Chapter 6

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Frisk POV

I ran down the hallway that would lead me to Snowdin. Tears were threatening to spill down my cheeks as I ran, desperate to get out, to see my friends, if they could still call me that.

Finally, I reached the door. I could feel the chill of the air outside blowing underneath it. My hand hesitated in front of the door, just about to push it.

What if nobody was there? What if Sans and Papyrus had both disappeared like Toriel? What if I was left on my own here? With nobody to help me?

I shook my head. No, that's not what's happening. I will figure this out. I'll find what happened to Toriel and bring her back.

I glanced behind me at the empty hallway.

"I promise."

Sans POV

Knowing that Papyrus would probably explode if I left work again, I decided to stay put. This would usually work for me, considering it gives me a chance to rest, but today wasn't a very restful shift. I had barely begun to close my eyes, when another loud, piercing screech filled the air around me and the ground started to shake. This time, it seemed more intense closer to the ruins. I fell off my seat, startled by the sudden noise. Then after a few seconds of agony, everything went still again. I looked down at the ground.

No, no new cracks. What was that all about?

I shifted my gaze over to the big, purple door that led to the ruins. Without a moment's hesitation, I teleported to it.

The door seemed perfectly fine. No cracks, breaks, or anything, but that wasn't what I was worried about. I needed to see what kind of mood the kid was in this time.

"knock, knock," I said, tapping lightly on the door.

No response

I froze. No, no, no, not this again! Not when I've got so much to worry about already!

I teleported behind a group of trees to collect my thoughts. Okay, so the lady at the door is missing; that's a bad sign. There are cracks everywhere also, but that doesn't mean anything yet. The kid is probably-

My thoughts were cut off by a creak coming from the door. I quickly stepped out of sight and watched as Frisk exited the ruins, looking apprehensive. They began to walk toward Snowdin, not noticing me.

I followed them. Just far enough so that I was out of sight. Everytime they turned around, I teleported back behind the trees and waited for them to continue. Finally, they reached the bridge.

Looks like its my turn now.

I walked up to Frisk who had their back to me, making sure to be as ominous as possible just to scare them a little more. Finally, I reached them.

"h u m a n"

Before I could continue, Frisk turned around. They had a smile on their face and looked extremely relieved.

"Sans!" They said, running toward me with their arms outstretched. Before they could reach me, I held up my hand, grabbing their soul with magic and forcing them to stop. Frisk's expression of relief turned to one of terror.

I saw flashbacks. A golden hallway, a snowy path, a watery chasm. Each with a fine layer of dust coating the ground. My hand shook slightly, but when I spoke, my voice was calm.

"give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you right now."

Frisk opened and closed their mouth several times, unable to find the right words to express their reason. Or maybe they were just too startled by my sudden burst of violence they couldn't speak. I couldn't tell. Finally, they found the words.

"Well, Toriel..."

I cut them off. "the woman behind the door? yeah, you're gonna have to do better than that. i was wondering why she didn't answer me."

"No, no! It's not like that! It's not what you're thinking! I need-"

"whatever you need you can't have it. why should i give you something when you decided to kill my brother? you think a reset's just gonna magically make things better?"

"I need help, Sans!"

I let go of their soul. "excuse me?"

Frisk looked at me with watery eyes. "I need help! Everything is wrong and-"

"you shouldn't have come to me, then."

Frisk looked shocked. For a moment, the two of us just stood there, unable to say a word. After a few moments, however, Frisk started to cry. Tears slid down their face and fell onto the snow. "I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry I lost your trust. I'm sorry I killed Papyrus! I know! I was stupid! It's not going to happen again! But something's wrong with this timeline. There are cracks, duplicate rooms, missing monsters, and I can't find Toriel anywhere! If anyone could help, I figured it would be you, Sans!"

My cold expression dropped. A war between emotions battling in my head. Part of me wanted to believe the kid. Wanted to help them, forgive them, whatever it takes. The other half wanted to send them flying away, never to come back again. Slowly, but surely, the forgiveness took over. Frisk, seeing the resentment wash away, took their chance. They ran up, and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"gee, kid," I said half returning the hug. "i think that's the most talkative I've ever seen you before. of course, i technically haven't ever seen you before."

Frisk giggled a little, still not letting go. "I'm really sorry for being a crybaby." They sniffed. I patted them on the back.

"yeah, kid. i know."

We stood there for a few minutes. It didn't seem like Frisk was wanting to let go anytime soon, so I decided to try and cheer them up a little.

"hey kid, it's a little chilly out here. ya know, if you ever need to warm up, you should go stand in a corner. they're usually about 90 degrees."

Frisk looked up at me and gave a snort of laughter.

"what? are you laughing at my jokes? i know they aren't very good, but i'm trying to be as humerus as possible."

Frisk laughed again, finally letting go. They wiped their eyes with the sleeve of their sweater.

"i think i'm supposed to say something right now to progress, but i don't really feel like it. just head to the lamp without me. i'll meet you there."

They nodded and ran off to the conveniently shaped lamp next to my sentry station. Papyrus would be there in a few minutes, but I needed a moment to think.

If it wasn't Frisk who caused Toriel to disappear, then there was definitely something much bigger going on than I had originally anticipated.

3rd Person POV

The Doctor and Alphys both watched as the door slid shut behind Undyne. Alphys breathed a sigh of relief.

"Y-you know, even as n-nice as she is, Undyne c-can be a little um, o-overwhelming at times."

The Doctor didn't speak. He was too busy looking around the room for his sonic screwdriver. Alphys noticed this and mistook it for him wanting entertainment.

"Um, d-do you like Anime? I heard that h-humans love cartoon shows." She smiled, before realizing her mistake. "Oops, you aren't actually human, are you? T-that's right. I forgot. I'm s-sorry."

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Do you still want to w-watch some anyway? I've got a few to choose from. Though personally, I prefer Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. It's about this girl... well I won't spoil it for you. B-but I think you'd really like it! H-hang on!" She ran into another room and came back with a disc. "I've got it right here. Y-you can start watching while I g-go pop some p-popcorn!" She put the disc into a DVD player and rushed off again. The minute she left, the Doctor set to work.

Locating his screwdriver on a nearby table surrounded by machines and research equipment, he started to slowly scoot the chair over to it. This was a long, tedious process, but it was a good thing monster popcorn takes so long to pop. Finally, he reached it. He quickly undid the chains binding him to the chair, stuck the screwdriver in his jacket pocket, and left the lab, leaving Alphys behind to watch her shows alone.

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