Chapter 23

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Upstairs watching TV in his parents' bedroom, Tiny took a bite from his cheese pizza. It was mostly gone now. Even Hu got some slices of pizza. The black and white dog was now eating the last one. Tiny allowed him to. He felt stuffed. Yawning sleepily, he looked over at the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand.

It was way past his bedtime.

"Okay Hu, time for bed," Tiny pointed out. Picking up the now empty pizza box, he set it on the nightstand. He promised himself to take it down to the trash cans outside in the morning. He was also planning on going to the store. He was gonna need some milk, eggs and fabric softener, along with proper food. No more snacks and candy for him, at least not for a while.

Picking up the remote control, Tiny pointed it at the TV and pressed the off button. The TV screen, once colorful, switched to pitch black in a split second. Setting the remote back on the nightstand, Tiny pulled the blankets over himself. Wagging his tail, Hu curled up into a tight ball at his feet. Smiling softly, the young basset hound puppy whispered quietly, "Good night Hu."

Woofing quietly, Hu rested his chin on his paws and closed his blue eyes. A moment later, the dog was fast asleep. His smile fading away slowly, Tiny sighed. Resting his head against the pillows on the bed, he sadly looked up at the picture hanging on the wall of him and his family. He missed them dearly. The pup wanted nothing more now than to have his family back. Staring at the picture, he whispered, "Good night guys..." Closing his eyes, he fell asleep dreaming about his family.

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