JLxRwby arc: Fastest hero and huntmen vs traveler

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On previous, Izuku foot was warp in electric and Jaune hand gathering aura into fist.

Izuku special attack: FATAL STRIKE!

Jaune special attack: DEVASTATING PUNCH

Jaune reels his fist back and sent the punch into Yuki face and izuku side step towards Yuki and kick with left foot. Their special attack sent Yuki flying away from them at 10 kilometer. Then a expolode happen after that.

Are you sure?

They give each other a fist bump. Look at those explosion

Jaune: Next time, don't rush

Izuku: technically I'm more like leap than rush

Jaune: wait we just killed that girl right?

Izuku:-realize-oh fuck....how are we gonna know where we are!

Jaune:-sensing someone aura-< wait this aura....it can't be!>

Sense change to aether and issei archon quest story.

Paimon: This is getting us nowhere! How are supposed to find that hideout?! Paimon is getting frustrated right now!

Jean: Paimon is right. This "is" getting us nowhere. We can't even find a single clue of where the Fatui hideout is...

Issei: here a bright ideal ideal. Why don't we just split up into group and scatter around and try out best to find the hideout of Fatui. That way, it might be a quick progress for us to find the hideout since it should be nearby to Mondstadt.

Aether: That's a good ideal. But, how are we supposed to know if one of us found the hideout?

Paimon: yeah~ Issei bright ideal is more like a dumb ideal.

Issei: I hear that!

Paimon: or it might become troublesome if we try to make a signal and one of the member of the Fatui saw the signal.

Diluc: then we'll just regroup here from we are standing right now. It's now that hard to find since we're near at the symbol of Mondstadt's hero, which is overwhelming by a giant tree.

Jean: Diluc is right, we'll just regroup here if either one of us got a clue of it's location or found it by luck.

Diluc: wait hold on, can a guitar player like you fight?

Issei: oh Diluc~ you haven't seen what I can do. I can fight them with my fist

Diluc: i see. Then I guess I have no worries if you got ambushed by a group of hilichurl. No offense

Issei: then it's settle. Let's split up and try our best to find the Fatui's hideout.

The group nod then after that they scatter around.They depart to find clues . After everyone depart leaving issei go find fatui's hideout with something they don't know about it, he take another element ring with wind symbol on it. And a picture with it.

Issei look at the picture with sad and painful expression on his face. But he still smile at the picture.

Issei: I wonder what are you doing right now......Wendy?-look at it while before put the picture back into his pocket-

He put the ring into his middle finger. His sense getting increased as he see, hear, smell, feel in all direction but issei close his eye, he need to concentrate on his surrounding. He can see and feel,smell their hideout now

Issei: -open his eye with green light-There you are

Meanwhile Jaune and izuku looking at Jaune former friend. Izuku having confuse expression on those stranger but for Jaune....is anger and hatred.

Chapter cover show us two protagonist on both side. On turquoise side, issei cover his mouth by his iPhone with a smile cloud screen but his eye are saying different...it was sad. On yellow side,Jaune pointing his destiny wrath with anger expression.

The screen show us team Rwby,PRN and some of their counterpart. They also have Barry Allen, Jessica Cruz,Victor stone, Wonder Woman....what was her name again?

[Sans Gojo: Diana Prince]

So~that's a him?

[Sans Gojo: No that's a woman]

But her last name is prince. Would that meant that's she is a royal male?

[ Sans Gojo: don't question it]

....anyway. While on they are heading back to beacon by bullhead. Nora counterpart ask them something.

[ Nora thunderstorm, Queen of thunder strike]

Nora(TS): So~ what your Male Joan look like?

Pyrrha: you mean C-I mean Jaune well-doesn't clearly right remenber about her former partner-

Nora: well I mean Yeah. That why I ask

Pyrrha:-doesn't clearly right remenber about her former partner-<I guess I can give a try>he have short blond hair

Nora(TS): same as ou-

The bullhead get shook by something like a blast. Yang branwen quickly go to pilot sit and turn off auto control and take control. Maintain on flying

Yang:what happen?!

Yang(branwen): A giant light blade come from that way.

Yang and Yang(Branwen) see a explosion happen in same the location that Yang(branwen) just happen to been see.

Yang: wow that was way big explosion than I expection.

Yang(Branwen): that's stupid thing I have ever hear from myself.

Yang: then we Let go check it.

Yang(branwen):*look at yang*you're stupid or are you dumb?

Yang: Both!

Yang branwen just glare at her counterpart. Before she let a sigh of annoying.

Yang go to look and see they lie on above each other. They let out groan. While Some dizzy

Barry: Ruby...


Ruby:yeah?-rubbing her head-

Barry: the one that have flower as their last name....can you get off me*straight face*

Ruby(flower): Oh sorry!

The bullhead land as everyone get out just to see destruction. Jaune and izuku looking at them. Izuku having clueless on those but Jaune looking at the specific person....that he has always want to kill.

Time accelerate

He rush toward Yang branwen at high rate speed. She quickly reaction to stop the gunblade infront of her face with her katana. She can see Jaune's expression, it was anger and hatred for her some reason.

Jaune take out destiny wrath and change it into blade style as he preform horizontal slash at her. Yang branwen push gunblade away and succefully block the horizontal slash but she get push away.

Jaune: You won't escape this raven!!-yell in frustration-

He dash toward Yang Branwen, leaving a shockwave and wind blow. Yang branwen trying to blocking every slash that Jaune sent toward. Once Jaune let out a little open for her to kick him away.

Jaune slide backward. He change destiny wrath into gun style as he point at Yang Branwen. But his hand was grab by some guy with stylish platinum blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a red and white tracksuit with zig zag zipper, red and orange fingerless gloves, and red sneakers. In additional, he wears a light orange scarf and red visor.

[ Barry Allen, scarlet speedster]

Barry: Look buddy I think you mistake our friend as some-*get throw to aside*

He grab floating gunblade on air. Time began to flowing normal again.... Tree branch began to drop as many of them were cut by Jaune air slash. Infront of Yang Branwen was destiny wrath pointing at her face.

Jaune: Any last word...Raven Branwen-glare at her-

Yang(Branwen): there is...

Jaune: spit it out already

Yang(Branwen): my name is not Raven

Jaune about retort but he realize something wrong about Raven. He stab gunblade down and take out bounty poster and compare to Yang Branwen appearance. Both don't have match eye color.

Jaune:......Fuuuuckkkk~-let out groan in annoying and look up- can't believe that I have just mistake someone apparance

????: Jaune?

Jaune turn to look at the female voice and see his former partner. Scene change to issei inside of some cave....who am I kidding, this is Fatui hideout anyway.

Issei walking on bridge like a normal person. But those flamethrower trying to burn issei alive.....welllll~ issei is immune to fire so he is a problem now.

He began to walk on stair as he notices a chest in secret place, thank to Wind ring. He can sense his surrounding in 10 kilometer. Issei walk toward the chest

Issei:-open chest- it can't make me a thief if it is from infamous group.

He receive 20.000 mora and A book

Issei: woah! It can pay for my rent inn for another two month. But sadly I gonna join the main story.....Venti, I hate to breaking your drunkiny promise

The journey to walk on stair. He stop walking as he can sense a Fatui guard. Wind began to gather around issei feet as he flying up. He can see Fatui guard was shivering in Nervous and afraid of something. He take a mask and put it on his face.

[ Fun fact: Issei And Sabito share same JP VA]

Issei:<Guess I play a little trick>

Meanwhile the Fatui guard was shaking in fear. Above him was fire arrow as many of those arrow flying straight down. A fire burst happen, the Fatui guard fall backward.

The fire was everywhere until it began to reshape into a fire stair infront of Fatui guard. Issei walk down in calmly. His feet touch the surface, issei looking down on Fatui guard as he feel like he will be devour by a monster

Fatui guard: AAARRGHHH!!! NO!! D-DON'T EAT ME!!

Issei: Nah I don't eat human,buddy

Fatui guard:H-Huh?! Y-You can talk?!

Issei: I am a human not a slime, dumbass

Fatui guard: You're a human?

Issei: then what am I suppose to be? A rat?Now-eye glow under the mask- tell me, where the Holy Lyre is kept hidden?

Fatui Guard: H-How did you know that the Holy Lyre is here?

Issei: You actually knew?

Fatui gurad: I-isn't that why you ask where?

Issei: it is now.

Fatui Guard: The place it's being kept is locked up tight. If you're after the key, keep going further into the ruins but d-don't go after me

Issei: Don't worry I won't go after you unless~ it necessary.

Fatui Guard: W-What?

Issei: HAHAHA don't worry I was joking. I can sense that you are really anxious.

Fatui guard: w-wait you knew!

Issei: Yep now where the key and so that I can go take holy lyre myself.

Fatui guard:I don't have it

Issei: Then which one have the key?

Fatui: I don't know know which one of the guard has it, but I'm s-sure you can the guard and find out for yourself

Issei: is that all?

Fatui guard:One of the Eleven Harbingers is already in Mondstadt and her name is Signora.

Issei:-surprise-<signora....so One of the Eleven Harbinger is already in Mondstadt>

Fatui Guard: When she get her hand on you, she's going to string you up and torture you.

Issei: You do realize you just spit Out information.

Fatui Guard:....Fuckkkk. Don't say a word about me

Issei: 10.000 mora please

Fatui guard: 9.000 mora

Issei: 10.000 mora

Fatui guard: 8.000 mora

Issei: 9.000 Mora

Fatui guard:Fine! Deal!

Fatui guard stand up and give his mora bag to issei as he take it. He really hate to do it but the Fatui guard doesn't want to get torture

Issei: keep our encounter as secret.

Fatui guard: R-Right!

Fatui guard ran away but when he was about to run down stair but...a bag of his mora drop on his way. Fatui guard look up and see issei.

Issei: keep the bag yourself and be a better person!

Fatui guard: Thank you!-grab his bag and ran away-

He just look at the Fatui guard with a smile under his mask. He open the door and jump on fire grind rail as slid on it. When he reach at the ruins. It was empty and abandon but nothing can fool when his sense just get increase

Issei: I know you there. And you come out girlie

Issei tilt his head to left side. Dodge a electro ball, he let out a sigh in annoying.

Issei: I don't think you can win me

Fatui mage: Fufufu~ are you underestimate me?~

She summon Electro cicins, those creature look like bat that suddenly appear. It not surprising issei as he turn back to look at it since he already knew some blond girl able to transform into bird and summon her "servant".

Issei fall backward to dodge a incoming attack and get push up by wind. He turn aside just to dodge two electro sphere. Issei roll eye and forming three flaming spear and move his hand down.

Electro cicins just got penetrate by three flaming spear. This make her surprise because she doesn't saw issei  Vision unless he hide it but there's no way he can stand up with wind element

Issei:-raise an eyebrow- Your done?

Fatui mage summon more electro cicins and issei look at her with disappoint. He can create a freaking fire dragon, shoot fire ball, create grind rail of fire, create projectile, form weapon and this girl is wasting his time to let her show what she can do

Issei: you know what?Screw this!

Issei wind attack: AIR FIST!


He sent a blast of compressed air and hit right at Electro Fatui mage forehead.

[Randy Cunningham....my favorite show]

Fatui get sent into wall and get knockout. Sense changes to Jaune and izuku on bullhead. Everyone is silent. Jaune using a recharge aura technique as he is meditating with his eye close. Ruby was the first one to break the silent.

Ruby: Sooo....Hm..

Jaune: You want me to forgive your action in past and here my are answer, No

Ruby: What~!-nervous- it not like t-give up-how did you know?

Jaune: First you ask me if I was from our universe then you ask the second question about what happen on 2013. And I still remember that brutal day.

Ruby: Well I mean we may went overboard last time....

Jaune: last time? Last fucking time?!-stand off his sit- I almost got myself kill because you and your friend!

Yang: Hey don't bully my lit sis, you damm fake-get punch into the face-

Jaune: Shut up Yang! You and your brainless muscle almost broke my rib and sent me into medical room!

Pyrrha: What about you Jaune! You beat the crap out of all us

Jaune: and did I almost sent all of you to death with my weapon once?-scrams-

Ren: He's got a point though.

Pyrrha: Ren! Are you seriouly on Jaune side!

Ren: We almost sent our former leader to death with our weapon many time. And you think he once almost beat us to death...

Pyrrha was speechless on Ren word. He was right on them almost kill someone. Jaune fall back to his sit. Everyone went back to silent atmosphere

Yang(Branwen): we almost arrive to beacon.

To be continue

author note:
-yeah...I don't know how conversation
-I had hard time on which character that I need them to talk
-here a small cameo leak on this arc

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