Issei past story: fire have join the battle

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"People can die because they are giving up their life but all I see is blood on my hand thousand time"

The screen start with issei riding his bike to school.

Issei:<I had a weird dream about a short blonde trying to kill me>

He ride his bike pass a familar looking person like him. That preson wear a brown hoodie while our issei here wear the damm school uniform.

Issei?: so this is one of the "normal" issei universe.

[ Issei Banjou from union arc, temporary rider Ryuki]

Issei banjou: finally! a universe where A issei doesn't remember about being a devil or being the host of some stupid red dragon

Issei?: Not actually banjou. There actually few issei,who choice to live their normal life instead of get themself into supernatural danger crap

Issei banjou: What took you so long? Noctis|Close eye|

[issei/jaune Noctis, earth fallen knight]

Issei noctis:*walk up to him* it took me like five hour to find you here in this universe

Issei banjou: What about the other?

Issei noctis: they are fucking worry about your damm life even your girlfriend.

Issei banjou: They told you about it, haven't they?|look at noctis|

Issei noctis: Yeah....I kinda surprise about the fact that you have a girlfriend here.

Issei banjou: For the last time|cover his face in disbelief|! She is not my freaking girlfriend.....

Issei noctis: so you two usually hang out like normal friend?

Issei banjou:something like that.....

Issei noctis: well that just proves my point anyway.

Issei banjou: What point?

Issei noctis take out his keyless remote car system. He press the button as his car arrive infront of them in 10 second.

Issei noctis: the point to go home.

Scene change after cameo, issei homura just arrive at his school with expressionless face.

issei:<it going to be a boring day like other time>

when he walk pass gate entrance like thing happen before. everyone in the school began talk shit behind his back but he doesn't give a crap because if they try to bully him or try to beat him after class......then they are dead to him.

he enter the class as everyone was talking about their thing in their life but it was ruin by issei presence. the classroom was filled up with silent. they all looking at him in disgust and anger.

issei just look at them with cold eye and silent. He went to his seat. The class began like normal.

Scene change to school rooftop, where issei laying on floor as he watch cloud moving in different shape. He extend his hand out for the sky......

The scene got glitch as issei's hand was in blood and the sky turn into darkness in one frame second.

The scene glitch back to normal as issei turn his hand to look at his palm.

Issei:<that feeling feel like I been dead before....>-take out the elemental ring-<what was that letter meant by "battle royale">

He look at the ring while lying on floor. When he about put the ring into his index finger.....


[sans gojo: My worst nightmare!!]

[some genius: All you need is to applied the formula]


His index finger stop infront of the ring. Vein growing on his face. The school just replace the old bell yesterday.

Issei:< I fucking hate that bell now!>

Timeskip brought you by tenko midoriya insert "Radioactive" Coin and "Spider" Coin into the watch.

Next day already , issei was walking around Tokyo cosplay event. Issei would still wear his causal clothes than wear cosplay.

While he walking around with Coca Cola on his hand. He notices something a humanoid spider as he see a mirror beside it. It doesn't show that "Cosplayer" reflection on the mirror

Issei:< Strange....>-look at his drink-<Maybe I drink too many today>

He see the "cosplayer" walk toward him as "he" push Neji Hyuga cosplayer to aside.

Neji cosplayer: ACK-fall onto the floor- Who fuc-turn to see "it" but it was nothing there-

Only Issei saw that thing push the cosplayer and everyone doesn't saw that but walk like nothing happen. That humanoid spider slowly approaching issei.

The brown hair boy quickly run for his own life. He know that thing is not a human but a humanoid one. But when he was runining pass the shop window, the humanoid spider was standing there in the reflection as it swiftly grab his hood and pull him into the reflection.

Issei get throw into the car as he cough out the blood. The car got crashed by issei as he fall down in his grunt.

Issei:< that hurt like shit!>

The humanoid spider began to shot web from it mouth which....kinda gross. His arm and leg got stuck by web now.

Issei:<you gonna be ducking kidding me!>

He try his best to pull those web off his arm. The spider is getting more closer to him now.

Issei:<Great now I going to get kill by this spider>

He is now he? Suddenly a fire glyph appear on the floor. And a burst of flame got release out of nowhere, sending the monster spider away from the blast.

When the fire go down, it reveal to be issei standing infront of the floating elemental ring.

Issei: what the hell is this ring?

It immediately rush to issei middle finger. He just look at it in confusion but the humanoid monster open it shot out liquid.

Issei swiftly roll himself to aside but the car itself got melt down by the acid.

Issei: okay~ thing just getting more doom

Get Ready

He run to left to dodge the liquid acid. Issei then try to dash toward humanoid spider but it jump back away and grab the trashcan to throw at issei.

Issei slide underneath the flying trashcan. The humanoid spider shot out many web ball from it mouth. Issei point his finger gun at web.

Issei attack: SPEAR OF  INFERNO!!

Manifest flame spear out of thin-air. Issei just look at his left side to see 10 floating spear

Issei: did I just make that?

Without someone answering, it would be yes. The flaming spear fly toward the web ball and burn them in the matter of seconds.

The humanoid spider spit out acid liquid from the mouth. Issei extend both his hand out as he create a fire shield to protect himself.

Issei wonder this familar feeling like he did used this power once before.  The spider trying to crawling on the Building window as when issei began to manipulate those flame spear up on the air.

Issei turn his arm toward humanoid spider as those spear fly at the monster direction.

The humanoid spider jump off the window as those spear fly up to the sky. The humanoid spider was about to land issei.

But issei just smirk as a fire glyph appear underneath his feet. He run with few step on surface and jump up as the surface got shatter. He launch toward the humanoid  spider with left leg wrap in fire. 

He rotate his body like wheel tire . He extend his left foot out for a flying sidekick as he stop rotate his body like wheel tire.

A dragon make out of flame, flies behind issei back.

Issei finisher: PYRO IMPACT!!

When the humanoid spider receive the kick at stomach. He gathering the flame from the dragon behind him. Channeling the flame into his left foot.

Issei: HAAAAAA!!!!-scream on top of his lungs-


The kick went through the humanoid spider. issei land on building rooftop with one kneel down. The humanoid spider get to be explode behind issei as he stand up.


Author note:
-A Phoenix ring will appear next time
-issei homura past story[14%]

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