Chapter 35

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Slowly pulling up in front of the Russell family homestead, Ozone parked the van. Glancing over at the house, he could see that all of the lights were on inside. Dang it. The kid must've known they were coming. Tiberius saw this too as he murmured, "Maybe we shouldn't do this. We already hit the other four houses. We got more than enough valuables to sell."

"If I told you once I told you a thousand times. I'm not leaving until I get all of the goodies out of that house! And no kindergartener is gonna stop me!" Ozone snarled. Grabbing his crowbar, he got out of the van. Still sitting inside, Tiberius sighed heavily and muttered, "I still think this is a bad idea. And the kid is clearly a second or third grader."

"Get your tail feathers out of the van now," Ozone ordered. Rolling his light brown eyes, Tiberius followed him out. Twirling his crowbar in his talons effortlessly, the red tailed hawk asked, "Okay, how you wanna do this?" Scratching his chin thoughtfully, Ozone finally answered, "We'll go through the back door, that way no one will see us there. Plus, there might be a chance that the little fella might let us in. Kids are stupid."

"Alright then, let's get this over with," Tiberius murmured. Nodding his head, Ozone held up his crowbar as he smiled and meowed cheerfully, "Crowbars up." Hitting their crowbars together, the pair quietly made their way around the house to the back door. They were almost there when they heard growling.

The dog was outside.

"Crap... now what?" Tiberius whispered. Frozen stiff, Ozone stared at the dog. White with black stripes, it was a big dog. No doubt there were big fangs in its mouth too. Originally laying in its doghouse, the canine was now standing on all fours. Growling angrily, it took one step towards the two robbers. Noticing a stick on the ground, Ozone slowly picked it up and tossed it to the dog. Delighted to have a toy, the dog played with the stick, ignoring the thieves as they continued on their way.

"Well, that was easy," Ozone remarked. Walking up to the back door with Tiberius close behind on his heels, the Sphynx cat purred blissfully, "Now for the fun part." The red tailed hawk next to him nodded his head. Taking his crowbar, he was about to pry the door open when Ozone stopped him. "Let's see if he'll let us in first, then we'll see about kicking the door down or not," the cat suggested quietly. Keeping his mouth shut, the hawk backed up while the hairless feline approached the door and knocked on it three times.

Little did they know that Tiny was waiting for them on the other side.

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