JLxRWBY arc: Magic universe

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The chapter show us our Blond protagonist and Ren . Jaune standing infront of the cover with gunblade, releasing a burst of light. Ren is behind Jaune back as he point Grimm with StormFlower.

The screen show us Jaune and izuku in ozpin office. They explain universe concept for two newbie

Jaune: Alright, so in this universe. You guy use magic and aura is source of magical energy that exist inside your body. Grimm still exist in this universe too

Ruby(Flower): yeah pretty much.

Jaune: So what happen to your Jaune? Still alive and kicking?

Izuku: You make it sound like if he happen to be dead already

Ruby: That's.....a she

Izuku: I just mistook someone gender don't I?-deadpan-

Jaune: Yup you just did

Ruby: her name is Joan and she pretty much...dead

Jaune:....yeah....I'm about to eat my word back.

Ozpin come out the elevator with headmistress, glynda Goodwitch. But some reason she glare at Jaune in frustration.

Yang (Branwen):Grand sorcerer ozpin! We have done our mission and we have two new guest, one from team Their universe while the other, we don't know much.

Ozpin: it's that all about that new guest-mean izuku-

Yang: Yes...

Ozpin: then you can leave now, Miss Branwen with team 8

Yang(Branwen)nod her head and leave the office with other

Ozpin:would you mind introduce yourself.

Izuku: Izuku Denjiro

Ozpin: Anything else mr.Denjiro

Izuku: I have a electrokinesis

Ozpin: can you be more specific

Izuku: I have a power manipulate,absorb,generate electric

Ozpin: can you absorb any Type of electric like magic

Izuku: as long it is a electric type then I can

Ozpin: What about you mr.Arc

Jaune:-tilt his head-how did you know my last name?

Ozpin: Your friend told me about you and what you did on your remnant.

Jaune: did about what?

Ozpin:killing innocent live...-deep tone-

Jaune:-blink in confuse-what?

Ozpin: you hear what I said. Killing innocent live.

Jaune: what make you think I kill people?

Ozpin: Your friend told me about highway accident, team RWBY try to save innocent live but until you try to arrest a wanted thief and killing those live on their way without mercy. You cowardly left a village to die and team RWBY try to their best to defend village.

Jaune honest reaction on that information

Jaune: Bruh.

Izuku: Wait you seriouly kill people?

Jaune: Dude.....you know better than those idiot!

Izuku: I mean we both don't kill people unless it is necessary.

Jaune: Alright how much did they told about me in day,week, month?

Ozpin: they told me about you from a month.

Jaune:-breath in-so you they told you about me.

Ozpin: Yup

Jaune: And you believe them?

Ozpin:Yup-take a sip of his tea-

Jaune: and you trust them without concerning?

Ozpin: Yup

Jaune:-facepalm-can't believe my uncle counterpart is stupid enough to believe them.

Glynda: How dare you insult Grand sorcerer!

Ozpin raise his hand, making headmistress Silent.

Ozpin: What make you that, Young Man

Jaune: First of all, my name is Jaune mile Luna, it's not Arc...anymore. Second, I don't kill innocent live. That is Team RWBY fault for that. Third of all, MAN YOU ARE DUMB AS BULLSHIT!!

Izuku: Language!

Jaune: Japanese!

Izuku: Oh yeah prove it!

Jaune: omae wa mou shindeiru!

Izuku: NANI!?

Izuku get a punch into the face. The green hair protagonist laying on floor with Yamcha pose.

Ozpin: What do you mean that Team RWBY fault and what do you mean your last wasn't Arc anymore

Jaune: Oh about that.-take out his scroll and checking if those film still in there- You could thank to my Dad for his selfish attidue-keep checking the file-

Ozpin: what about your family mr.Arc. They still care about you right?

Jaune: caring about me? Yeah like that ever happen before.

Ozpin: What make you say that, Mr.Arc?

Jaune:-sigh-first of all, my last name is not Fucking Arc, grand sorcerer shit. Second of all, you don't know what it feels like to be left behind by the family that you had been born in.

Glynda: Stop making nonsense, Jaune Ar-*a bullet went over her cheek*

Jaune:-glare at her with destiny wrath point at glynda- call me again with that damm name clan then you are fucking dead next time!

Glynda: Are you challenging us!?

Jaune: Do look like I dare to you?

[Sans Gojo: He more is more like a threat than doing challenging]

Wind cover Glynda as her expression became more frustrate. Ozpin raise his hand up, giving glynda signal to stop her action.

Ozpin: I can understand why you don't like your former last name but I don't know about how Team RWBY was the one who cause those accident.

Hologram appear infront of headmistress. Showing a streamer girl. glynda and ozpin look at Jaune with deadpan face.

Jaune: What? You want answer right? That live stream gonna show you what really what happen on highway accident.

Streamer girl: HEY GUY!it your gir-

Glynda: Are we just gonna watch this some random girl

Streamer girl: Hey, is that a mecha? And two huntsme-

her camera show Blake and blond monkey running away while jumping on other car as mecha pushing car away. Glynda cover her month in shock and disbelief. Jaune skip stream video to each part of the stream where weiss forming ice on surface as Yang slam her fist to create mist, blinding people on highway and almost went off the highway. Yang punch the mecha as she destroy the pillar highway.ambulance taking injure people to hospital. They also take dead...people....holy shit! It that jack 5 million!

[Sans gojo: For those who don't know jack 5 million or Jack J97, he was a singer in Vietnam. If you guy wonder why he is call Jack 5 million because 1Jack is equal into 5 million dong. Let go back to our story]

Jaune: So tell me ozpin....who the real murder now

Ozpin:....What happen to the village*voice go deeper*

Jaune: glad you ask.

The hologram screen change to another stream file. What really happen on that day. The day where everyone was getting kill by Grimm.

Streamer boy: You guy are huntress! You guy should protecting us!

Yang: we are protecting!

Yang kick streamer boy away from the ship.

Yang: For ourself!

Team Rwby fly away,leaving the village in defenfless state. The streamer boy scream for help as he was about to getting kill by beowolf.


Beowolf get penetrate on forehead by a sword while the hilt look like a gun handle. Viewer can hear the sound footstep of someone coming behind streamer boy.

it reveal to be the faker,the guy who above light speed,the rumor in legend himself. Jaune Luna Mile

He pull his sword up from beowolf skull. Darkness creatures decay into ashes. Jaune look at streamer boy before leaving a blur trait of dark blue,yellow.

The viewer, who still watching the live stream. Jaune slide straight on surface as cut past beowolf before his first ability activate, time vision, giving to the user sensing thing around them before it could happen.

Here the keyword here "sensing" not "see". Time vision allow user to sense thing around them before it cound happen or the user also can hear echos of the past, it doesn't giving them the ability to see what actually happen .

Jaune crouch down as he dodge a slash from fury. A humaniod Grimm that can reach at Mach 10

Jaune looking at Fury with uninteresting face. In 0,1, Jaune leap toward Fury as his feet land on humanoid Grimm face. Jaune look up to see nevermore. Jaune gather 10%aura in his leg, he jump up to the sky.

Fury get crush down by Jaune. He charging toward nevermore with horizontal slash

The hologram screen disappear infront of them. Jaune put his scroll back into his pocket.

Jaune: So answer me ozpin-emotionless voice- what make a protecter and a hero same different from each other

Ozpin was stay in silent. He could answer the question but...are they even the same answer?

Jaune: A protecter is someone who protect for something that have value while hero are bunch of moral with same stupid mindset.

Jaune: so tell me...ozpin. What make them same thing?

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