Helping the bard

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The Screen start to show previous chapter

Issei: HAAAAAAA!!-Scream-

He turn back on mid air and delivering the flying sike kick. Issei launch toward Ball of storm with a flaming feet.

Then Ball of anemo received the impact. Erupt explosion behind him, issei land down.


Izuku:<seem we are not the only outworlder too>

Paimon: You seem that! That was so cool!-eye sparkling-

Venti:Eh?-surprise-well I didn't know he does that before?

Paimon:-look at venti- What?! Paimon thought You know that guy! But you didn't knew what he can do?!

Venti: Well, I only know a little abit about his thing, nothing else. But him?

Issei walk up to his weapon that just tossed away now. He grab the staff and retract it back into small item

Issei: Well that was bother day.

Jaune: Hey!

Issei: Huh?-turn to look at Jaune with blank expression-

Jaune: you're one of us?

Issei doesn't reply but he hold his book out to show the answer for him. Jaune also hold his book to show with with a smile of relief, that they weren't the only outworlder in this world too.

The scene turn gray and dark,white with sign pause. Me, sans gojo, looking at issei Noctis, Ken Tsuki, who sitting on sofa.

Sans: any Ideal for this for the chapter?

Issei noctis: what about an Opening for like every anime?

Ken: Yeah, why don't you make a opening?

Sans: it would spoil the past story and I don't know how to make Opening but screw it!

Issei noctis:*handclap* alright let go

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The intro start with the camera moving pass Mondstadt entrance gate.
The title story showing ontop of the fountain

Issei was showing to be walking with his guitar on his hand.
Issei was walking in Tokyo with a flaming axe on midnight sky.

Scene change to Izuku falling into darkness with his eye close.
Izuku was free falling down pass the dark cloud, sea was showing behind him.

Scene change to Jaune with injure on his body, leaning on boulder behind him.
An group of humanoid Grimm was rushing toward to a injure Jaune and a kid with a sword and a shield stand infront of the group.

Scene change to aether extend his hand out for someone.
"That" preson also extend her hand out for her brother as she got capture in some kind of cube.

The four traverler standing by each other side.
Jaune run toward the Fatui with a jump to the sky.
Izuku using lightning boots as he ran fast toward the mitachurls
Aether extend both his hand out as the wind lift him up
Issei run forward Dvalin with a round off back handspring to the mid air while upside down.

Amber realease the string of her bow as the arrow flying above kaeya head as when he freeze many hilichurl just in one shot.

Diluc lunge down as he swing his claymore with fire,changing the scene to Jean holding her sword with release a gust of wind.

The holy lyre floating down on venti palm but someone pierce throught venti heart with barehand from behind.

Paimon turn back to see the four traverler sitting on grass while playing their instrument. Aether look at paimon with a smile before she join them too.

The intro end there.

Issei: So you guy know Venti?

Jaune: nah we just meet like 6 minute ago.

Issei:...oh~okay then. Oh right!-bow down-My name is issei homora by the way-raise his upper body back- you guy are?

Jaune: the name's Jaune Luna mile

Izuku: izuku Denjiro

Aether: i'm aether, nice to meet you issei.

Issei: it's my pleasure to meet you.

Venti:Excuse me, issei. What was that back then? You somehow used elemental ability without vision?

Izuku: well this is gonna be stupid day

Issei:-sigh-would you believe if I'm from another world?

Venti: yeah~?-confuse-

Issei:see I know yo-realize-what?

Venti: I believe you and in fact, I know three of you were from another world

Aether: eh?

Paimon: He knew?!

Issei: How did you knew that I'm from another world?venti...-say with a venom tone-

Venti: I have my way~. You find out on your own

Jaune:-sigh-Well it pointless to hide it from this bard, right partner?

Izuku: yeah right. It pointless anyway.

Izuku forming a blade of electric energy around his hand. Jaune put a light dust into the chamber and ready to fired it. Aether try to stop them.

Aether: wait wait! You two stop!-hold them back-

Venti: that would explain why some of your ability don't seem to be element-look at Jaune- right Jaune?-smile-

Jaune: Okay you caught me there. I only give you a detail about my power.

Paimon: Wait?! We can know about your ability now!

Jaune: it's....

Paimon:-getting more excited- what is it?!

Jaune: clock...

Aether: Huh?

Paimon: What?!-disbelief- what does your ability have to do with the clock!

Jaune: you find out yourself, paimon

Paimon:aww~-a little upset-

Izuku: wanna join our journey?-ask issei-


Venti: anyway,back to our business,seem like the dragon wasn't only thing that seem to be affect in the wind

Venti: Now then, you were saying someone had told you about the dragon?

Aether nod and told everything from lisa history class lesson.

Venti: is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa.

Venti:She's not wrong. The conflict has reach this point, only because both side have resorted to the use of force.

Venti: his hate,however, did not arise from the people not making tribute to the four wind.

Issei: then From what?

Venti: it wasn't born from his own nature, but instead came about as a product of his degradation.

Paimon: Degra...dation?

Venti: The black blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years.

Venti: That's what has allows him to be led astray by the lies of the abyss mage.

Jaune: Abyss mage?

Aether: never heard of it before.

Venti: They are from abyss order, an organization comprised of non-Human being. They despise mankind.

Aether: where are they come from?

Venti-arm crossing- I don't know where they come from. All I know is that they hold deep hatred toward the human world.

Venti: many hilichurl out in the wild take order from them and act as their weapon.

Venti: before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste.

Venti: But now, before us stand the symbol of Mondstadt's hero, the place from which Mondstadt rose.

Venti: the wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smell...

Issei:<Now I start to think he is weird now>

Venti: being here here with you beneath this great tree feel like when the tear was purified earlier. Like the poison is leaving my body...

Venti: Mmmmmmm~...Feel much better!

Paimon: exactly did you get poison?

Venti: Ahh... that would be because I tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier, but was...interrupted... as a result, not only I did not manage to help Dvalin break his curse, but instead, was also infected myself!

Jaune and izuku look at aether. Then they look back at venti. They have a collusion on their mind

Jaune: it was because of you, right? Aether

Aether: Yup, that was me

Venti: yea, he was the reason.

Venti: So, to make up for it, aether, you're coming with me to the Cathedral!

Jaune:-smack aether back-HA! Good luck!aether!


Venti: As so with you three too.

Aether:-smack Jaune back-You were saying~?

Issei: Wait why?

Venti: Because those two are-point at Blond and green- are his friend and you, issei also decide to join them too.

Izuku: How does that even count?-blank expression-

Venti: It only count when your friend got in trouble with you.

Issei: but I'm not even their friend!

Venti: don't care!

Paimon: wait The Mondstadt Cathedral? To do what exactly?

Venti: To claim a certain "Holy lyre der himmel"

Izuku:-feel suspicious about venti-<how did the bard knew about that thing arrive unless......>-shook his head-< No that theory is stupid>

Aether: Guess weee~ should go the Cathedral?

Issei:-shrug his shoulder- sure let go anyway.

Author note:
-hey sans here, you wondering why I make a short chapter for nothing?
-I been lazy around but in real life? Busy like as a piece of shit
-I had planing issei past and izuku past while Jaune? You are already knew his backstory already no.
-and now play Lost in paradise.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The ending start with issei sitting in class
Issei spin pencil with his hand before it burn away in his hand.

Issei walk pass Jaune with his school packbag on shoulder.
Camera move to Jaune direction as issei walking away from behind.

Jaune sitting on train seat with gunblade behind his back.
Jaune look pass the train window as he take a picture.

Jaune grab doorknob and open the door.
Camera direction move to other side of the door as izuku walk inside with a package on his hand .

Izuku sitting on sofa with 360° Xbox controller.
Izuku walking on street with headphone on his head.

Izuku run on rooftop as he jump off.
Camera direction move to aether look up to see izuku fire strand of electric.

Aether walking with his hand holding groceries and smartphone.
Aether eating ramen in uzumaki London.

Diluc look at his watchs as jean tap his shoulder.
Diluc turn back to see jean holding cold grape soda touch his cheek.

Amber giving a balloon while still inside bunny baron.

Barbara dance on stage and singing.
Venti playing a guitar with barbara.

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