Chapter 36

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Standing to one side of the door so the thieves couldn't see him, Tiny had a white knuckled grip on Leonard's potato gun. He held his breath when he heard Ozone knocking on the door. He dared not answer it. A cold silence was his only response. The young basset hound puppy listened quietly as Ozone meowed in a sickly sweet voice, "Merry Christmas little fella. We know that you're in there, and that you're all alone."

"Why the bloody heck would you say that to a child?!" Tiberius hissed, whacking Ozone on the back of the head with his wing. Just like that, the two adults quickly became engaged in a heated argument. It was at this moment that Tiny finally moved. Kneeling down on the hardwood floor, he stuck the rifle barrel through the little doggie door. He couldn't see where he was aiming at but he did know that Ozone was on the left side.

The cat was gonna be the first victim of the night.

"Just let me do the talking," Ozone grumbled at Tiberius. He had clamped the hawk's beak shut with his paw. Releasing his hold, he headed back to the door. Clearing his throat, the hairless feline kept up the nice act as he purred, "Please let us in kiddo. We're not gonna hurt you." Playing along, Tiberius added, "Oh no, we have some presents for ya kid."

"Just be a good lad and open the door," Ozone meowed. Little did he know what was going on down below. Neither one of the thieves had noticed the rifle barrel sticking out through the doggie door. It was too late to do anything though. Believing he had his target right where he wanted him, Tiny wrapped his finger around the trigger and pulled, firing the potato gun.


Inhaling sharply, Ozone hissed, "SHOOT!" His long hairless tail tucked between his legs, the feline began hopping up and down as he made his way to the snow. While doing so, he was muttering every curse word he knew under his breath. All Tiberius heard was gibberish and little whimpers of pain. Confused, the hawk questioned, "What the heck is wrong with you now?"

"Shut up you... AH!!" Ozone snarled, stopping himself from cursing out loud. Crashing down on his knees in the snow, the Sphynx cat went back to speaking gibberish. Deeply concerned at this point, Tiberius abandoned his post by the door as he rushed over to his fallen comrade. Towering over the cursing cat, the red tailed hawk asked, "What? What happened?!"



More gibberish.

"Ozone, English please?!"

Still more gibberish.

"Use your words-" Tiberius started saying. He didn't finish though when Ozone suddenly grabbed him by the throat, cutting off his air supply. Pulling the hawk close, the cat spat in his face, "Get the kid you..." Stopping himself from cursing out loud again, he went back to focusing on all the pain he was feeling down below right now, speaking gibberish once again. Leaving his companion behind in the snow, Tiberius went back to the house and boldly stuck his head through the doggie door.

He was greeted with a potato gun pointed at his face.

"Hello," Tiny yipped cheerfully, smiling. Panic setting in already, Tiberius was struggling to back out of the doggie door. He was almost out when Tiny aimed and fired. Another bullseye. Screeching in pain and terror, the red tailed hawk finally got his head out of the doggie door. Falling back into the snow beside Ozone with a taloned hand over one eye, he shrieked, "He's armed! The kid is armed!" Peering through the window, Tiny grinned.

His plan was working.

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