Fastest battle

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The screen start with izuku sitting on chair in his house.

He slowly open his eye but it still abit blur but once it got clearer. He realizing that he is inside his house. Infront of him was inazuma sitting on chair.

Izuku quickly stand off the chair. He form electric blade around his hand. He rush toward and about stab at inazuma head but suddenly izuku received the kick at his gut. Sending izuku fly up the roof.

Izuku: ACK!-cough out the blood-

Izuku fall down as he kiss the floor. Electric vigilante go unconscious.

Inazuma: can't believe I just lie about killing our mom....wait their mom.

Meanwhile at musutafu. 2 month of no sight of the vigilante. Izumi become emo after izuku gone missing...Nah who care about her anyway.

Civilian running for their life as they scream. They ruining not from villain but....the beast. A women laughing at the scene

[Kimiko Shiragaki, Next AFO user, the creator of the beast]

If OFA is use for goodness then there is AFO used for chaos and destruction.


She laugh like a pyschopath there....if izuku was there then the beast is doom. Every hero trying their best to use for defense civilian....who am I care... those hero are just hypocrite anyway.

Let go back with izuku. He just woke up after receive the kick from inazuma. He see inazuma sitting infront of his sight

Izuku: DIE YO-hand got cuff-What?-try to use his power-What did you do, inazu-Get smack-ACK

Inazuma: Stop saying stupid thing already izuku! The author had other shit to do in real life!

Izuku: That explain why our payment was low than last time

Inazuma: Yeah he want to skip the character development part and went to final part anyway.

Izuku: so Why do you kill my mom again?

Inazuma: I didn't actuall-forget it. this will help you know the true than stay on this long ass past story.

inazuma grab izuku head as he realease lightning into his face. he see the true himself.

inazuma on that day, he throw eletric spear rigth into the thief head but she caught the eletric spear and throw toward at izuku

he was about to use thunder dash to save izuku life but he see inko fly infront of izuku sight.

inazuma look at the thief or should i say the past beast herself gone from the scene. inazuma clench his fist in anger

He realease his grip on izuku face. His pupils shrink into small ant size.

Inazuma: now you see the true now.

Izuku: so all this time....You lie about that?Why?

Inazuma: because I need you to be strong, izuku.

Izuku: Strong?! You want me to become ruthless! You need me to be strong for what?!

Inazuma: If I told you would you believe what I said....about the vision you receive

Izuku:.....-eye wide as he remenber the vision-you from the future?

Inazuma: from this timeline?no. from that timeline, yes.

Izuku: I still don't get it.

Inazuma: i litteraly your brothers from another future timeline

Izuku: prove it old man.

Inazuma remove the hood, reaveling his hair and face look like.

Inazuma: now is this proof enough?

Izuku: yeah I believe you now.

Inazuma: wait that's

Izuku: what?

Inazuma: aren't you gonna be a little bit curious about who I am? Or why I need you to be strong?

Izuku expression just say "really?"

Izuku: you are tenko midoriya, my brother from another timeline but my still in coma state after getting accident from his project . The reason why you want to me get strong because in the future, AFO decide to eliminate all of us by creating the beast.  So you go back in time and actually spilt the timeline into two by letting me receive the power blast instead letting your counterpart get out the coma then received the power after.

Inazuma: well that lazy writing spoiler.

[sans gojo: I am litteraly getting tired and out of money okay?!]

Inazuma: I also got a bad news.

Izuku: what is the bad new?

inazuma: AFO create the beast sooner in this timeline

izuku: and how did she know the beast?

inazuma: by me.

izuku: that just explain the crap already.

inazuma: alright. AUTHOR!

[sans gojo: WHAT?!]

inazuma: you know what do

[sans gojo: aw yeah!]

timeskip brought you by issei/aizen meet issei homura in coffee shopverse

inazuma or tenko midoriya and izuku denjiro using their lightning power to increase their speed to travel to the city. while they were running but there some people only saw them in lightning trait or the blur

izuku: so you gonna channel all your electric enegry into the ray sphere and you will die just to make all male in the world awake their sub species. that's a stupid plan that i had ever hear than me fighting the beast just to give enough time!-keep running-

Inazuma: then do you want to see the world fall in chaos!-still running-

Izuku:-processing- WHAT?! NO!

Inazuma: then do you want to see the hero suffer?

Izuku: heck yeah!

Inazuma: Then do you want to have the lamest death in the story before isekai!

Izuku: Yea-wait what?!

Inazuma: take this with you too-tossed the baton to izuku-

That how he had the baton in chapter 1.

Before izuku could ask any further question. Tenko rush away leaving izuku behind as he running toward the city direction.

Izuku: i swear if he didn't come to this timeline. I would become a normal guy now!

He leap off the cliff as he rushing forward the city on air. Meanwhile the whore hero getting beat up by the beast herself :) I mean literally

Shoka aizawa: we're doom already

Present Mic let out her sonic scream. It kinda effective to slow down the beast but not very super effective one. endeavor trying to help with a fire beam into the beast, pushing it back.

Wait I had forgot about the fact that the beast have fire resistance quirk. When I say fire resistance not fire immunity then the boss would be too op for that quirk.

Almighty lying down on the floor with blood coming out from her body. Meanwhile the U.A hero in their dorm watch their hero getting beat up.

Bakugo: way

Momo: she killed the symbol of peace.

Izumi does not give a crap about being hero anymore because she just lost her little brother to a so call "villain".

The beast realease a massive shockwave, blowing everyone on the scene away. Sending endeavor and present mic to a wall. Meanwhile AFO looking at her masterpiece scene right with wine on her hand.

AFO: Nothing can stop my masterpieces

[Sans Gojo: Oh really?]

The beast standing at center of the city as the hero side just lost many quirk user as the civilian already left the city as fast as they could except the cameraman and reporter staying back on the field

Reporter: I'm your reporter, Lisa lavender. The hero, our only hope have lost the battle. After two month,our favorite male vigalante haven't returned since the day he gon-

Izuku land down and just arrive in late time. Forming a large Crack on road with electric sourrounding his body.

Dust cover his appearance before he blow it with just a slap. Revealing our vigilante.

Izuku: YO!-stand up- miss me? Motherkiller

He turn his eye to look at the beast with expressionless. The reporter and her cameraman come toward izuku.

Lisa: Sorry about interrupt your fight, sir! But one question, who are you and why are you look so familiar from someone we know.

Izuku: lightning, superhero landing, forming crashed on ground?

Lisa: Sorry i remenber someone does that before.

Izuku: I'm literally the same vigilante!

Lisa: I'm sorry. Who are you again.

Izuku: You know what. screw this shit already

In a blink, izuku got sent fly into a broken building. The beast is infront of reporter and cameraman. She forgot one thing! Cameraman never "usually" die that easily. And here why.

Izuku comeback with a sucker punch into the face. Cameraman is having ultra luck when is in dangerous situation.

Izuku just move in light speed as he try to threw uppercut to the under chin. But he receive a knee kick at his gut, sending up to sky.

1 second pass.

The beast fly after izuku as she create a sonic boom behind as the surface got crashed. Izuku sight was abit blurry then the beast fly above izuku as she deliver axe kick, sending the vigilante back to surface. shattering the ground as dust cover him while cough out some blood from mouth.

izuku sight began to clearer than before but he see the beast with a hammer is about smash his head. izuku quickly roll to aside from the attack. he fire electric shockwave on ground to push him up to the air as he spin in a circular motion. his feet land on ground first then completely stand properly

2 Second pass

Izuku jump back away from another smash. He spining around with a kick, remove the hammer from the beast hand. He feel a little bit hurt on his toes But hey it work anyway.

Then he swiftly threw a second punch to the beast face... again. Now, they fighting like a blur while moving everywhere even on the sky with remain debris of the building flying up by their shockwave clash

The people who far away from their battle, were amaze about someone telekinesis quirk but they did not know about the fact. That's izuku and the beast speed battle.

Meanwhile Kimiko still drinking her wine as she watch the their fight even in slow motion.

Tenko at somewhere, charging the ray machine with his electric and lightning strike from the dark cloud.

5 second pass

Izuku leaning on one floating rock and after that then jump away from light sphere attack just in time.

He land another floating rock as he look at the beast in upside down sight.

6 second pass

He rush at the beast in a second with a punch ready to launch at the face. The beast receive the impact of izuku punch, the beast tilts her head aside from the blow of his thunder fist.

The beast was sent fly away but it was just a clone as it disappear in puff of smoke. His sourrounding was bright by the light everywhere.... Wait wha-

The beast throw many light spear at izuku. His eye emitting lightning as his sight showing light spear going slow motion.

he gather the remain electric in him. Release a burst of shockwave energy, blasting away the attack as well the clone disappear in puff of smoke.

10 second pass.

His sight was getting a bit of blurry. He already ran out of juice as he free falling down  from the sky

Time over!

The beast rush toward izuku as she pierce throught his chest as she grab his heart and crush it. Izumi just arrive to help her brother but it was too late.

Izumi: IZUKU!!-yell out in horrified-

Then another shockwave was make as how conduit became existance specie in hero world. And how the vigilante gone forever.

Izuku look at his big sister for one last moment before his eye turn empty white.






Then he suddenly wake up as he sat up in confuse but a portal open as some blond guy fall out from it. He walk toward to the guy to check if he okay

Izuku:hey you okay?

?????:-scratch his injure-yeah I fine, thank for asking

Author note:
Izuku Denjiro power level[38%]

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