Chapter 49

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Hearing the car outside, Tiny slowly lifted his head. Tears still streaked down his face like a river through a forest. Now the kid could hear footsteps and muffled voices outside. Confused, Tiny got up from the chair. Walking out of the living room and into the foyer, he was about to open the front door when somebody outside opened it. Seeing who it was, Tiny gasped.

It was his family.

"God it feels good to be home!" Buddy exclaimed. Next to him, Mel dropped down on his knees and started kissing the floor. He got his toes run over by Pops' wheelchair. Pushing the elderly dog inside the house, Duke looked around and remarked, "Ain't nothing like home." Standing next to the Newfoundland mix, Snowball commented, "That's cuz London sucks!"

"Tiny!" Gidget and Max cried, noticing their youngest son. Everyone looked down to find the young basset hound puppy standing before them. A split second later, Tiny found himself in an inescapable hug. His entire family was talking to him, basically showering him with love and attention. Hu circled around the family, barking and wagging his tail.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry about what happened," Gidget apologized. The fluffy white Pomeranian got down on her knees. Max knelt down beside her as they gave their son another hug. Running her fingers through the soft fur on Tiny's head, Gidget continued, "I'm so sorry baby, please forgive us." Hugging his mother back, Tiny buried his face into her soft fur. Instead of crying tears of sadness like he had been earlier, he was now crying tears of joy. Nuzzling his mom and dad, the young child spoke softly, "I forgive you. And I missed you guys so much. I love you." Smiling, Gidget replied back, "I love you too sweetheart."

"Hey, why is Pepe not in his tank?" Leonard piped up, finding his pet tarantula crawling around on the floor by the Christmas tree in the living room. The poodle walked over and picked up the giant hairy spider. Everyone in the family looked at Tiny for answers. Biting his lip, the young basset hound puppy shrugged his shoulders and answered, "I guess he must've got out by accident one day."

"Huh," Leonard remarked as he looked at his tarantula, "I didn't know that Pepe was an escape artist."

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