained with a golden diamond pattern and white heels round out her outfit. Her vision can be found attached to her waist hanging from a golden chain

[ Jean, Grand master of knight of favonius]

She was kinda seem to be hurry. So Jean went to find them herself

????: Jean, what's the hurry? I thought we agree to meet them here

A tall women with fair skin. She wears a purple witch's hat with a lightning rose attached at the end of it along with a purple rose on the front. She has blonde hair and green eyes with a butterfly shaped earring on one ear. She wears a caplet from her neck and her vision is attached to the cape using two golden strings and hangs on her chest. She wears a white dress under a purple corset with the knights of favonius symbol on it. The corset has slits on both sides exposing her thighs and on top of it, she wears a black belt with a golden rose on it. She wears black thigh high stockings with black high heel shoes. She also wears anklets on both legs with a purple crystal hanging from it. She wears black gloves with the same kind of crystals on both of them.

[Lisa, Head librarian of the Knights of Favonius]

Jean: there have been sighting of Stormterror outside the city, once we meet, we must...-worry-

Lisa: Relax. I'll lend a hand when time comes

Door suddenly open. The group enter grand master office. Izuku just look around the office, Jaune pull his fedora down to his eye, aether just did the same thing as izuku.

Kaeya: Jean, I've brought them.

Mini Timeskip brought you by Chibi Izuku entering Overcharge form.

Kaeya:...And once it was over I brought them straight here.

Jean: Mondstadt welcome you, windborne traverler.

Jean: I am Jean, acting grand Masteror the knight of Favonius. This is Lisa, our resident Liberian.

Aether: Hi, my name is aether

Paimon: I'm paimon

Jaune: Just call me Jaune

Izuku: Izuku<she look like a witch but witch use dark magic and I can detecting them but I didn't see any red aura around her but purple aura>

Lisa: Oh! Are you sweeties to help us out?

Izuku: Can I destroy her now?-whisper to Jaune-

Jaune: No! Are you crazy!-whisper back-

Lisa: You're both so adorable!-comment about aether and paimon- and these two seem to be handsome-Comment about izuku and Jaune-

Lisa: Sadly, the timing is regrettable... Stormterror has caused quite a ruckus in the region since it's recent resurgence.

Lisa: Simply put, Mondstadt's elemental sphere and ley lines a now akin to a yarn ball in the paws of a kitten.

Izuku: Let me guess? A mage? like you couldn't get more worse

Lisa:-nod-yes, my skin is one elemental particle away from a full-blown breakout.

Jean: if it weren't for this interference, the knight of Favonius would have better way to help you than just putting up missing person posters.

Jean: We simply ask that you repose in Mondstadt while we help you seek out your sister.

Jaune: What do you think aether? Should we help them back?

Aether choice

Aether:< I can help the knight of Favonius out as well or I could left their problem back>

help the knight of Favonius, He won't have any information about his sister but he will receive the title " Honorary Knight" after save Stormterror from something controlling it

Left their problem, He would decline their help and he find his sister on his own but he would give up on finding his sister because there haven't any information about her

Aether hold his under chin about his option, he could help them or be a wander on teyvat.

Aether: I think we should really help out as well

Jaune: are you thinking carefully about this?

Aether: Yes


Paimon: Paimon will also help too.

Kaeya: In that case we need a plan.

Jean: With Stormterror now directly attacking Mondstadt, we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source.

Jean: Lisa has reavel the sources of Stormterror's power with her detection magic.

Kaeya: Is that so?

Lisa: They're located in the abandons Four wind Temples. Stormterror's ability to whip up these kinds of storm can be attributed to it drawing power from temples

Jean: Our objective is to deal with three of the four temples. I trust everyone understand why we are only dealing with three.

Paimon: Paimon doesn't

Jaune: I'm in same boat with Paimon

Aether: We'll ask later

Jean: Knight of Favonius, Tim-

Izuku: ahem-fake cough-

This action of him got attention from the knight of Favonius, izuku was arm crossing look at them with a raise eyebrow.

Izuku: Are you forgoting add us "Traveler" in that line

Jean: Ah right. And Traveler, time is against us.

Izuku: much better now

Jean: The storm is rampant. There is no point in maintaining a defensive position.

Jean: alright. We need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates.

Everyone:Roger that/ Yes, ma'am

Jean: Everyone should split up, I'm go with Lisa

Amber: then I would go with Aether and paimon.

Jaune: guess that mean you-mean izuku-and me are teammate...again

Izuku: I usually work alone but your the time while I'm the bolt

Jaune: you actually got it <I'm kinda impressive about how he found out my semblance>

Kaeya: guess I would be in your group

Izuku: yeah sure, we not gonna complain about you join us kaeya

Jaune: Let hope we get along

Jean: Well, that's settle it

Timeskip brought you by chibi Jaune using time rush to give Ruby a super punch into the face

They went out headquarter and heading one of the temple. The group standing infront of a big door

Kaeya: we're arrived

Jaune:-blank expression-really? A big door?

Izuku: is this even a temple, kaeya

Kaeya: You will be amaze what behind it

They walk closer to the big door, it automatic open for them to enter. A strong wind blow past the group.

Jaune:-look at izuku- ready?

Izuku:-nod- yeah

The group walk inside the temple. Their sight was dark in the blink before they can see again. They see themselves in a some strange

Jaune: I never seen this kind of cave before

Kaeya: told you so. Come on, we still have work to do you two. You can sightseeing this cave later.

Jaune: Yeah yeah let make this swiftly now.

Kaeya:-observe the temple over there- Hmm. If I'm not mistaken, the end of the temple should be up there

Izuku: And how did you that?

Kaeya: Heh,experience

Kaeya:...the kind of experience you get after year of dealing with thing like this for others

Izuku: hey kaeya, there are few hilichurl down there, show us how the knight of favonius work alone

Kaeya: heh, let me show you how the knight of favonius conquer our adversaries!

Kaeya jump off the edge with fromt flip and summon a sword on his hand with land down safely.


The hilichurl was approaching kaeya as he walk toward them in menacely with a smile.

hilichurl leap toward kaeya and is about to slam the wooden bat right infront kaeya face.

The screen turn into dark and a horiziontal straight line. Blood drop on water area. Hilichurl upper fall off the the bottom body.

The other hilichurl try to avange their kind. They rushing toward kaeya with a bad choice.

Kaeya just simply point the sword tip at them. A cold air is wraping his sword.

Kaeya: freeze...

With just a simple word, he released frozen path with spike pierce through hilichurl, turning them ice statue.

When the hilichurl got unfrozen. it leave nothing but ashes of them disappear on the air


Izuku: you know that was impressive, kaeya

Kaeya: why thank you, izuku.

They went back to walking back to their work.

Kaeya: So izuku. I heard from what amber mention. Are you really a electro vision holder?

Izuku:-having Surprise expression- what make you say that kaeya?

Kaeya: if I remember Clearly. You possessed a element ability without a vision on you. You able to fly without a glider unlike other vision electro holder.

Izuku: maybe I'm special I guess so?

Kaeya:hmm... I see. Amber did tell me you two use some kind of weird looking weapon.-getting curious-

Jaune:<danmit amber!> Yeah that's correct.<why did she told him anything?>

Kaeya: hmm. interesting -getting more curious- can I see them now?

Jaune: you will see it later.

While they still walk in domain, their path can be seen to be broke there.

Izuku: guess...our path end here?

Jaune: I don't think so-point at another high place path-there is another path there.

Kaeya: Let use current wind to fly up.

They run up to current wind as they open their wind glider out from their back. Floating up to another place door.

Kaeya open the door. Inside was another monster, female worse enemy, slime. Jaune take out his weapon and dust vial from his hat. He put the ice dust into the chamber.

Jaune: you may want to step back and watch my weapon can do.

He pull the trigger, causing to release an ice bullet. Frozening the pyro slime. All he had to do was walk up to it and stomp on it, shattering the slime in many piece.

Kaeya: Impressive-mutter- but that weapon...are you one of fatui,you two?-start to guard up-

Jaune:-turn to look at kaeya-what?-confuse-

Kaeya: let me say again-start to getting serious- are you one of fatui...

Izuku: Fatu-what now?-getting more confuse-

Jaune: look kaeya but we don't know who or what fatui you saying. This is the weapon I make by my hand not some "Fatui" you say.

Izuku: we can't tell you ourself secret but we really don't know what Fatui you say right now

Kaeya: <By seeing their reaction, it can be comfirm> I understand now. So that weapon on your hand make by you, Jaune.

Jaune: I mean yea

They continue walk to another door, it open to reavel what behind the door was light green stone. There also hilichurl fighter, hilichurl shooter and blazing axe milichurl in there.

Izuku: seem like those hilichurl already ambush before let us knowing it

Jaune:kaeya, you handle fighter and izuku, you handle the shooter. I will handle the big one

Izuku fired out alpha bolt come his palm. Shocking the shooter into dead. Then he use alpha blast, sending a shockwave of electric. Blowing away their arrow. He change to close range combat as he rush toward them with baton.

Kaeya froze the fighters, slash them into two piece. He went behind with horizontal slash, cutting the fighter head off.

Jaune was outside flow of normal time, leaping up to mitachurls face with a super punch but it only sending blazing axe slide back. Jaune crack his finger then use time dodge, moving left swiftly to dodge from the axe.

Jaune use time blast to release aura energy, disrupts the area it explodes in, temporarily freezing whatever it caught in its path. Mitachurls stop on mid air

Jaune look up and jump high up, he extend his right leg as he delivering a flying side kick.

Jaune Finisher : TIME BREAK!

Infront of Mitachurls, yellow time glyph was forming a path to it. Jaune launching pass yellow time glyph faster than human eye can't catch-up .

Jaune slid on ground, mitachurls drop the axe, shattering the floor. There was a hole in mitachurls, erupt a explode From behind him.

Kaeya:<Amber doesn't metion about what Jaune can do> what was that?

Izuku: What? Now you know how special Jaune is? You did hear our conversation before right, kaeya?

Kaeya:<if izuku is the electro then Jaune is>-showing shock expression- that mean Jaune have time ability. <I should inform it to Jean>

Jaune: I don't wanna explain detail about my ability

Kaeya: I see.

Izuku: this stone is why Stormterror using to gain its power?

Kaeya: seem probable. Let deal with it.

Izuku take out his baton, Jaune turn his weapon into sword mode as he slash the stone. Izuku slamiming his baton in repeatedly. Making sure nothing can go wrong if someone decide remain piece of the stone. Kaeya stomping his feet down repeatedly

Kaeya: phew-sigh in relief-what a preformace you did back there. You two have weird weapon but also strange ability that I never have seen before. You two are something unknown but amazing

Jaune: After all, we're good guy. We try our best to help them.

Izuku: we may not try to be savior but we wouldn't leave someone in needed

Kaeya:....-form a small smile-you two have golden heart. Please do visit me at our headquarters when you have time. I also know a lovely tarvern, if that's your thing.

Jaune: yeah~No thank.

Izuku: I'm not a alcoholic type so yeah no

Kaeya: i see now. Now back to business. I will take care of the rest here here. You go take care of other thing while I'm at it.

Jaune: Later, kaeya-two finger salute-

He grab izuku head behind and use time dodge, leaving a blur of them. Leaving kaeya there.

Kaeya:-arm crossing-there's no way hilichurl organized prepare an ambush like this themselves....not with their limited mental capacity...

Abyss mage leaving out it hidden with a giggle

Kaeya: thus you were behind this

Abyss mage: Gohus, Chiso Vonph!-chanting an attack-

Then a fire flying toward abyss mage, inside the fired was a person rushing toward abyss. The person grip abyss mage mask with a turn around to throw abyss mage on surface to roll like a ball.

Abyss mage roll past kaeya as so was that person. Abyss mage could stand again and jump away from the big sword upward slash. The big sword was envelop in fire and the person jump like a wheel.

Abyss mage try to the staff as shield but it soon broke when the person slash down, sending abyss mage down on surface with unconscious. The person land down.

The person has red hair with bangs on the front, a middle split on the top and a ponytail on the back. He wears a white shirt with a black luxurious overcoat with a slit on the back and a black tie with a red gem on top of it. Both his shirt and coat have golden patterns on it. He wears his shirt outside his black pants. On the waist, he wears a belt over his shirt with a golden shield shaped buckle. From the buckle, the vision hangs on a rope and over his right thigh, he has a black band. He wears black boots which have red gems on both sides of them. Both of his arms have black gloves with red on his palms

[Diluc, Mondstadt Batman]

Diluc: Knight of Favonius....always so ineffient

Kaeya:-hand clap- agree to disagree. But, your involvement in this just made thing a whole more interesting.

Author note:
-Finally done a chapter!!
- Now I can rest in piece after this

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