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"Fuck..." Jungkook groaned as he opened his eyes to the sun shinning right in his face. He placed a hand on his forehead and hissed as the pain in his head increased.

"Ah, you're finally awake," Yoongi said crouching down to Jungkook's level. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," Jungkook closed his eyes and pushed the blanket off that was laying over him.

"What happened?" Jimin asked, looking over at Jungkook.

"I got in a fight, obviously." Jungkook smirked, then shook his head. "It was fun,"

Jimin's eyes widened, "Fun? How can that be fun? You're a mess."

"What did I miss while I was out?" Jungkook asked Yoongi, ignoring Jimin.

"Jimin, wants to kill his dad now," Yoongi said then looked towards Jimin who was frowning at the mention of his father.

"Make up your mind," Jungkook glared over at Jimin. "And I can't,"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Jungkook laughed bitterly, "I lost the device last night, some guy took it. I have to steal a new one.."

"Why can't we buy one?" Jimin glared over at Jungkook. "We don't have time,"

"Correction," Jungkook smiled over at Jimin. "You don't have time,"

Yoongi gently pushed Jungkook's shoulder, "Hey, you said you were gonna help us," Yoongi was getting upset with Jungkook. They were now down to a week until Jimin's time will run out.

"I will, but those things are expensive. Where do you think we're gonna get the money for something like that." Jungkook slowly stood up. "Give me a water,"

Jimin sighed loudly as he pulled his backpack off, he unzipped it harshly then threw the bottle of water at Jungkook who caught it. "Thanks,"

"I have money..." Yoongi started, "I can steal some of my parents money."

"Alright," Jungkook agreed.

"Yoongi, are you sure?" Jimin asked as he stood to his.

Yoongi did the same then locked eyes with Jimin. "I'm sure,"

"Are you guys a thing?" Jungkook asked looking between the two boys.

Jimin stayed quiet, not sure if Yoongi wanted to be something with him. "Yes, we are," Yoongi told Jungkook as he grabbed Jimin's hand.

"Awh, how sweet. Trying to save the love of your life." Jungkook chuckled, "Look if he dies, don't blame me,"

"I already said I was going to kill you if that happens." Yoongi glared over at Jungkook.

Jungkook huffed loudly then pressed his lips together. "Right, you're giving me money."

"Exactly, so let's get moving." Yoongi folded the blanket that was laying on the ground then placed it in his backpack. "Do you know who you got into a fight with?"

"I don't know," Jungkook shrugged. "And I don't care,"

Jimin grabbed ahold of Yoongi'd hand again as they began walking. "So where do we buy this thing?" Yoongi asked interwinding his fingers with Jimin's.

"Just follow me," Jungkook said with a smile.


"Whoops, sorry," Jin apologized as he bumped into a stranger.

"Watch where you're going," The male said as he glared at Jin.

"I said sorry..." Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah.. you did," The male relaxed and held his hand out. "Taehyung,"

Jin smiled and placed his hand into Taehyung's. "Jin, It's nice to meet you,"

"Say you wanna help me out?" Taehyung asked with a sly smile.

"I mean.. what do you need help with?" Jin questioned, pulling his hand away from Taehyung's hand.

"Well, I just need a friend. I kinda lost my friend last night.. and I'm really sad." Taehyung frowned slightly. "I don't know... Just kinda want to hang out that's all."

Taehyung didn't want a new friend. He was fine being by himself... What he did need was someone to be there when he fought Jungkook again. Someone to distract Jungkook while Taehyung killed the boy. He didn't care if Jin would end up dead or not. He just needed Jungkook dead.

"Uh, sure. I guess?" Jin smiled, "I'm kinda lonely myself, hah."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "What, you have no family or something?" That's what Taehyung hoped for, since it would be easier for him just incase Jin did die because nobody would care.

"I do, I just- my friend left me also. Now let's not talk about it. How about we get some coffee or food?" Jin shoved his hands into his pockets. "You know, to get to know each other better."

"Alright," Taehyung smirked.


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