Tale of the Mystics

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The Lotus Ninjas are picking up a fight against the white-robed mystic kunoichis right where they left off when they arrived. Ellie held her whip close to her body and used it to wrap herself in orange spikes as she started to spin around slightly above the ground and began erupting out orange energy into an orange energized tornado at high speed before moving towards the white mystics and mowing them down in her path. Donna jumped into the air and swung her purple energized spear around herself to create a tornado effect that formed a strong cyclonic vortex of air filled with purple clovers, launching herself at the charging white mystics and sucking them off their feet before sending them back down hard to the ground. Lee jumped in midair and pointed both twin tessen downward, spinning down to the attacking white mystics like a blue energized drilling machine. The white mystics took heavy damage in contact and fell painfully on the ground. And Ella jumped high into the air and slammed her gauntlet fists into the ground to create a large red exploding energized shockwave at the incoming white mystics, who quickly took continuous damage from that attack.

"These mystics are good." Donna admitted.

"Yeah, no kidding." Ellie said.

Lee's eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the clan symbol on the front of the white mystics' robes in recognition.

"They're not just mystics, they're kunoichis in the Lotus Clan." Lee said. "Our clan."

"But the Lotus Clan didn't exist anymore when we were kids." Ella pointed out. "How's that even possible?"

The Lotus Ninjas heard groaning and looked back at the white mystics, who were getting up off the ground to face them once more.

"Korera no on'nanoko wa daredesu ka?" A short dark brown-haired woman asked in Japanese language.

"Karera wa watashitachi no yōna jinpishugi-shadesu ka?" A long curly blonde-haired woman questioned in Japanese language.

"Karera wa kihon yori mo senshin-tekina jinpishugi-sha yori mo ōku o mita." A short wavy black-haired woman said sternly in Japanese language.

The white mystics got into their offensive stances and the Lotus Ninjas did the same thing with their weapons as they are getting ready to fight again.

"What's going on here?" A harsh feminine voice demanded.

The white mystics moved aside as a mystic woman walked forward towards the Lotus Ninjas. She has long wavy black hair and grey eyes. She wore a white kimono with wide, bell-shaped sleeves and her clan's symbol are printed on the front and back of her dress along with light grey leggings and white combat boots. Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie looked surprisingly shocked to come face-to-face with a familiar woman.

"More mystics." The mystic woman gasped.

"Shade!" Lee exclaimed in a whisper.

"Are you four new around here?" Rōzu asked.

Without answering Rōzu's question, Ellie stepped forward in front of her older sisters and threw a black smoke bomb down to the grass. The four mystic kunoichis disappeared in a puff of misty black smoke, leaving Rōzu and the rest of the white mystic kunoichis alone in the forest.

"Rōzu, who are they?" One of the white mystics asked.

"I don't know, but they truly intrigue me." Rōzu replied. "I must learn more about them."


The Lotus Ninjas sat on the top of a high tree while taking deep breaths.

"Okay, that was a close call." Ellie spoke.

"So, Burakkurōzu Rōzu was part of the Lotus Clan before she became Lady Shade." Donna stated. "We're sixteen years in the past."

"But why?" Lee asked.

"Duh, it's Jikan's fault." Ella replied. "He doesn't know the first thing about time travel with that staff of his."

"Uh, girls, you may wanna check this out." Ellie said.

Lee, Donna, and Ella moved behind Ellie as the collectively stared down at the massive sukiya styled house that has the clan symbol on top.

"Is that what I think it is?" Ellie asked.

"Come on, girls, maybe mother's in there." Lee said. "But let's change our outfits first."

As the Lotus Ninjas jumped down to the ground from the tree, Lee summoned three blue magic circles on the grass underneath her younger sisters' feet. She then summoned one magic circle below her feet. The four magic circles moved themselves up to alter the mystics' outfits into new attires that matched the modern Japan timeline. Lee wore a skintight blue qipao dress with short sleeves and dark blue knee-high combat boots, Ella wore a skintight red qipao dress with short sleeves and dark red knee-high combat boots, Donna wore a skintight purple qipao dress with short sleeves and dark purple knee-high combat boots, and Ellie wore a skintight orange qipao dress with short sleeves and dark orange knee-high combat boots.

"Let's go." Lee ordered.


Inside the Lotus Clan house, the Lotus Clan leader Opal was sitting on her mat behind the wall in the family dojo. She, Saldana, and Coral were listening to Rōzu's encounter with the Lotus Ninjas in the forest.

"They're very fascinating, mother." Rōzu said. "They're clearly not from around here. They have to be living outside of Japan."

"You always have your imagination running wild inside that head of yours, Rōzu." Coral giggled.

Unknown to the family, the Lotus Ninjas were quietly spying on them through the slight opened slide doors.

"Whoa." Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie gasped in amazement.

"That's mother, aunt Coral, and grandma Opal." Lee whispered.

"They looked so cool." Ellie smiled.

"But what does Rōzu means about mystics outside of Japan?" Ella asked her sisters.

"Several mystics were born all over the world, besides Japan." Donna explained. "Each country learns different martial arts that responds to their own magic."

Immediately, the Lotus Ninjas went back spying on the conservation.

"Do not be too dismissive of the supernatural world, Coral." Saldana said calmly. "We're mystics, after all."

"Saldana's right." Opal spoke firmly. "There are many dimensions, many beings that permeate what we call reality. Especially for our own kind as mystics."

"My apologies, mother." Coral apologized with a bow.

"Please continue, Rōzu." Saldana said to Rōzu. "Let us hear more of this interesting tale."

"Don't try and mock me too, Saldana. I know what I saw." Rōzu snapped.

"I do sense goodness in those mystics that Rōzu was talking about. But I too sense the feeling of tragedy will sure destroy this clan." Opal added. "But I can't sense who or what the cause of it."

Rōzu's hands clenched into blazingly bright black energy fists, Saldana's hands clenched into blazingly bright white energy fists, and Coral's hands clenched into blazingly bright grey energy fists. They got into their own offensive stances and charged forward to settle their argument with sparring on each other. The Lotus Ninjas and Opal watched the spar quietly at the center of the dojo.

"I'm telling you. I've met them." Rōzu said, dodging Saldana's left punch and Coral's right kick. "I have to see them again."

"They must sound interesting." Saldana grinned, delivering a kick at Coral and dodged a punch from Rōzu.

"Yeah, truly remarkable." Coral remarked with a smile as she fired a large grey energy bolt at her older and younger sisters.

"You two will never understand me." Rōzu snapped as she blasted out several black energy bolts at her older sisters. Her frown formed into a sly grin at Saldana. "Unlike...Caesar."

Saldana and Coral stopped themselves as their sparring has turned into a discussion. Ever since Saldana married Caesar, Rōzu didn't accept the love of the happy couple.

"Again with you talking about Caesar?" Coral questioned sternly. "You're just jealous that he's with Saldana and not with you. Soultouch put them together. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Saldana care nothing for him." Rōzu said darkly. "Only for the clan and herself."

Coral and Rōzu charged forward to attack, but Saldana got herself between them with her arms extended out.

"That's not true, Rōzu. I have always been there for you." Saldana said calmly.

Rōzu glared at her older sisters furiously, but her eyes caught the Lotus Ninjas behind the slide doors outside. Saldana and Coral followed their sister's stare as they noticed the four mystics as well. The Lotus Ninjas noticed that they have been spotted and they retreated into the open forest.

"What?" Coral gasped.

"So, they are more mystics." Saldana said.

"I told you." Rōzu said to Coral and Saldana.


Meanwhile, the Lotus Ninjas settled their camp in the woods with a fire warming at the center.

"This is so boring. We've been sitting here for hours without Jikan finding us." Ellie complained. "I'm feeling hopeless by the second."

"Jikan better find us and get us home. I seriously hate time travel." Ella groaned.

"You know, I've been thinking lately. Does all of this seem like more than just coincidence?" Lee wondered.

"Well, the odds we're in this exact time and place by sheer accident is like 879 quintillion to 1." Donna calculated. "But if we're here for a reason, then what is it?"


Saldana and her husband Caesar looked up to the sky to stare at the full moon and twinkling stars. Caesar was slender, slightly muscular young man with broad shoulders. He has short dark brown hair and green eyes. He wore a white traditional kimono with his clan's symbol in front of it.

"What a beautiful night." Saldana said with a happy smile. "It is nights like this that I realize how lucky I am to have you and our children."

Caesar and Saldana looked down at their six-year-old son, who was sleeping peacefully against his father's chest. He has short black hair and jade green eyes. He wore a white short-sleeved shirt and long white pants.

"Saldana, we should start a new life away from here." Caesar said to his wife. "We would live America in New York City."

"I will love to, but with my mother here, I'm not sure if we should leave." Saldana said sadly.

"True, the Lotus Clan is the last of its kind." Caesar admitted as he placed his left hand on his wife's right shoulder. "And I truly respect your close bond with your mother, but you must decide. This is no life for our children."

"Alright, but let me talk to my mother." Saldana said. "I'm sure she'll understand."

"Good luck." Caesar smiled. "I'm gonna take a walk with Shori. I'll be back."

Caesar strolled himself into the dark woods with his sleeping son while Saldana sped herself into her mother's home with immerse speed.


In the dark woods, Caesar walked through the trees with Shori sitting on his neck and sleeping on his hair. He loved his wife, his children, and his life in Japan, but he strongly believed that Saldana has too much honor for the Lotus Clan. All he wants is what's best for his son and daughters, and he hoped Saldana will understand that. He suddenly stopped walking and his eyes swiftly caught the bright light of fire ahead of him. He quietly went close to the camp site and stumbled across the four mystic kunoichis eating fresh fruits.

"Um, hello?" Caesar spoke.

Ella, Ellie, Lee, and Donna turned around to look up at Caesar that made them get up from the ground.

"Are you girls new around here? Are you lost?" Caesar asked.

"No, we're not lost. But yeah, we're kinda new around here." Lee said reassuringly.

"Yeah, we're mystics from...America." Donna nodded.

Shori yawned out loud and opened his eyes to face the Lotus Ninjas.

"Hello." Shori greeted with a wave.

"Aww, he's so cute!" Ellie gushed.

Suddenly, a powerful black energy beam that split itself into multiple fragments came of nowhere to aim at the Lotus Ninjas. Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie moved out of the way as Caesar protected himself and his son with a yellow force field made of his aura. Everyone looked at the source of the attack and it was Rōzu! She stood in front of Caesar and confronted the four mystic kunoichis.

"Ellie, we really use an exit right now." Lee whispered.

"Sorry, I'm out of smoke bombs." Ellie whispered back.

"Don't mind me, Caesar." Rōzu declared boldly. "I wanted to see what makes these mystics tick."

"But, Rōzu, they have pure hearts." Caesar said. "I can sense their auras."

Rōzu didn't listen to Caesar's words as she slowly walked towards the Lotus Ninjas.

"Let's take Shade down right now." Lee said determinedly.

"No, Lee! We can't do that!" Donna disagreed in a loud whisper. "If we do, worse stuff could happen in the future!"

Lee sighed heavily and nodded her head. Donna, Ella, and Ellie stood behind their leader. Rōzu, Caesar, and Shori watched the Lotus Ninjas escape out of sight by springing up high on the tree branches.

"Are you all right, Caesar?" Rōzu asked.

"Yes." Caesar replied. "But you really scare off those new mystic girls."

"Oh, my bad." Rōzu said sheepishly as she walked to Caesar. Her smile turned into a serious frown. "I overheard your conversation with Saldana. But you may know she will never leave this clan."

"You are speaking the truth." Caesar admitted with a frown.

"Caesar, please take me back." Rōzu begged softly. Her hand touched Shori's left cheek as Shori was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. "I will help you take care of Shori and his little sisters. We will go to New York together, the six of us. I'm a different woman than the one you once knew. You have to believe me."

Unknown to Rōzu and Caesar, Saldana saw the conservation behind a nearby tree with an angry face.


The Lotus Ninjas sat on the tree branches high above the ground. They looked down to Rōzu and Caesar as they heard the whole conservation. They can sense the wave of confusion reigning among them.

"Whoa. Young Burakkurōzu Rōzu is kind of a good woman than she was in the future." Ellie said in disbelief.

"So what? She's a total creep hitting on our dad." Ella said.

"We should take Shade down when we have the chance." Lee said.

"Lee, again we can't do that." Donna warned. "If we interfere with history, our mom will never move to New York with us as kids and we won't be there to stop the Kraang invasion, and save all of New York citizens along with our friends."

"But we've already interfered with history. Rōzu just saved Caesar and Shori from us!" Lee snapped.

"Wait a second." Donna said as she felt her L-Phone and took it out to look at the screen with her eyes widened wide in shock. "Girls, you may want to take a look at this!"

Donna pulled out a picture of the four sisters with April and Casey. Lee, Ella, and Ellie saw the image of April starting to fade away with shock faces.

"April's picture is fading away like we never knew her." Donna said in terror. "Time is already being altered."

"Oh no, we're doomed!" Ellie said frighteningly.

"Calm down, Ellie! We just gotta make sure that Caesar keep his heart on our mom, not moving on with Burakkurōzu Rōzu." Ella said.

"We have to convince him she's the evil mystic we all know and hate, so history stays on course...for our future and theirs." Lee said determinedly.


The next morning, Opal sat on her mat and silently watched her daughters sparring again.

"I saw you with my husband last night in the woods, Rōzu." Saldana said abruptly as she created a sphere made of white magic and launched it straight to Rōzu. "What did you say to him?"

"Since when that ever concern you, Saldana?" Rōzu snickered as she protected herself with a black energized shield.

"Caesar is always my concern, Rōzu." Saldana retorted.

"Just admit it, Rōzu." Coral snapped as she created two spheres made of two grey energy and shot them at Rōzu. "You can never be happy for Saldana and Caesar's love."

"Stay out of it, Coral!" Rōzu snapped back. "And quit taking on Saldana's side for once!"

Opal noticed the sparring was getting heated and intense. Before three sisters clashed each other in fierce rage, she unleashed three giant hands made of white energy and pinned them down to the ground.

"Enough!" Opal demanded softly. "End this now."

Rōzu hissed angrily under her breath, but the weight of the giant white energized hand shut her up quick.

"You are sisters. Act like sisters." Opal ordered.

As Opal released her daughters and exited the dojo, three mystics got up from the floor. Rōzu glared deadly at Saldana and Coral, who glared back at her in a cold manner.


In the woods, Caesar was walking through the trees on a bright sunny day. His children wandered around their father playfully. Shori was wearing a white kimono shirt and white hakama pants. The oldest sister has long black hair woven in a French braided crown twist bun and sapphire blue eyes as she wore a blue yukata dress. The second oldest sister has long curly red hair and emerald green eyes as she wore a red yukata dress. The second youngest sister has long silky brown hair and reddish-brown eyes as she wore a purple yukata dress. And the youngest sister has long blonde hair tied into two braided pigtails and baby blue eyes as she wore an orange yukata dress. All five children have the clan's symbol on the front of their clothes.

The Lotus Ninjas are quietly crouching on the tree branches above the family.

"Here he comes." Lee whispered to her younger sisters. "But don't scare the children."

The Lotus Ninjas jumped down and landed on the ground as they surrounded Caesar and his five children, who were running close to their father with fear.

"Caesar." Lee spoke.

"You girls again." Caesar gasped.

"It's okay, Caesar." Donna said with a reassuring smile.

"We won't hurt you and your kids." Ellie promised.

Without saying a word, Caesar closed his eyes and his entire body was engulfed in violet energy. The auras that are surrounding both his children and the Lotus Ninjas visible at once. When he opened his eyes, Caesar felt a strong wave of surprise and shock when he discovered the Lotus Ninjas' auras and his daughters' auras are identical.

"Are you four from...the future?" Caesar wondered.

The Lotus Ninjas gasped sharply with wide-eyed face.

"Yes...we are, father." Lee replied. "How do you know?"

"I'm an aura wielding mystic. Rarest of all our kind." Caesar responded. "That's why I was able to sense your auras compared to my daughters."

Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie looked down at the four scared girls.

"But I thought you said that we're in 16 years in the past, Donna." Ella said to Donna.

"That's what I believe." Donna said. "And since they looked like five-year-olds, we're in ten years in the past."

"No way!" Lee, Ella, and Ellie said.

"My thoughts exactly. Father, we need to talk to you." Donna said.


In Caesar's wooden home, the Lotus Ninjas and Caesar's five children sat on the chairs in the dining room. Caesar was preparing a delicious meal for his guests. Present Lee smiled as she looked at Shori and Past Lee playing their magic together. Present Ella and Past Ella were using their magic to create animal shapes. Present Donna and Past Donna were reading ancient scrolls. Present Ellie and Past Ellie are playing pat-a-cake together.

"I was raised in Utashinai, but my grandmother is Korean." Caesar spoke from the kitchen. He held out a tray of food into the dining room. "I moved here to be closer to Saldana. I made a meal all mystics love."

Caesar placed the tray down on the dining table and the four mystic kunoichis looked at four bowls of delicious dumplings.

"At least that's what my kids love." Caesar smiled.

"Dumplings are cool and all, but we prefer pizza." Ellie said with a childish smile. "I mean, hook your daughter up, dad!"

"And how were you able to control aura?" Lee asked.

"In my family, I can control aura in various ways." Caesar explained. "Aura is a mysterious energy of the spiritual essence and that power passed on to you and Shori. But if you four are my daughters from the future, then why are you here in the past?"

"We're here because we want to save you from dire news, father." Donna said.

"You can't leave our mother Shiroibara Saldana." Lee said firmly. "She's a good woman. Burakkurōzu Rōzu is evil."

"No, Rōzu is a good woman." Caesar denied calmly.

"If you choose Burakkurōzu Rōzu, the world itself could be at risk. Take it from us, your future daughters." Donna pleaded.

"But Saldana is too dedicated to ninjutsu to raise a family." Caesar said.

"That's not true. Saldana loves her children. Both us and our past selves." Ellie said as she was eating three dumplings with Past Ellie. "She is our mom, after all."

"I don't know who I will choose. I must do what's right for my children." Caesar said depressedly.

"Follow your heart, father. You know who the better woman is." Ella said softly.

Caesar became silent for a minute and then formed a smile on his face.

"I'll consider it." Caesar smiled. "Let me make you some snacks if you want to return to your time."

Caesar walked back into the kitchen. Donna felt her L-Phone vibrating again and took it out quickly with a gasp.

"Um, Lee?" Donna said. She pulled out a picture again and her sisters watched the image of Casey fading away as well. "What's the plan now?"

"The only noble thing we can do...finish Shade once and for all." Lee said firmly.


Below the dark night, Rōzu have gathered some of the Lotus mystic kunoichis for an important announcement at the Lotus Clan shrine.

"The Lotus Clan has gotten weak everyday from the inside." Rōzu voiced. "The Shadow Clan was the oldest of all mystic clans. But it was wiped out by Shiroibara Opal when she slain its master and my birth mother...Burakkurōzu Malachite."

All the Lotus mystic kunoichis gasped in shock.

"I was adopted by the Lotus Clan as an infant and raised by my enemy without any knowledge of my true birthright." Rōzu continued in rage. "I will have my revenge on them all!"

The Lotus mystic kunoichis bowed down to Rōzu as a new sign of respect for their new leader. Rōzu grinned and lifted her hand to release a black energy beam at the clan's shrine, destroying it on fire in the process. She and her mystic kunoichis looked up to see the Lotus Ninjas hovering above the burning shrine with their weapons ready.

"You." Rōzu said with a smile. "I knew the four of you have potential since your arrival. Join the Shadow Clan and I can teach you more forbidden magic."

"Sorry, but we don't join with the likes of you!" Lee shouted.

"Have it your way." Rōzu said. She spun around and walked past the Lotus mystic kunoichis. "Finish them all. I have one more mystic to finish off."

The Lotus mystic kunoichis obeyed with their hands engulfed in blazing magic. The Lotus Ninjas levitated themselves down onto the ground in their offensive stances. The two teams charged at each other with loud battle cries.


Back in Saldana's house, Caesar told fun constellation stories to his children outside until he caught Saldana running fast to him.

"My mother agreed to let me go to New York City. Coral will take care of the clan with my mother." Saldana smiled happily. Her smile turned into an apologizing frown. "I am so sorry, Caesar. You and our children are my life. Without you, I am a shadow to the darkness."

"Saldana, I understand your loyalty to the clan." Caesar smiled back. "But you have so much more than your clan, my love."

"My love for you and our kids burns inside my heart brighter than all the stars in the universe." Saldana grinned softly.

"How pathetic."

Saldana, Caesar, and their children turned to the source of that dark voice. It was Rōzu! They can see her entire body cloaking in a blazing light of black energy.

"Rōzu." Caesar muttered.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, Caesar." Rōzu pleaded softly. "Please, make the right choice."

"I have already made it, Rōzu." Caesar said firmly. "I'm sticking with my wife for the sake of my children."

"Caesar, take our kids away. Saldana ordered.

"No, you two are sisters." Caesar refused. "I can't let you and Rōzu hurt each other."

"Saldana and I were never blood, Caesar." Rōzu retorted.

"Caesar, please go now." Saldana said slowly.

Caesar nodded his head hesitantly and picked up his children away from the house, leaving Saldana and Rōzu glare each other alone.

"I'm sorry it has to end this way, sister." Rōzu said with a sinister smile.

"No, you're not." Saldana said sternly as her entire body cloaking in a blazing light of white energy.

Saldana and Rōzu charged forward to each other with fierce roars.


Back in the burning shrine battle, the fight wasn't unexpectedly tough when the Lotus Ninjas used their own weapons against the Lotus mystic kunoichis, who are becoming increasingly frighten by hearing the girls' ominous laughter. Donna schemingly fired arrow-like blasts of purple energy at the clan mystic kunoichis from the tip of her spear. Ellie sneakily wrapped her whip around the clan mystic kunoichis and sent out orange beams of energy down the whips that caused a huge explosion at them. Ella cunningly took her aim with her gauntlets and shot them out at the clan mystic kunoichis as rockets. And Lee stealthily tossed her twin tessen at the clan mystic kunoichis like rapid boomerangs.

The Lotus mystic kunoichis then found themselves surrounded by Ella, Donna, and Ellie with Lee standing on top of the burning shrine.

"That's right, mystics!" Lee said darkly. "Our monsters will devour all of your souls for their hunger!"

Lee laughed sinisterly as she summoned a blue magical energy circle and spewed out an endless array of blue energized bats down at the clan mystic kunoichis. Ella quickly summoned a red magical energy circle and send out a cluster of red energy bolts towards the clan mystic kunoichis. Donna summoned a purple magical energy circle and called forth a pile of giant hand made of purple energy from underneath to grapple the clan mystic kunoichis from their legs and tossed them hard to the ground. And Ellie summoned an orange magical energy circle to fire orange energy bullets at the clan mystic kunoichis.

The clan mystic kunoichis screamed in horror and ran away from the Lotus Ninjas for retreat.

"Nice speech." Ella smiled.

"Thank you." Lee smiled back. Then, her voice became serious. "Come on, let's head for mother's home."


Meanwhile, Saldana and Rōzu fought each other all the way into the main dojo room.

"We were raised together, Rōzu." Saldana said. "I don't want to fight you."

"Your words are nothing but lies!" Rōzu snapped. She started spinning rapidly towards Saldana as a black energized torpedo. "Especially after many dishonor you possess within you!"

"You're the one with so many dishonors!" Saldana snapped back. She dodged out of the way and released a tornado made of white energy from her palms to attack Rōzu. "You were always jealous of my life that led you to the path of scheming and hate!"

Rōzu glared at Saldana and the two mystics charged forward to attack each other more. They struggled each other's combat kick and punch moves, but their combined energy beams set the house on fire in the process. Saldana quickly noticed the fire over all her house, but she was too busy trying to stop fighting with Rōzu.

"Please, sister, do not make me do this!" Saldana shouted. "This whole place is coming down!"

"Then, we shall both perish here...together!" Rōzu yelled fiercely.


The Lotus Ninjas sprinted through the forest trees until they finally arrived just in time to see their old home burning in raging fire.

"Oh my gosh!" Ellie gasped. "We have to put the fire out!"

Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie detected Caesar running inside his house.

"Father!" Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie shouted as they rushed over to their father. "Don't go in there!"

"Girls, I'm sorry, but your mother's in there with Rōzu and I have to stop them." Caesar said determinedly. He grabbed the four mystic kunoichis and hugged them tightly. "If everything happens to me, I'm proud to be your father and I'm also proud to see you girls grown up for the first time."

Lee's eyes began to water up and hugged her father back. Donna, Ella, and Ellie did the same thing. Caesar released himself from the family hug with a final smile and sprinted though flaming debris with his aura powers.

"Father, please don't do this!" Ella shouted.

The flaming woods crumbled down the front entrance to keep the Lotus Ninjas from following after their father.

"We have to get in there." Lee said firmly.

Unknown to the Lotus Ninjas, Shori was watching the burning house on fire from the bushes with a horror face.


Back in the burning house, Saldana launched herself towards Rōzu and delivered a white energized drilling kick that sent the black mystic crashing to the wall. The sensation of hatred, rage, and jealousy greatly fueled Rōzu's mind as she slowly got up and her hands was engulfing into black energized claws. Rōzu immediately dashed forward and jumped high in the air to finish Saldana once and for all.

Out of nowhere, Caesar made his way through the fire and stood in front of his wife, taking the claw slash from Rōzu that was intended for Saldana. He screamed out loud in pain and fell deathly on the floor. Saldana and Rōzu felt the stain of tragedy rushing over them.

"Caesar!" Saldana cried as she rushed over to her dead husband.

Rōzu ran over to check out Caesar, but more flaming rubble blocked her path and she screamed painfully when the flame burned her eyes, forcing her to leave right before the ceiling collapsed itself.

Outside, Rōzu detected Shori hiding in the bushes. She slowly lifted her hand and unleashed a black shining powder in front of the boy's face, putting Shori asleep on the grass instantly.

"I will take care of you, my son." Rōzu promised softly as she walked over to the sleeping Shori and scooped him up in her arms. "I will call you...Kage."

With that, Rōzu disappeared into the darkness.

Inside the flaming house, the Lotus Ninjas went into the dojo and saw several flaming rubbles blocked their path. Ellie summoned her whip and sliced the rubble in tiny pieces. Ella was using her strength through her quadrupled gauntlets to hold off more incoming rubble above. Lee and Donna discovered an unconscious white mystic and the dead body of an aura mystic in sadness. Lee and Donna picked the couple as they pulled them free out of the dojo. They placed them outside on the grass away from the burning as Ella and Ellie followed after them.

The four mystic kunoichis quietly dove behind the bushes, where they stared at Saldana waking up from being unconscious. Saldana looked down at her dead husband and clutched him tightly.

"Caesar!" Saldana hollered.

Saldana sobbed for the loss of her mystic husband with stream of tears in her eyes. Saldana looked around to notice that her son Shori was gone too. Now, the family has learned that both the father and the brother are gone.

The Lotus Ninjas sadly departed themselves into the dark forest.


The next morning, the Lotus Ninjas sat on the grass in the forest alone. They are deeply heartbroken at the loss of their father and their disappearance of their brother. Now, they knew the truth about what happened their lives in Japan before moving to America for a new start. Lee, Ella, and Ellie were eating fresh berries while Donna looked down at her L-Phone to see the images of Casey and April returning to normal.

"Everything is finally back to normal." Donna said.

"But we're still stuck 10 years in the past!" Ella noted.

"Well, we might as well get used to it, girls." Ellie said. "Maybe being our birth home won't be so bad, after all."

Unexpectedly, a bright white light appeared behind the girls that caught their attention. They watched the light opened itself as a white diamond-shaped acrylic mirror and a familiar time mystic was walking out of it with his Temporal Staff.

"Finally! I found you." Jikan said in relief.

"Jikan!" Ellie beamed as she ran over to hug the time mystic.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too, Ellie." Jikan smiled.

"Where the heck have you been?" Ella demanded rudely. "We've been stuck here for days!"

"It's not my fault, hothead." Jikan snapped. "I've spent the last six months trying to find you girls while trying to unfuse the staff apart."

"Why did your staff want us to come here?" Lee asked.

"The reason it brought you here is to make sure Saldana survive and to learn about what really happened to your father and your brother." Jikan explained as he stared at the Temporal Staff.

"So, all this time we were always destined to come here in time and save our mom's life?" Donna questioned.

"Ugh, can you just take us home now? I can't take much more of this." Ella groaned.

"Not a problem. Future New York, here we come." Jikan grinned.


Back in present-day New York City, a time portal opened itself up above the rooftop and dropped off the Lotus Ninjas and Jikan. The five mystics landed on the rooftop ground safe and sound.

"Will we ever see you again, Jikan?" Ellie asked Jikan.

"We better not." Ella grumbled.

Ellie growled at her older sister with a glare.

"You girl will see me again soon someday, Michelle." Jikan said.

Jikan planted a kiss on Ellie's cheek, making the orange mystic kunoichi faint to the ground with a lovey-dovey smile.

"Good-bye, Mystic Mages." Jikan said with a farewell wave as he flew up into the time portal above. "See you four in history!"

Then, the time portal closed itself out of sight. The Lotus Ninjas then stared at the illuminating city alone.

"Let's head back home, girls." Ellie said with a peaceful smile. "This is one story that mom is not gonna to believe."

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