"Flash"back about lightning

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In a world, where only female having quirk and male got treat like nothing but trash that need to be gone. Even a boy want to become a hero but can you tell how it would be feel if your idol is nothing but like those whore.

Almighty: you, a male want to become a hero? A male should be dead than become idiot!HAHAHAHAHA

A dream can shatter by reality

Here a important question for you. Tell me...is there even a real hero in this damm world. When you die as hero but those so call "hero" say it just a dumb option you make.
No one support your dream. A sister bully her brother just because his stupid dream, your childhood making humiliated your choice. But your mom is the only one, who support your dream.

But when she is the only torch that help you on your dark path. What would happen if she gone?

Rain can be dropping slowly on surface. A green hair holding his mother in a rain. They can't see his tear was falling down.

Your uncle, your aunt, you standing infront of your parent gravestone. No one was there for him. It was green hair boy standing in heavy rain, he won't even a budge in heavy rain.

The boy was decide to quit dreaming become a hero, for what? Saving people life all for what? Fame? Money? Heroic action? No,it risk live than doing that bullcrap.

Here our izuku mido-wait No Denjiro. You wondering why he change his last name? You would find out later. Just your average delivery guy in a town. He would always delivering your package early than you thought.

One day, he received a package to delivery. He would go on the package location to deliver. When he arrive at the package location, it was just a huge wasteland with tree distant away from him.

Izuku: did I just got trick to this place?

Then vibrant in his pocket. He would just take out flip phone and see a message from receiver.

Open the package.


He was confuse about why he would open the package just because a message from the receiv-

You will get 3 hundred thousand yen


He change his mind. He would open the package for the money anyway. He was curious was inside it. When open the package, all inside the box was a strange sphere releasing energy


Izuku was in the hospital, waking up. He was getting recovery after getting accident. Nurse enter the room

Nurse: Oh you wake up...I thought you really dead

Her voice seem to be mocking izuku. She wish he was one in that explosion. A uninvited guest enter patient room. She look like izuku but swap gender

[Izumi Midoriya]

Izuku was unhappy to see her, he was furious about arrive here. Izumi just sitting there, making him more annoy than before. Atmosphere was heavy and awkward for them, both of them just staying quiet.

Izuku have enough bullshit just in one day already. He would leave the bed and go out for discharge from this place instead of someone here for him.

Izumi:IZU WAIT!?

She go up to him as she grip his hand from prevent him going away like she did the same way.

Izuku:- pull his hand away- WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?!-yell at her-

Izumi: I-I just want to say...I'm sorry

Izuku:-disbelief this- I'm sorry but what did you say?

Izumi:-her voice was skaking in guilt and sadness-I-I just want t-to say I'm sorry-tear about to fall her eyeball-

Izuku:-walk in circle while hold his face- you saying you're sorry? For like what!? Three year for this shit!-point at Izumi chest- you bully me even since I dream about being hero!-point at Izumi chest harder- Where were you when I needed someone support my dream huh!! Where were you when I was alone at our parent grave Huh! Tell meee!-yell at her-

Izumi: Okay I get it! You hate me because I ruin your dream I know but I'm bullies you for your own good.


Izumi:......Yes.by making sure you won't risk your life on dangerous mission.

Izuku: Guess what. You just did it anyway

He walk toward the door and grab the doorknob. Before he left her alone, izuku doesn't turn back to look at her once.

Izuku: Don't even try to call or Message me. I'm not your brother after Mom death and don't even consider me as your relative again

He open the door and left her alone in the room. Tear was coming out of her eye. She fell on her kneel, it was more hurt than a villain quirk.

Author note:
-If you are wondering where answer chapter like my other two story.
- don't worry it just doesn't fully got full question.
- this is izuku past story first part
-the story would go to past and current timeline to make sense....hope so

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