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Jimin bit his lip as he walked up to the front door of the house he lived in, followed by Yoongi and Jungkook right behind him.

"Oh, come on," Jungkook pushed Jimin out of the way and opened the door for them. "Jesus, don't be a pussy. The faster we do this, the faster it will be over."

Jimin nodded his head as he walked into the home. "Is he even home?" Yoongi asked Jimin, closing the door behind them.

"Well, if you're not quiet then he'll fucking know we are here." Jungkook hissed and punched Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi held his hand over his shoulder and gently rubbed it. "I can't believe I'm helping you do this." Jungkook muttered as he walked forward starting his search through the home.

Jungkook knew now that Yoongi couldn't hurt him if Jimin did end up dying. He was too much of a wuss, like Jimin. But Jungkook shouldn't be too sure about this, he doesn't know the boys well enough to figure out if Yoongi will attack him or not. But he was pretty sure he would be able to kill Yoongi first if it did come down to that.

Jimin looked down at his father's worn out shoes and sighed. He was the one who had to kill his father, Jungkook was forcing him to. "He's definitely home," Jimin told them quietly as he started his way towards the kitchen where he heard noise.

"Good," Jungkook smirked as he looked over at Yoongi. "Looks like I won't be killed," He chuckled.

"Be quiet," Yoongi snapped at Jungkook.

Jimin's eyes looked at the pot of water on the stove, water boiling over the top and onto the stove making a loud hissing noise. He raise his eyebrows, "Dad..?" Jimin called out quietly.

As he moved more into the kitchen he froze, his eyes widened at the sight.

"Jimin, I don't think he's here," Yoongi said walking into the kitchen. "Jimin?"

Yoongi walked next to Jimin and stared at Mr. Park lying on the floor next to the table. "Did you..?"

"No," Jimin shook his head and kneeled down, grabbing his father's wrist. All of his time was gone, Mr. Park was already dead.

"Look at all the marks on him," Jungkook said as he made his way over to the body, pointing out all the bloody cuts. "Wow... they have knife skills..."

Jimin sighed as he looked at all the carvings on his father's skin. "I don't know how to feel,"

"He's dead, he can't hurt you no more, you should feel happy." Jungkook laughed, as he dragged his finger along one of the cuts. "Also, who the fuck did this? I don't want to be with you guys if someone is gonna be after Jimin now."

Jimin stood up and walked over to the stove and turned it off.  "Don't worry, it was bound to happen sooner or later... he always had people after him."

"Jimin, I don't understand why you care about this guy," Jungkook shook his head as he stood up.

"Just shut up," Jimin growled. "Leave me alone for a minute,"

Yoongi frowned as he walked over to Jimin, he wrapped an arm over Jimin's shoulder and pulled Jimin into a hug.

"Whatever," Jungkook shook his head. "Hey, now that no one lives here... why don't we stay here?"

"No," Jimin said moving away from Yoongi. "Too many things happened here.. I just need to leave. Besides there might be other people who think he's alive and they'll come looking for him."

"So are we just gonna leave him on the floor?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin nodded his head as he started his way towards his father's bedroom. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asked Jimin.

"He's going to take his father's money, stupid." Jungkook laughed following Jimin.

Yoongi took one last glance at Mr. Park's cut up body then followed the boys. "Whoever wanted your father dead, sure did a hell of a good job at it." Jungkook told Jimin as he also searched through some drawers.

Jimin stayed quiet, "Are you gonna help or not?" Jungkook sneered over at Yoongi.

Yoongi walked over to the closet and searched through it. "What are we looking for?" He asked as he threw some clothes on the ground.

"Anything useful," Jungkook said as he turned towards the boys. "Okay, I found a pocket knife.. nothing else,"

"I got all his money..." Jimin sighed, it wasn't a lot of money but it was still something. "Let's go,"

"So, now what?" Yoongi asked Jungkook. "We still need to get time."

"I know who we can kill," Jungkook smirked.

ooo i know who it is

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