Attack of the Mega Shade

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In the Shadow Clan HQ, Lady Shade and Amora stood in front of the glass window into the depths of Viral's lab. They watched Kage sleeping on the operation table strapped with tight steel chains. He was hooked up with five mechanic cuffs on his neck, arms, and legs that made Kage panting painfully for air. Lady Shade and Amora realized that one mind-controlled collar wasn't enough for Kage to stay in the black mystic's control, forcing Kage to endure multiple blue serum on the cuffs attached to heavy cables that was plugged into a large device behind the operation table.

"Kage, please forgive me." Lady Shade said sadly. "I should have never allowed it to go this far. I will destroy both Saldana and the Lotus for making you suffer this way."

"Sleep now, brother." Amora said. "Our revenge is soon at hand."

The doors swung open that caught Amora and Lady Shade's attention. They turned back just in time to see Jinx and Crystallia walking towards them.

"Mistress Shade, you summoned for us?" Crystallia said.

"I sense that the Lotus are soon to make another move. Double security. Watch Kage at all times." Lady Shade ordered.

"We are on it." Jinx said with a nod. "They'll never get past us."

"Do not fail my mother's orders." Amora said threateningly.


In the Crete Fortress, Ellie sat on the floor to watch another episode of Fujita Des Cartes. She watched the four trading carded superheroines battling against the nerfarious mafia members. Her eyes widened in excitement by the sight of battle.

"They're so awesome!" Ellie cheered. "Too bad the girls are totally missing this."

Ellie suddenly heard Ella's voice in Donna's lab and paused the episode as she walked over to see her older sisters were going over the plans to rescue Kage.

"How about we do a full frontal assault?" Ella suggested. "We bash our way in and take no prisoners!"

"Uh, do you remember what happened last time?" Lee reminded. "We couldn't even get through the front door. All we need is better stealth to rescue our brother."

"Which leads me to present my latest invention." Donna said.

Donna held up a small white box in her hand and opened it up to reveal four earrings. One was a pair of blue spades, another was a pair of red hearts, the third was a pair of purple clovers, and the last one was a pair of orange diamonds.

"That's my latest invention. The Mark X-1 Experimental Urban Stealth Devices." Donna explained.

"You invented four earrings?" Ella questioned as she took off her earrings and put on the heart-shaped ones. "Because I've got tons of them in my room."

"To blend in perfectly with the clear environment of New York City." Donna responded as she, Lee, and Ellie put on the earrings. "If we wanna break into Shade's lair, these devices are the only thing to use. The Shadow Clan will never see us coming."

"Well, it does have stealth mode action." Ellie added with a smile. She touched her orange earrings and then she was completely out of sight in seconds. "Wicked."

"Best. Invention. Ever." Lee said slowly.


Outside, the Lotus Ninjas leapt from rooftops to rooftops until they finally made their way to the Shadow Clan building in camouflage mode.

"Remember the plan: we break into Shade's lair, steal one of those mind collars for Donna, and save Kage." Lee reminded.

"Doesn't sound too hard." Ellie said.

The Lotus Ninjas finally stood on the edge of the building right in front of Lady Shade's lair. They observed the Shadow Droids, who are guarding the front doors from below.

"Really, Ellie?" Donna asked Ellie.

"You know I am." Ellie smiled.

Ellie slowly summoned her whip and wrapped the Shadow Clan tight, sending them flying to the road ground and destroyed them without problem. The mystics exchanged smiles as the earrings had proven surprisingly effective against the evil clan robots.

"Let's go." Lee said. "Now let's head for Viral's lab and get that mind collar."


Inside the Shadow Clan building, the Lotus Ninjas snuck inside the secret chamber room and hid on top of the large dragon statue.

"We're almost to the lab." Lee whispered to her younger sisters.

"We're definitely gonna make it this time." Ellie whispered hopefully.

The Lotus Ninjas quietly hopped down to the ground and sprinted themselves to the lab entrance, but Ella got hit to the wall by a pink lightning-like energy blast. Lee, Ellie, and Donna looked to the person who attacked their red mystic sister and it was Jinx!

"Oh, how marvelous! We got four mystics trespassers up in here!" Jinx smiled.

"Surprise, ladies!" Crystallia grinned as she walked into the room next to Jinx. "This time, we won't let you get to the wolf boy!"

"Four mystics versus two complete morons." Lee smirked as she and her younger sisters summoned out their mystical weapons in their own fighting stances. "We totally got this."

"Well, well, well." Tigress said sinisterly as she walked up between Crystallia and Jinx with her burnt orange energized claws extended out. "I can see the mystic gathering has just begun."

The Lotus Ninjas charged forward to fight Jinx, Crystallia, and Tigress. Lee slashed swiftly straight down at Tigress with her twin tessen multiple times and Tigress attacked Lee with a quick series of claw swipes. The slashing kept going until they grasped each other.

"Leona, I am going to tear the heart right off of your body." Tigress said.

"If you can try, cat-woman." Lee taunted.

Ellie jumped up very high and repeatedly whipped Jinx before delivering a final lashing whip to the luck mystic mutant, sending her tumbling away when the orange mystic kunoichi landed back to the ground.

"You wanna take on my sweet moves, Jinx." Ellie smiled cockily.

"Bring it on, ninja girl!" Jinx smiled slyly.

Jinx ran up to propel herself into the air and fired a pink continuous lightning-like energy beam from her palms at Ellie before firing individual energy bolts from her two index fingers pointing at the orange mystic kunoichi. Donna stabbed her spear into the ground to unleash a large powerful purple explosive shockwave and Ella jumped into the air to fire her rocket gauntlets in a 360 degree fashion as both attacks effectively hit Crystallia, who got up and fired a hail of strong crystal shards at the two mystic kunoichis, who dodged out of the way.

"Anyone ever tell you have terrible aim as a crystal freak?" Ella asked mockingly.

Crystallia growled at that question and continued firing many crystal shards at the two mystic kunoichis, who were climbing all the way up to the large bat statue and hid behind the head.

"You just had to tick her off!" Donna yelled.

Ella grinned slightly and peeked down at the crystal mystic mutant before she and her younger sister jumped down to deliver a flurry of rapid kicks at Crystallia's face.

Suddenly, three Shade Clones arrived in the secret chamber room with their fighting stances that caught Ella and Donna's attention.

"Oh, not these freaks again." Ella groaned.

Lee delivered a powerful spinning kick at Tigress and detected the dark mystic clones entering the battlefield.

"Guys, there's too many of them!" Lee yelled. "Get out of here!"

"Retreat?" Ella asked surprisingly as she delivered a strong punch at Crystallia.

"Tactical retreat." Donna corrected as she ran towards the exit.

Ellie ran behind Donna and Ella, who were following after Lee.

"Block the doors! Don't let them escape!" Tigress ordered the mystic mutants.

As the Lotus Ninjas are reaching the gate to escape, Crystallia sprinted cruelly toward Ella and her crystal arms blades pierced straight into the red mystic kunoichi's right arm and left leg, slamming her violently to the ground.

"Ella!" Lee shouted.

Lee ran back to lift her younger sister with an arm behind her back. Donna also helped her older sister out. Ella can barely stand on her feet as she could feel herself sorely tired and her strong sense of determination had slowly vanished. They turned their eyes blazing with anger to their enemies in front of them. Tigress, Jinx, Crystallia, and the Shade clones grinned as they threateningly walked towards the mystic kunoichis.

"I don't think so!" Ellie shouted suddenly.

Ellie jumped high in the air and threw out a smoke bomb to the ground, making her older sisters and herself disappear in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, the villainesses found themselves alone in the chamber room.

"You two idiots couldn't even do one simple task!" Tigress growled as she turned to glare at Jinx and Crystallia.

"What happened?" Lady Shade demanded.

Tigress, Jinx, Crystallia, and the Shade clones immediately knelt one knee to the ground as Lady Shade and Amora walked inside the chamber room.

"The Lotus tried to sneak into lairs again and we drove them away, Mistress Shade." Tigress reported. "I assure you we can handle them."

"If the Lotus break in here again, I assure you I will handle all of you." Lady Shade said coldly.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas sat on the couch with exhaustion. Selina kept them company as she slowly put an ice bag on Donna's head. Ellie was stretching her arms next to Ella. Lee was crossing her arms over her chest with a face of anger and disappointment.

"You're gonna have to lay off for awhile and heal yourself up." Selina said as she waved her magic to wrap Ella's ankle.

"I'll heal later, Selina." Ella said. "Right now, I wanna get those mutant freaks' butt."

"There is no need to prove your foolishness again." Saldana said as she walked into the living room with a worry look on her face.

"Mother, we have to get one of those mind collars." Lee said. "It's the only way Donna can create a cure for Kage."

"I appreciate the effort, but you all must remember your lives are just as important to me, my daughters." Saldana said with a serious face. "Because until then, no missions after Rafaela heals her ankle."

"What?!" Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie shouted.

"C'mon, mother! The team can't sideline just because I'm down!" Ella pleaded as she stood up from the couch.

"I have made my decision." Saldana said with narrowed eyes. "Rest and get well, my daughter."

As Saldana headed into the dojo, Ella plopped back down on the couch.

"Sorry, guys." Ella said sadly.

"Don't worry about it, Ella." Lee said as her hand touched her younger sister's shoulder. "We can't always rely on technology during our missions."

"So what are you going to do then?" Donna asked.

"I'm going to Shade's lair alone." Lee replied as she marched up to her room.

"Alone?" Donna repeated.

Donna looked back at Ella, Ellie, and Selina as the three mystics exchanged worried looks at each other.


In the middle of the night, Leona got dressed herself in her spirit quest attire. She quietly exited out of her room and snuck out of the fortress exit as she wasn't paying attention of the faint glow coming from the kitchen. Ellie was digging through the fridge for pizza leftovers until she poked her head out to see Lee exiting out of the fortress exit.

"Oh boy." Ellie whispered.

Ellie finished eating two pizza slices and followed silently after Lee.


Outside, Lee hopped from the rooftops to rooftops until she finally arrived at her destination. She stood on the edge of the rooftop and stared straight down to the Shadow Clan building, but a dark shadow started sneaking up behind her. Lee narrowed her eyes and pinned the dark shadow down to the ground, but her eyes widened wide when the dark shadow was actually her youngest sister.

"Ellie, what are you doing here?" Lee asked surprisingly.

"I'm here to back you up, that's why." Ellie replied.

"It's too dangerous." Lee said. "I have to do this alone."

"Look, I just want to help you, sis." Ellie said.

"You had no idea I was up here." Lee warned.

"I don't care what you say. I'm going." Ellie said determinedly. "Like I said, I'm here for you."

Lee became reluctant to accept Ellie's assistance, but she eventually gave in.

"All right then." Lee sighed with a smile. "Let's go get that mind collar."

"Way ahead of you." Ellie said with a nod.


Lee and Ellie silently jumped down into Lady Shade's throne room, where Masque and Galva are sleeping on the floor. They quietly tiptoed past the mystic mutants and snuck into Viral's lab. They walked soundlessly into the experimental room, where they found the tray of the mind-controlled collars.

"There they are." Lee whispered to Ellie.

Lee grabbed one mind-controlled collar and placed it in her waist belt. Before they could exit the lab, they are confronted again by Jinx and Crystallia.

"Caught ya again! I have been getting no beauty sleep cause of you two!" Jinx said sassily.

"Shade is forcing us keep the eye out 24/7 and I thought watching the wolf boy was boring." Crystallia hissed.

"Easy, ladies." Lee said as she and Ellie put her hands up in the air as a surrender. "Look, we're putting our hands up."

Neither Jinx or Crystallia aren't suspicious about the surrender as they took it very easily.

"I say we make the mystic fusion monster!" Crystallia suggested cruelly.

"Best idea I heard all day." Jinx agreed. Then, her smile changed into a sinister grin. "But, I've got an idea. How about we send them to the mutagen vat?"

"Now you're talking." Crystallia grinned back.

Crystallia and Jinx laughed maniacally as Lee and Ellie aren't liking what this is going.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the four mystics are sitting on the couch with worry faces as Diana arrived quickly into the living room.

"Hey, everyone. I'm here." Diana said. "I left to grab some pizza gynoza for lunch and dinner in the fridge. So what's going on?"

"Lee and Ellie are gone, and they're not picking up their L-Phones." Selina replied as she held up her L-Phones. "We better check it out."

"It's obvious to know where they went." Ella said. "They went to Lady Shade's lair."

Ella got up from the couch and walked slowly to the fortress exit.

"You are going nowhere, Rafaela." Saldana said sternly. She looked around the living room and noticed that two mystics aren't here with the others. "Where are your sisters?"

"Heh, a good question, mother." Donna laughed nervously.

Ella, Selina, and Diana gulped as they know that Saldana is not going to like this.


Back in Viral's lab, Lee and Ellie are dangling inside a cage over a vat of mutagen. Jinx and Crystallia stood on the edge of the mutagen tank.

"Let's make a freaky two-headed goo mystic mutants." Crystallia said slyly.

"I can't wait to see that." Jinx laughed.

Lee looked down at the mutagen tank and formed a cunning smile at the two evil mystic mutants.

"What, you just wanna make a goo mystic mutant? That's lame." Lee said mockingly. "Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen?"

"Make a super mutant? Hmm, I like that idea. Let's spice things up a bit." Jinx said with a sly grin. She looked up to see the Shade copies are standing near the exit. "Like them over there."

The Shade Clones narrowed their eyes and glared at Jinx for those words.

"Why not adding octopus DNA?" Lee asked.

"Um, Lee, what are you doing?" Ellie whispered nervously.

"Stalling for time." Lee whispered back.

"I like it! Let's do it." Crystallia said.

"Hey, clone freaks!" Jinx shouted mockingly. "It's bath time!"

Jinx shot out a strong blast of pink lightning-like energy at the Shade Clones, hitting them to the exit doors in pain. The Shade Clones growled and charged forward to jump over the luck mystic mutant, but Jinx swiftly moved out of the way and the Shade Clones screamed in terror when they dove right into the mutagen tank. Crystallia then added an octopus potion into the mutagen tank. Neither of the mystic mutants were aware of Lee was trying to pick the lock with her magic.

Suddenly, Jinx and Crystallia gasped at the mutagen tank that caught Lee and Ellie's attention. Lee and Ellie looked down with wide eyes. The Shade Clones slowly began to radiate with a bright green glow and a giant mystic mutant rose out of the tank. Three Shade Clones had combined themselves into a stronger form thanks to the effects of the mutagen. The female mystic mutant has light grey skin, black lips, eight black octopus tentacles from the waist down, purple coral shell earrings, and a large golden scallop embodied on her chest.

"I think we really messed up big time, Rhona!" Jinx shouted in fear. "Let's bounce!"

Jinx and Crystallia quickly ran out of the lab just when Lee unlocked the cage.

"Let's go!" Lee said.

Lee and Ellie jumped out of the cage as they ran out of the room and exited out of Viral's lab. Tigress ran inside and saw the mystics running out of here, but the bright green light caught her attention in shock.


Outside, every human citizens are minding their own business until the whole ground began shaking like an earthquake. They could see a giant mystic mutant rising out of the ground in terror. She released out a fearsome roar and started terrorizing through the streets. Lee and Ellie made it out of Shade's lair just in time to watch the mystic mutant wrecking the city with wide, shocking eyes.

"Looks like Jinx and Crystallia have created Mega Shade!" Ellie exclaimed.


Back in the Crete Fortress, four mystic girls stared at the television screen to watch the news report.

"Is it an octopus alien from outer space or a product of science gone awry?" Joan Grody announced. "Nobody knows, but one thing is certain, stay indoors, and stay tuned for more on this edition of Grody To the Max."

Ella, Donna, Selina, and Diana stared silently as the TV screen went static when the Mega Shade flew towards the person holding the camera.

"Is it just me or does something about that monster look awfully familiar?" Diana asked.

"Definitely." Selina answered.

"We got to do something like now!" Ella said.

Ella, Donna, Selina, and Diana looked back to Saldana, who was standing behind them in the living room.

"Go." Saldana said firmly. "Find your sisters and save the city."

"Are you sure you're up for this, Ella?" Selina asked Ella with concern.

"I can walk on my hands if I have to. We got to take that thing down." Ella said.

"And I know exactly what we can use to help you walk." Donna said with a grin.


Meanwhile, Lee and Ellie leapt from rooftops to rooftops to catch up with Mega Shade as fast as they could. But Mega Shade spotted them out of the corner of her eyes and started slamming her tentacles at the mystic kunoichis, who dodged out of the way with quick speed.

"What are we going to do now, Lee?" Ellie shouted.

"We got to distract it away from the people!" Lee shouted back.

Lee and Ellie summoned out their weapons as they charged forward to attack Mega Shade in full speed.

"You're going down, Mega Shade!" Ellie yelled.

Lee and Ellie used their weapons to attack Mega Shade, who was ramming her tentacles down at the two mystic kunoichis that made them dodge away in time to attack again with their weapons. But Mega Shade grabbed Ellie with her giant hand. Ellie began screaming as Mega Shade devoured the orange mystic kunoichi in her mouth.

"Ellie!" Lee yelled in horror.

Mega Shade looked back down at Lee, who narrowed her eyes furiously and got into her fighting stance. As Mega Shade was about to grab the blue mystic kunoichi, multiple heart-shaped rockets came firing behind the giant mystic mutant. Mega Shade fell down to the ground while roaring in pain.

Lee looked up to see four curvaceous armored battle suits standing on the edge of the building above. Ella wore a red battle suit with dark green accent, Diana wore an orange battle suit accented with light green accent, Donna wore a purple battle suit with brownish green accent, and Selina wore a blue battle suit with emerald green accent.

"This is so cool!" Diana beamed.

"Now, this is way more awesome than video games." Selina grinned.

Ella, Donna, Selina, and Diana jumped down from the building and landed on the ground as they charged forward to attack Mega Shade with everything they got.


Inside Mega Shade's stomach, Ellie stood on a platform perched into the organ wall and stared down at the stomach acid with fear in her eyes.

I got to get out of here. Ellie thought. But how?

Ellie looked around for a way out and looked up to see an opening hole that will lead her straight to the monster's throat.

Perfect. Ellie smiled as she summoned her whip in her hand.


Back in the city, Mega Shade slammed her tentacles down at her enemies one by one. Ella released a set of heart-shaped explosives at Mega Shade from the knuckles of her armored gauntlets. Diana acrobatically spun herself around in the air and directed two long, ribbon-like cutters with nanometer-thick mono-molecular edges to slice Mega Shade's incoming tentacles. Selina jumped into the air and attacked Mega Shade's tentacles with retractable Katar-style sword blade in a 360 degree fashion. Donna shot out several high sectional density, armor-piercing metal spikes at Mega Shade's face with her railgun.

But Lee's heart was so heavy that she can't even help out her sisters and friends against Mega Shade. Her sad loss of her youngest sister got interrupted when she heard screaming coming from her team and charged forward to help them out. Lee went over to her team, who are lying hard on the ground.

"Donna, how do we stop that thing?" Diana asked Donna.

"Yeah, what do we do?" Selina shouted.

"I don't know!" Donna replied frantically.

Diana, Selina, Ella, and Lee looked up as Mega Shade was standing above them. But Donna was looking at something else on Mega Shade. Her eyes caught the sight of golden scallop embodied on her chest.

"Girls, it's the shell." Donna said to her team. "The shell is her weakness."

"I'm on it." Lee said with a nod.

Lee charged forward and jumped high in the air as Mega Shade tried to attack the blue mystic kunoichi with her tentacles. Lee unleashed a flurry of blue energy slashes at the giant mystic mutant, who screamed painfully when she took the hit. Mega Shade then glared up at Lee as five tentacles slowly transformed into cannons and fired a hail of black blazing lasers at the blue mystic kunoichi. Donna, Ella, Selina, and Diana gasped as they watched Lee took the attack and fell straight down at the ground in front of them.

"It can't get to it!" Lee said as she slowly got up from the ground.

"What now? How do we stop this thing?" Ella asked Donna.

"How am I supposed to know?" Donna snapped. "Besides, Ellie is a huge fan of mystical creatures. Where is she anyway?"

Mega Shade was about to finish the mystics, but she felt a disturbance inside her body. Ellie had sliced the throat open in a X formation, making the giant mystic mutant shriek in pain. Everyone had gasped shockingly and surprisingly as Ellie fell to the ground unharmed.

"Ellie, I can't believe it!" Lee exclaimed as she ran over to hug Ellie tightly.

"I know, right?" Ellie smiled. "But let's just say that you don't want to know what I've been doing in there."

"Now's our chance to finish this thing." Ella declared. "Let's do this!"

The Lotus Ninjas charged forward to fight Mega Shade with strength and speed. Diana and Selina ran forward to slice rapidly on Mega Shade in unison. Ella and Donna joined in to beat Mega Shade down with their armored weapons before Lee slashed the giant mystic mutant with her twin tessen and Ellie sent the tip of her whip in the opening throat and delivered a powerful orange energy wave at Mega Shade, blowing up the giant mystic mutant from the inside in a great explosion. Then, the rain from the greenish tinge of the huge explosion of the Mega Shade fell all around the city. Lee, Ella, Donna, Ellie, Selina, and Diana cheered for their victory.

"Pretty awesome, girls." Selina smiled.

"And we even have a mind collar." Lee said. She turned towards Ellie with a smile. "Not a bad day after all."

Ellie smiled back at her oldest sister.


Meanwhile, Jinx and Crystallia knelt one knee down to the floor in the throne room.

"But, mistress, it was the Lotus' faults for the mess." Crystallia pleaded. "They sabotaged mutagen."

"We tried to stop them, Ms. Shade. We're telling the truth." Jinx added.

"Enough of this." Lady Shade snapped as she turned away from Jinx and Crystallia. "Teach them a lesson of pain, Tigress."

"As you wish, Mistress." Tigress grinned.

Tigress walked down the stair steps with her claws extended out. Jinx and Crystallia both slowly backed away from Tigress, who was ready to pounce on them. The two mystic mutant screamed as they turned around to sprint out of the throne room with Tigress chasing after them with a fearsome roar.

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