Chapter 39

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"Stupid kid..." Tiberius muttered under his breath. He was currently climbing up the basement stairs. It was harder than it sounded though, thanks to the thick coating of tar on the steps. The red tailed hawk kept getting stuck on each one. Huffing, he murmured, "At least this can't get any worse." At that moment, his left foot stepped on a rusty nail.

The quiet neighborhood was greeted by the loud screech of a red tailed hawk in pain.

Muttering a string of curses under his breath, Ozone was heading to the back of the house again. There was no way he was going through the front, not with the doorknob burning his paw. Marching through the snow, he practically jumped out of his skin when the basset hound puppy called out from the second floor, "Hey mister! You need something for that burn?"

"When I get in there kid, I'm gonna make you wish you were never born!" Ozone retorted, shaking his fist angrily. Unfortunately, it was his burned paw. Hissing in pain, he rubbed a ball of snow against the burn. Meanwhile, Tiny grabbed the bucket of thawed out steaks he had placed by the window. Setting it down on the windowsill, he called out again, "Here! These should help!" Without warning, he dumped the bucket.

Ozone wasn't sure what happened. One moment he was trying to take care of his burnt paw. The next thing he knew, he was covered in thawed out steaks. Frowning, he looked up at the kid as he muttered, "Seriously? Is this all you got kid?" Smiling mischievously, Tiny whistled before calling, "Hu! Dinner time!" Dread filling up inside, Ozone didn't even have time to turn around when the dog from before tackled him to the ground. Giggling, Tiny ran back downstairs to get ready for his next traps.

Having left the basement of death, Tiberius looked around. He had no idea how he was going to get inside. Then he saw the chimney. A lightbulb went off in his head. "Okay..." the red tailed hawk murmured, cracking his knuckles, "If Santa Claus can do it, why can't I?" Opening his wings, he took to the air and landed on the rooftop gracefully. A purr rumbling in his throat, he jumped down into the chimney. All the way down at the bottom, Tiny lit a match and set it amongst the gasoline soaked firewood in the fireplace. Grinning, he murmured, "Ho ho ho..."

There was a loud explosion, followed by a certain red tailed hawk rocketing out of the chimney.

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