What's fatui and A former devil

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The screen start to show Jaune and izuku was walking toward the city.

Izuku: You know something alway annoy me, Jaune?

Jaune: Like what?

Izuku: I don't know like how come a child could floating on air like paimon.

Jaune: when you mention something like that. Amber did call paimon as a mascot, kaeya doesn't even question what paimon is or even lumine too.

Izuku: That pixie kid can be something more than just a floating kid.

Jaune: yeah I hope something like that wouldn't happen.< if I can asked my future self some question about it>

Izuku: I have a question about Your world source energy

Jaune: what about it?

Izuku: like how many element type for dust?Are there any unstable dust? Like supernova one

Jaune: Good question. Ahem, Would you like to hear explain dust in 5 month?

Izuku:...-deadpan-change my mind. Do you remenber that one time a book drop on your head?

Jaune: Yeah. I can't believe that book having some useful about information about this world like what's a vision.

Izuku: Wanna go faster before they wait us?

Jaune: let go faster before they wait us

Jaune grab izuku back and behind head. He use time dodge, moving fast in a "blink" leaving a blur of them behind.

They arrive at Mondstadt entrance gate, aether and paimon just arrive to Mondstadt too.

Paimon: WOAH!-surprise about their appear-

Jaune: Did we arrive on right moment?

Aether: Nope, we also just arrive here too.

Izuku:-feeling sick- I swear if you didn't not warning me next time. I think I may vomit on ground now.

Jaune: did you guy also clear on one of the temple?

Paimon: yeah we did!

Aether: actually, amber and me only do the job and sheee~-point at paimon-

Jaune: let me guess? disappear?-raise an eyebrow-

Aether:-facepalm- Yup

Paimon:he-hey!-hitting aether lightly in embressaming- don't spill out!

Aether: I mean it kinda true though.

Jaune: anyway. Wanna come along at headquarters

Aether: Yeah, sure. Let go

They start to walk into city, walking on their way to Headquarter but they see Jean talking to someone in suspicious attire.

Jaune: Isn't that Jean?

Paimon: Paimon think so too.

Izuku: It seem she is talking to someone.

Paimon: Let's let her finish, then we can go talk to her.

Meanwhile, the traverler group waiting Jean finish her talking with Fatui .

Anastasia: which is what has brought us to this point in the first place.

Anastasia: if you unable to promotely deal with Stormterror threat then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui.

Anastasia: we put an end to Mondstadt dragon issue, all we need to do is bring that monster to the-

Jean: "monster"?

Anastasia: Yes, what's your point?

Jean: Ah...-arm crossing-I'm expect more professional attitude from your diplomats.

Jean: yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of the four wind of Mondstadt?

Jean: I won't have any of this nonsense infront of the knight of Favonius.

Anastasia: Heh...hehehe...it's not as crazy as you make it sound.

Anastasia: Fine. That's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply... an exchange of constructive opinion, no?

Anastasia: I'll be sure to be make... thorough notes....-leave-

The traverler group walk up to Jean. She notice them coming toward her

Jean: Oh,aether and other , you're back

Jean: Thank for your help. The elemental flow is finally stable

Jaune: Your welcome.

Jean: The aftermath of Stormterror's last attack is finally settled for the moment.

Jean: However, the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be igrones

Izuku: Delegation? From where?

Paimon: Paimon think from liyue habor or Inazuma city?

Jean: Schezhnaya. They choose to follow the god of cryo.

Jean: their envoy go by a particular name, The fatui. Heard of them.

Jaune: Kaeya did say The name but we don't know them.

Paimon: Oh them. They are super famous! Wait infamous is more the word...

Jaune: for like what? erase Stormterror?

Paimon: something like that but can be more worse

Izuku: So do you think They killing Stormterror is their right choice of action? Jean.

Jean: I don't think killing Stormterror is the right course of action. The cryo god Fatui have alway coveted anemo god power

Jean: I don't believe they have Mondstadt best interested at the heart.

Aether: Speaking of Power

Jean: what is it, aether?

Aether: there's something I need to show the knight of Favonius

Jean: Oh? Let us head back to headquarters then.

Jean: we shouldn't discuss important matter...out in open.

They nod as the traverler group following Jean Heading them to HQ. While they were heading

Jean: Mondstadt and Schezhnaya are consider in the same status.

Jaune: So~Like~Mondstadt is independent?

Jean: Yes and it does not belong to any other nation

Jaune: wait Mondstadt is nation? I thought it was a city?

Aether: Same to me too

Jean: yes, despite being referred as a city, Mondstadt is Nation

Jean: Though, Schezhnaya Fatui are known to be most aggressive diplomat in teyvat...

Izuku: It kinda make sense about that woman tone now.

Paimon: Yeah your right, izuku. She's so rude!

They walk into headquarter as they enter Jean office. Lisa was also there

Lisa: Oh you cutie are back

Jean: So what do you want to show us?

Aether take out a glowing Crystal that shape like a tear. It was the thing he took from earlier. While izuku and Jaune was wondering how aether had no pocket but still have the crystal out of nowhere.

Jean: it's a crystal embedded with some kind of power...Lisa, you able to analyze it?

Lisa: let me take a look...-look closer and examine it-Hmm.... I can see impurities in the crystal, but upon further inspection....

Lisa: No, I'm sorry. I can't make a poper analysis at the moment. Give me some time. I'll take a look through Library's restricted section

Jean: Right. I'll leave the research to you then, Lisa.

Lisa: Understood. I'll notify you all if I make any progress

Lisa: though I would getting your hope up.

Jaune: Don't worry, Lisa. I'm already all out hope~-joking tone-

Lisa:....Anyway. They are incredibly ancient text, not to mentio-Touch the crystal and get hurt- Ouch!

Izuku: are You okay?!-hold Lisa hand and check it-

Lisa:-nod- I'm fine and...-have blushing on her face-

Izuku:Huh-look at his hand and realize- OH SORRY!-tug his hand back-

Lisa: it alright-giggle-

[sans gojo:....AHEM.... Trời đụ tại sao mình cảm thấy mình đang làm cơm tró vậy and trời má nó ơi tao đéo chuyện có làm harem cho thằng Izuku đâu!!!!!]

Lisa: The impurities...it hurt when I get close

Jaune:-look at the crystal- let me check-grab the crystal and nothing happen-

Izuku: Nothing?

Jaune: Yup feel nothing-tossed it toward izuku-

Izuku:-caught it on his hand- How can a crystal affect Lisa if it don't even affect us.

Jaune: I mean aether hold the crystal sometime and he doesn't show any sign of pain here.

Izuku:<what if?>-tossed crystal toward jean- jean catch

Jean caught the crystal and feel the pain as when she let it go floating on mid air.

Izuku: It seem my theory was right.

Lisa: I see now....it appear react to vision.

Lisa: the Impurities and elemental energy we embody repel each other

Lisa: That strange...consider izuku is electro holder and cutie there as well also have element ability but it seem doesn't affect you two.

Izuku: I don't know. Maybe we are special?

Lisa: Anyway, the crystal would be better left in the hand of my cutie. It will be a pain if left with us . Both literally and metaphorically

Jaune: Aether, you will keep it-grab the crystal and tossed to aether-

Aether: Okay-caught it-

Jean:...-hold her under chin-Fascinating. Do you two know anything about what make you two special?

Aether: that's the neat part Jean. We no have ideal

Jean:... I do not know what to make of it either. Well, then, izuku,Jaune and aether .... The knight of Favonius have another favor to ask of you.

Jean: Please accept the title of Honorary Knight...and the gratitude of the acting grand master.

Aether: I accept the title

Paimon: Honorary Knight...of Favonius!?-Shock-

Jean: What about you two-asked Jaune and izuku-

Jaune: Hmm, No...-reject the title-

Izuku: Nope, not gonna accept that-shook head in reject the title-

Paimon: What?! why?!

Jaune: Look paimon, that title don't belong us. We are just good guy that can help people as much we can-comment-

Izuku: for me?,title mean nothing but Just a nickname but we can try to help out. -comment-

Jean: thank you for your reason. Anyway, we ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers.

Jean:-sigh- Stormterror's rage...and strange crystal... I know Mondstadt's peace hang in the balance.

Jean: may the wind open your eye to the truth. We'll meet back here if you find anything.

The traverler group: Roger that

Jaune two finger salute before They walk out the headquarter with the scene change to a brown hair pervert slowly sat up in groan.

[ issei homora, former red dragon emperor]

He's been in Mondstadt for 10 day. He had stay low profile even since he been reincarnate into this world with Some information about this world.

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