Chapter 8

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"Come on Hu, time for breakfast," Tiny mumbled. Yawning sleepily, he trudged down the stairs of his house. Hu followed him. Arriving in the kitchen, the little boy scooped some dog kibble into his dog's bowl before he got himself some cereal. As he sat at the counter eating his breakfast, Tiny looked around. It was a little unnerving with how quiet the house was this morning. Plus, he usually wasn't the first person awake. Confused, he murmured quietly to himself, "Where is everyone?"

"We made it!" Norman cried cheerfully, throwing his arms up in the air triumphantly. The Russell family had done it. They had successfully arrived at the airport. And just in time too. Their plane had been about to take off. Without the need for an engraved invitation, the family hurried to board the plane. They would soon be on their way to London.

"Mom? Dad? Mel? Buddy? Anybody?" Tiny called, walking through the empty halls of his house. Everywhere he went, Hu trotted along behind him. The two of them searched the whole house from top to bottom. But they couldn't find anyone. At least not yet. There was one last spot that hadn't been checked.

The basement.

"Wait here Hu, I'll be back... hopefully..." Tiny whispered. He slowly opened the basement door and flipped the light switch. Just peering down the old wooden stairs was enough to make him tremble. The little boy summoned what courage he had and took one step. At the same time, the furnace roared to life down in the basement.

Abort mission.

Screaming in terror, Tiny and Hu ran away from the basement, slamming the door behind them while doing so. Running outside with only his pajamas and slippers, Tiny soon found himself standing in front of the garage. The doors were open. His dad's and both of his uncles' cars were still there. His jaw dropping, he cried, "They never went to the airport!" He quickly went back inside.

Minutes have passed. Tiny was slouching on the living room couch, staring at the blank TV screen. Hu was laying next to him, his furry chin resting on the boy's lap. Dead silence was their only other companion in the house. Sitting there twiddling his thumbs, Tiny tried to think of a plausible reason for why he was alone. Then it hit him. His wish from last night.

Looking up, Tiny smiled as he remarked, "I made my family disappear."

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