Satified now?

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The screen start to show Jaune punching raven out of his frustration.

Jaune: I should have kill you and your tribe along time ago!-giving a uppercut- when you are the weakest in that time!-threw a straight punch-

Meanwhile izuku threw kick at them. Sans gojo letting them fire bullet at him.

The bullet was flying close to him and it flying at super slow. I just yawn and make finger snap sound. Raven minion got trap by blue bone.

And the next attack is gaster blaster. A huge skull floating above my head, it open the mouth and gathering energy to fire. Gaster blaster realease the beam of magical energy. Killing them without mercy.

Don't get me wrong on that, they kill good and bad people. They don't have a single mercy, even the bad guy have a little single mercy for someone.

Both saw raven fly out of her camp and a blur chase after her. Jaune deliver a flying side kick into the face as raven's aura got shatter. Her nose bleeding out.

Jaune doesn't give a shit about mercy anymore. Then he use his left leg to preform axe kick. Slamming raven doward to the surface.

Sans gojo:[yeahhhh~ let hope her skull is break] satisfied now?

Jaune: One second.-shoot at raven leg-

Raven:-yell in pain-AAAAAAHHHHHHH

Sans: You want to make her surffer don't you?

Jaune: I'm not gonna kill her that easliy. No I will make her surffer and make her never walk again. Making her the weakest, the loneliness person that ever be.

Sans: so....are You~...satisfied now?

Jaune: yes.

Sans: good because I literally won't wrote about the flashback part. It will be complicate part of my writing history.

Jaune and izuku jump up as denliner come to pick them up. Sans gojo look at them leaving  and turn his direction to look at the massacre

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