JLxRWBY arc: return to their universes

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The screen show jaune lying on surface.

His eye suddenly open as he sat up in confuse. He quickly go check his body if Jaune is actually death.

?????: So you finally wake up. Youngest me

[Sans Gojo: if you guy wonder why Old Jaune is call his past self as "youngest" because I need to remind you guy that old Jaune is first human who live the longest on his future remnant exclude Salem because she is a Grimm now]

Jaune: old me?

Old Jaune: Yup.

Jaune: I thought you were gone after that

Old Jaune: you mean that time

Flashback show us, old man Jaune slowly disappear into aura particle from this timeline.

Old Jaune: I thought I was gonna disappear after disconnect our timeline but I didn't expect that happen.

A little aura particle of old man Jaune got fuse into young Jaune aura. Their soul and experience got combine into as one.

That would explain how Jaune utilize his time semblance even though this is his first time to use it to against his former friend. That would also explain his combat level was different.

Jaune:....so why am I here?

Old Jaune: just to remind you that you are using my semblance than your.

Jaune: Your semblance? I'm confuse I thought we both use time semblance.

Old Jaune:-facepalm-do you even realize that you are only one who freaking recharge your own aura. While other can't

Jaune: So~?

Old Jaune: you had your own semblance!! Stupid!<From I remember. 99% of each jaune have aura amp semblance while that 1% have other semblance and this version of me....is one of 99%>

Jaune: wait you saying I had my own semblance all this time?

Old Jaune: Yup now wake up and beat that bitch!

Jaune: on it!-disappear in smoke-

Old Jaune: I feel like I forgot to to tell him

Scene change to Ruby laying on surface and her scroll was on ground. It was show everyone aura meter.

Team RWBY aura: 0%
TeamNPR aura: 0%
Jaune aura:0%......

Jaune's body began to glow as his pain slowly reduce. His aura meter began to rise from 0 to 18 to 30 to 40 percent

He slowly rise up. His aura was fully recharge at 100 precent. The surface began to get crush by Jaune's aura pressure.

Kenjaku:-look over her shoulder- Huh?-see Jaune still alive-Ho~ you got some nerve to stand u-get 1inch punch into the face-

The surface get crack as kenjaku get hit into the ground.

Kenjaku try her best to hold the pain at the face. Jaune raise his leg up and slam the kick downward

This time Jaune wouldn't give a mercy chance like last time. But something come out of kenjaku shadow.

Jaune use both of his arm to block that punch. Well he successfully block that attack but Jaune got slide backward. He look at Joan's shikigami.

a muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates as Mahoraga responds to new stimuli. Furu's Incantation of the Ten Sacred Treasures and this wheel represent a complete cycle and harmony. Mahoraga also sports black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body

Kenjaku let out a smirk on her face, standing infront of mahoraga.

Jaune: Well-mocking tone- look like you need a daddy don't you?

Kenjaku: You better shut your damm mouth brat!mahoraga attack him!

Jaune just simply snap his finger as mahoraga stop moving infront of Jaune's sight. Izuku jump up into the sky and extend his right leg out.

Izuku finisher: LIGHTNING BLAST!

Izuku: HAH!

Izuku kick throught mahoraga and explosion shit happen like every toku villain after they got defeat by protagonist and their friend . Jaune take out gunblade from his fedora. He send a chain of golden energy clocks at the kenjaku.

Kenjauku: Damm you hero!-get erase-

Jaune's gunblade Finsher: Time slash!

Explain: time slash, an ability to erase someone existence from every timeline. This is the only ability that will take user max aura away.

Jaune place gunblade on his shoulder. Izuku walk up to him and place his hand on Jaune's shoulder.

Izuku: This is end of this arc right?

Jaune: yeah I was hope that knightlight would appear here as a flashback but I guess it will appear as a cameo anyway.

Izuku notice JL and rwby and Jaune former friend is disappearing into ashes. After then they feel earthquake and reality began to break into pieces

Jaune: Izuku, let get out here

Izuku: what about the other?

Jaune: they already return back to their universe.

Izuku: What do you mean they return to their universe.

Jaune: Kenjaku is the reason why they are here. If I erase kenjaku then they won't be here because this world
Doesn't need a reason for them here in the first place.

Izuku: that explain abit but how are we going out from this world to teyvat?

Jaune: I know a way but you need to trust me okay.

Izuku: i trust you since when we were first meet.

Jaune: Ready? Go!

They both run as they activate their power to speed up.

Barry,vixen return to arrowverse .

Batman,Wonder Woman,super man return to DC animate Show.

Cyborg return to DC animate Film

Meanwhile Jessica in DC super hero girl

Jessica was sleep in class but a someone wake up by shaking her.

?????: Jess. Wake up!-whisper-

Jessica:-slowly open her eye-huh-yawn while rubbing her eye- why did you wake me up Jaune?

Jaune: class about to end and I saw sleeping cutely

Jessica:-blush- o-oh thank for wake me up -realize something- wait did you said cutel-jaune cut her sentences-

Jaune:AH!-freak out- LETGOTO CAFETERIA!-use index finger to point up- SEEYA THERE JESS!

Jaune itadori said quickly before disappear in a blur. Jess just look jaune run away in embarrassing face.

Team RWBY and PRN return to remmant.

Meanwhile jaune and izuku still running on water. The reality behind is shattering quicker

Jaune leaving his afterimage behind as he ran. Izuku used his brain to reach it max capabilities as when he thinking physics and math formula. Brain could produce if you are thinking quicker

Jaune:Ready for a jump. Partner?!

Izuku: let do it!

Both of them jump up as portal began to distort the air. Then a denliner come out distort portal. The duo success enter denliner. Sans gojo sitting while eating his bread.

Sans gojo: Huh?

Mr.lightning bolt and time breaker are laying on floor while breathing heavily.

JLxRWBY arc is end

Author note:
-sorry about rushing the story.
-just like jaune Luna Mile say. I make knightlight appear as cameo
-well the reason why I rushing this chapter is because midtern exam is coming up so I had to wake my ass up to study
-i original plan to make a flashback about jaune and Jessica.

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