Issei past story: How former become elemetal fighter

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The screen start to show issei hyoudo yawning.

Issei: let start a new day-saying with annoying tone-

He stand off his bed.he walking to the bathroom, taking shower, brushing his teeth. Making his hair dries.

His name is issei hyoudo or you could call useless . He just your avange student, living in Tokyo with his apartment.

He lock up the door as he walk to his school with new uniform

[ This is the closing uniform I can find off right now]

You wondering "where his family" " I bet you don't have parent" "why he living alone". Wanna know? Of course there is some insert reader here to read this so call "useless preverts" backstory. You can get out the story or stay, your choice not mine.

Issei riding his bike to school with blank expression. His parent alway like to chose favor between him and his sister. Isshoin hyoudo, the handsome, genius guy and good at physical, instrument, sport but also....a brat.

Issei score was just at average, not very handsome guy, not good at sport or physical test before. He doesn't remember about what he did back from 5 month ago.

There some rumor spread by those stupid Kouh student about him being rapist but there's one thing he knew, he won't do it with his moral.

His parent doesn't care anything about him but his sister. He was treat like not exist child, alway get compare to his sister. So he decide to quit at kouh academy and transfer to Futo high.

He change his last name from "Hyoudo" to "Homora". So he won't had any connection to his former family anymore.

But there something weird about his dream, like having a girlfriend name "Yuma" or become a red dragon emperor, having a dream of saying "become" a harem king which just make him more confuse because he never did said that before.

While riding his bicycle on bridge, issei look at straight line cloud as he thinking about his future life

Issei rushing pass the shop as reflection showing a different version of him, with wing flame behind him.

He doesn't know that his life would change forever. Would it be curse? Or would it be better.

Scene change to door class getting slide by issei as he step into the class. The atmosphere suddenly drop into silence space.

The student look at issei in disguise, fear, anger. You could he had a bad reputation after those fake rumor spread out by two kendo captain of kouh academy. He doesn't remenber there name clearly.

Issei:<what was their name again?>-having giyuu expression on face-

He walk to his seat next to window. He just let a sigh of tiredness, he just want to end this whole class lesson about this literature. Everyone in his class  began to bad mouth about him.

Scene change to cafeteria

Issei sitting alone with everyone chatting shitty thing about his back. Nothing can go bad at this point.

Some bully grab his shoulder as when issei wasn't flinch by it but annoying to him.

Bully: Hey! Give us the money, rapist!-demand-

Issei doesn't even look back at them. And the bully friend decide her help.....what a nice guy.

Bully friend: Hey! Do you here my friend quest!-yell at issei-

Issei: Ten second left....

Bully: Huh!What did you say again! Say again-getting pissed off-

Issei: Five second left....

The bully friend try to stop her friend from doing it.

Bully friend:-start to feeling nervous- I-I think w-we should leave now..

Bully:-turn to look at her friend-Are you afraid of this freak?!-say it with angry tone-

Then the cafeteria atmosphere became heavily on their body, holding their breath in tension, worry, scare. Their pupil get shrink down into their eyeball.

The bully slowly turn to look at her hand. Her hand grab on nothing but shaking.

Issei: one second left....

The moment issei say it. She suddenly turn to look back at the voice. Her eye immediately meet her worse thing in her life.

His face was cover in shadow but his eye was not. A killer intend issei infront of her sight. She let out a burst of scream in fear

The bully: GYAAAAA!!

Everyone turn their attention on them. Issei put his hand into the pocket pant. Her friend trying to comfort the bully as when issei flip 100 Yen on her.

Issei: This is a warning but next won't-put his hand back to the pocket-

He then walk back to class as the bell ring. The bully holding her face in fear.

The class just start normally with boring, yup a boring and interesting subject..... I rather be a coder.  Then the bell ring, telling them to go home as teacher.

Sensei: you guy also need to do your homework too.

Scene change to issei walking to his coffee work place. All he have to do was just giving people coffee order. Just another normal day for issei.

Issei:-wake up with tired eye-I fucking hate this alarm already.


Issei instead of saying anything, he had a better ideal to do...

Scene change to a blond boy visiting Tyoko with his sister explore this world. Then a alarm clock fall onto the head.

Blond Sister: AETHER!-check on her brother- YOU OKAY!

Aether: Ye-eah-hold his head in daze- i'm fine, lumine

Lumine:-summon her sword- That preson is so death!

She release an aura of dead. Well time to buy funeral for issei now

Aether: lumine. i'm fine really-smile-


Lumine:-sigh- when you said it.<if I find out who throw that clock then he/she gonna death by my hand!>

Scene change back to issei change to his school uniform but he see a paper with a ring on table.

Issei: strange.... I didn't saw it here before-grab the paper and elemental ring- ahem " Issei homura you had been choice to join the elemental battle royal"....yeah~.... Like I believe that crap- put the paper on table and put the ring in his school bag-

Issei just making breakfast before going to school.

Author note:
-issei homura past story[8%]
-izuku Denjiro past story[ 20%]
- issei world was also one of world where lumine and aether travel to.
- I think to forgot to mention lumine and aether also travel to Jaune world too.

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