JL x rwby arc: two is enough

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Chapter cover show us both of our blond and green protagonist. Sitting on their throne with their emblem ontop of them. Jaune holding his gunblade in reverse and other hand placing destiny wrath on his shoulder in blade style. Izuku grow pair of electrical horn and holding a new weapon.

the screen start with jaune waking up with with a yawn. he noticed he is in the forest now. jaune let out a sigh.

jaune: i know they gonna betrayed me again anyway

izuku: who gonna betrayed again?

jaune:-he turn to left side to see izuku- wait i thought you guy left me here?

izuku: what are you saying jaune. we partner remenber and why would me and they do that anyway

jaune: it just bring me back to bad memory...

Izuku: I been there partner.

[Sans gojo: I will tell the same and different here. Jaune is betrayed by team and his friend and treat him like a criminal and his family,even his sister don't care anything about . Izuku on the other hand is betrayed by his childhood, his crush and is like treat female hero society waste space and his mom does care about him and sister 'doesn't' care about her brother. Guess what do they have in same point, they both got betrayed by someone they know
(Love)and both got treat negativity. So yeah when izuku say "I been there" meaning he know how it feel to be alone]

Jaune: wait it your here then where the other?

Izuku: I was gonna ask you the same thing here.

Jaune: how can ask me if I was fucking sleep!

Izuku: dude. I litteraly just woke up after you man. Like just few seconds ago.

Jaune: few seconds ago? Wait something not right here...

Izuku: yeah your right something wrong here.

Jaune: we know aether right?

Izuku: yeah?

Jaune: aether need our help to find his sister correct?

Izuku: correct

Jaune: then there's no way aether unles-

Izuku: if you expecting paimon then here the thing, paimon...is fucking useless like I mean seriously.

Jaune: then Last is issei.

Izuku: issei huh...well we know he is one of us so~ I don't think he gonna do that.

Jaune fedora began glow. He take his hat down as something come out of his hat. Izuku look up and caught the book in his hand.

izuku: well it been one day and it was weird already

The traveler guild book automatically open for itself as it reveal a blank page. They found it oddly since why the book automatically open when last time they check it didn't have that ability

Jaune:-put his hat on again- well it was odd already...-notice each word began to appear on the page-

Help the hero of their story
The liar will always lie to the good guy
Destroy the brain that stole the body
Giving the real one Rest In Peace

Izuku: ah...I see. I don't get it

[sans gojo: this explain their expression]

Jaune: I think I know what it mean now.

Izuku: What does it meaning?

Jaune: you know we are the good guy right?

Izuku: I mean inalway don't want title "hero" anyway.

Jaune: that right. Meaning we are gonna helping the protagonist

Izuku: then what does the second meaning?

Jaune: someone will alway lie to us and make us look like villain.

Izuku: what does the other mean?

Jaune stay silence for a moment before he scratch his head. Izuku look at him with raise an eyebrow.

Jaune: I have no clue what that mean

Izuku let out a sigh of tired. Of course, they will find out on their journey now. But they hear something like a roar? Wait was it?

Jaune take out his gunblade in prepare. Izuku tossed traveler guild book up to mid air. Jaune take his hat down on his left hand as the book went through fitlly.

Izuku take out his baton as it wrap in electric, we can hear crackling. Jaune put his hat on again. They wait for the attack happen. A charging Boarbatusk come out the bush with a rolling attrack.

Jaune preform The horizontal swing of his blade. As that moment, he pull the trigger of his weapon, the gunblade ignite strong heat. Strong enough to cut boarbatusk cut into two piece of the cake.

Izuku: The freak are those thing?!-is clueless on this dark creature-

Jaune: that is a Grimm.

Izuku: you know those thing?

Jaune: those thing usually come from my world -see army of Grimm- and I think we have company.

Izuku: any Ideal how to do that!

Jaune: I know how-holding light dust vial-

Izuku: you think that little bullet power gonna help us right now!

jaune: watch this little bullet can do

He release cylinder out, insert the bullet into chamber. He push cylinder back. He look at izuku

Jaune: Would you mind backing away?

Izuku run away as he went behind the large boulder. He give a thump up to signal Jaune. Blond mercenary nod as he raise gunblade above his head.

Jaune: prepare to be ashes!


When he pull the trigger, a release burst of light coming from light dust vial power. It would Extend a pillar of energy light blade. It cause the wind to blow dust away. Jaune strike down to Goliath, Death Stalker, King Taijitu, Megoliath with downward slash. Destroying the half of Grimm army.

Then he performing a next attack, Horizontal slash to Beowolf, Beringel, Creep. Fully destroy the army of Grimm.

Izuku:<thank goodness that I have a partner like him>

Jaune put gunblade on his shoulder as he look at the destruction that he just made. It was so Beautiful to a point where tree and grass gone into wasteland, litteraly!

Ten mintue before that. Issei and aether, paimon walk to tavern. Paimon began to confuse why they shouldn't the other two come.

Paimon: Issei. Paimon think we should wake them up too. They can help quick

Issei: Paimon, they are showing sign of tiredness on their eye and face. So we should let take rest, we can't alway depend on them. You know that right

Paimon: Paimon alway know that!

Meanwhile Jaune and izuku were sleeping peacefully not until Jaune's hat flying off top of his head. The traveler guild book come out the hat as it start to open at blank page. A portal appear underneath them.

Let go back to our duo. The blond mercenary and mr.Lightning standing there watching Jaune destruction attack. Izuku facepalm in deadpan. Jaune is proud of his attack

Izuku: you know Just how....much attention that you made right?

Jaune: I know but it not like someone will arrive at this location in 1 second.

When Jaune said it out. That was when a female person walk past both of them. It only happen in 0,1 second, Jaune could sense any aura energy in those bit second but it happen faster before Jaune could sense it.

?????: You sure about that? Little boy

Jaune and izuku change to surprise expression on their face. But for some reason, jaune feel something about that girl aura, it like danger,sinister,evil coming from that girl. Izuku leap toward the girl, mr.Lightning bolt just made a dumb move

Jaune: Denjiro wait!

Izuku slam his electric fist down on the stranger. Create a impact, dust cover their battle. But when it dust settle, revealing the girl catch izuku fist and the surface crack.

Jaune was behind the girl in that moment and swing his gunblade in horizontal direction. They can hear mental clash but this is a human neck flesh so this is impossible.......unless this girl have an ability to harden her skin.

Get ready!
Start to "slaughterhouse 2"by zeckixPhonkha

They were eye wide for a moment before izuku send a blast of electricity, pushing the girl back as Jaune roll to aside to dodge his partner attack.

Jaune take out destiny wrath and shoot at the girl forehead scar. The bullet collide forehead but it fall down as when the girl head fall backward...but she slowly raise her head backup, looking down at Jaune in mocking

[ Yuki "Joan?" Tsukomo, Jaune female counterpart]

Yuki: was that your best~?

Jaune know she is mocking to make him lost calmness. Izuku rush toward yuki and jump up to delivery a straight sidekick. But when the kick was stilling flying toward yuki. She extend her hand infront of the kick.


She Forming a green barrier. Izuku kick was stop by a shield, his kick was strong enough to blow away the dust . Jaune notice the ground began to crack underneath izuku for one of those 1 second.

A earth pillar rise up on izuku, sending our lightning vigilante up to the sky, Jaune pull the trigger of his weapon as he sent out a fire slash at earth pillar.

Yuki reshape the barrier into a soccer ball, she kick the sphere toward Jaune as that moment, earth pillar get cut into by a fire slash. But the ball went past throught his fire slash.

Jaune quickly use time shield, deflect the high speed soccer ball. Izuku free falling down with a thunder drop.

He Landing right at Yuki spot. But she jump away as she sliding backward on the flow of yellow fire created below her feet.

Dust cover Izuku but he throw his baton out of dust and hit right in the face as it bounce up and back to izuku as he catch it. Yuki cover her face in pain for a moment before Jaune and izuku combo.

Jaune rush toward Yuki and threw a straight punch to the face, making her nose bleed. Izuku preform a kick to the stomach. Yuki got push back by izuku kick but Jaune grab her head and did a flying knee kick.

Yuki vision getting a bit dizzy before izuku preform a roundhouse kick. Jaune threw right hook punch. Both look at each other before they nod.

Izuku foot was warp in electric and Jaune hand gathering aura into fist.

Izuku special attack: FATAL STRIKE!

Jaune special attack: DEVASTATING PUNCH

Jaune reels his fist back and sent the punch into Yuki face and izuku side step towards Yuki and kick with left foot. Their special attack sent Yuki flying away from them at 10 kilometer. Then a expolode happen after that.

Are you sure?

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