JLxRWBY arc: issei side,"medium"

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Chapter cover show us someone who look like issei Homura but he hold a katana while it cover with mist,flame,water,thunder,wind. His clothes was different from his counterpart

The screen show us issei touch console that was place on surface. The stone door open behind as issei turn back. He walk into it, only to see another console that is attach to a platform.

Issei instead of touch console to lift him up. He gather wind around his feet as he jump up to area, where the holy lyre. He land safe and when he looking for holy lyre. It was only to see to be in cage.

Fatui agent: Where did a brat like you scurry out from...

Issei just let out a sigh in tired. He look at Fatui agent, even it invisible for a human eye but not human sense.

Fatui: Signora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs. So I'll be the one to take care of you—save her the trouble of having to deal with you herse-get crush by wind palm-

The area surface getting crack and forming a palm under Fatui agent. Issei walk to Fatui agent and he pull the hood with his face showing anger for enough of their bullshit today

Issei: Who are you gonna deal with now....trashbag

Fatui agent: I-nose and mouth bleeding out- say I gon-receive the fish impact-

Fatui agent punch into the wall and issei is not gonna let those Infamous members walk around without concern about their action. He run toward Fatui agent with a punch into the gut.

He start to combo his moveset, he used right punch at right face and used left hand to threw straight punch at the face. Fatui agent can't esecape this situation because behind him was a wall.

He then change his combo from punch to kick. He kick Fatui agent from left leg to stomach to head. Then he grab Fatui agent collar and slam into the wall, leaving a crack on it.

Fatui agent receive roundhouse kick, sent flying into another wall. Leaving a crater on that wall than this wall. He go take holy lyre.

Scene change to another place, Fatui agent wake up in modern city.

Fatui agent: Where a-get bite in half by unknown creature-

The creature can be descried to releasing some kind of smoke, it tail having poisonous, the feet and hand are seem to sharp enough to cut a building.

Art of blade, Water Style: Waterfall Basin

He cuts Akuryo vertically in a flowing motion which is most effective when he is falling downward.

Akuryo head split from the body. The figure seem to be male, he have brown hair and green eye, he wear black jacket with short sleeve,grey shirt,Black jean, sneaker. He put his sword back into scabbard

[ Issei Hyoudo, The "medium"]

Author note:
-I know i should write about 1500 word or 2000 but I don't feel good today
-I will write what happen next on Jaune and izuku story side

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