Chapter 40

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"That is not a chew toy!" Ozone shouted angrily, trying to get Hu the dog off of him. The black and white dog, in his desperate attempt to get at the steaks, had his teeth on the Sphynx cat's tail. Hissing, the hairless feline struggled to get the dog off. Grabbing a nearby steak, he waved it in front of Hu's face before throwing it. Barking happily, Hu ran after it. Scrambling to his paws, Ozone ran to the back door before he could come back.

"Dumb kid... dumb dog..." Ozone grumbled under his breath. He was officially irritated. His paw had been burned, his coat had been ripped to shreds, his tail was hurting and he smelled like steaks, not to mention he had gotten shot by a potato gun somewhere he didn't want to get shot. Approaching the back door, he kicked at the doggie door flap. Satisfied there was no potato gun, he tested the doorknob to see it would burn him. Deeming it safe, he opened the door and accidentally set off the blowtorch.

Flames struck the top of his head.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, Ozone just stood there as the blowtorch burned his hat and head. He was petrified. His mind had gone completely blank. Instinct told him that he should move, get away from the flames. But he just couldn't move. So the Sphynx cat just stood there with his head peeking around the door, getting burned. At last, common sense hit him in the face. Backing away, he continued yelling. The top of his head was still on fire. Desperate, he dived headfirst into the snow.

The front lawn of the Russell family homestead was quiet. Then there was a loud screech that grew louder and louder. Finally returning to the earth after his ascent to the heavens above, Tiberius crashed headfirst into a pile of snow. Covered in soot and his feathers singed, he coughed up some smoke. Growling, the red tailed hawk heaved himself up to his feet. Just then, he saw an open window leading into the living room. Dusting snow and soot off his sweatshirt, the hawk headed over.

Laying in the snow, Ozone finally lifted his head. Slowly glancing up, he could see wisps of smoke. Gulping, he reached up with his paw and felt around. The top of his hat was completely burned off, along with the few hairs the Sphynx cat had on his head. That was the final straw for Ozone. Getting to his feet, the hairless feline ran at the back door and kicked it open, knocking down the blowtorch.

Entering the house and slamming the door shut, Ozone shouted, "Where are you ya little creep?!"

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