Ask 2

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(I'm not sure if i mention this beforehand, but like my other books the timing in this book is weird so please bear with me)


*As the days turned into weeks Leo keeps hanging out with Keanna everything from dance moves to some training sessions on the roof and little did Leo know that Keanna does having feeling for him too, even talking to April about it and she understands. But suddenly his brothers had enough and wants to know what's going on*

*at 7:50am*


*in the dojo*

Leo: okay that's all the time we have for today *sits under the tree pulls out his phone to call April*

April: what's up Leo

Leo: i was wondering if you, Casey, Karai, and Shini can come by the lair this afternoon?

April: why is that?

Leo: remember that I told you about Keanna, and i kinda can't shut up about her?

April: yes

Leo: well, I'm actually taking her to the lair to meet all of you

April: *squeals* I'm really excited

Leo: i know, and I'm doing this because my bros already got tired of me getting out the lair everyday, so spread the word to the others.

April: okay

*April POV*

April: *calls Casey*

Casey: what up red?

April: Leo is bringing someone special to the lair 

Casey: are you serious?

April: yes, and tell Karai and Shini this too

Casey: will do *hangs up* yo Karai Shini

Karai: what is it Jones?

Casey: Leo is bringing someone special to the lair

Shini: oh really?

Karai: who do you think it is?

Casey: i don't know, she didn't say

Karai: maybe Leo wanted to be a surprise and i get it

(and in case y'all wondering Casey is hanging out at  the mighty mutanimals lair) 

No one's POV

*April, Karai, Casey, Renet, and shini got to the lair and sat on the couch*

Casey: what my turtle dudes

Shini: where's leo

Mikey: he went out

Leo's POV

*Leo is sitting on roof waiting for Keanna, and he's being waiting for 5 mins.*

Leo: *to himself* i can't believe that i have been hanging out with Keanna for many weeks and i wanted to ask her out, but i don't know-

*suddenly the roof door opens and sees Keanna in halfup bun , a blue and white striped shortsleeved blouse with pink Sarukas, dark blue jeans, gray hoodie wrapped around her waist, and black and pink sneakers*

Leo: *blushes and thinks to himself* oh my god, she's so beautiful, I'm suprised that she's not wearing her usual overalls dress

Keanna (me): um earth to Leo, is everything okay? * waves her hand in his face*

Leo: *snaps out of it* sorry, are you ready to go?

Keanna (me): yes, but on the other hand I'm nervous as heck

Leo: don't worry Keke they're gonna love you, now let's go.

*in the lair*

Casey: Leo, there you are

Raph: where is this person?

Leo: well here she is

*Leo steps to the side and shows Keanna looking to the floor*

Keanna (me): hello everyone

Karai: are you this shy?

Keanna (me): well shy is an understatement

Donnie: *in a surprised voice* you know that word?

Keanna (me): *nobs*

Leo: tell them your name

Keanna (me): and, my name is Keanna

Everybody "except for Leo and April": whoa!!!!

Keanna (me): what is it

Karai: what a pretty name you got

Keanna (me): if my name is hard for you to say, you can call me Keke for short

Donnie: fascinating name, can you spell that for me

Keanna (me): k-e-a-n-n-a

Casey: *walks up to her and wraps his arm around her* who knew Leo had a thing for this girl

*Leo and Keanna looked at each other and blush like crazy*

Keanna (me): can it Jones or your teeth are getting in the ring *holds her fists*

April: *holds her fist down* i don't blame Keanna but don't punch him

Keanna (me): okay i won't, but if it happens again i am not going easy.

Raph: Okay Keke is feisty i respect that *fist bumps her*

Keanna (me): forgive me i mean no disrespect i don't want blueberry getting embarrassed

*everyone started laughing historically, with Leo and Keanna blushing again with Keanna hiding behind him embarrassed of what she just said*

Leo: you were saying 

Keanna (me): whoops

Karai: *falls off the couch laughing*

*Keanna runs over helps her up*

Karai: thanks Keke

Mikey: this girl is really funny

Leo: okay Keanna, these are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo

Raph, Donnie, And Mikey: hi Keanna

* with donnie giving her a handshake, Raph another fist bump, and Mikey a hug*

Leo: * points at Karai and Shini* my sister Karai and her girlfriend Shinigami

Keanna: *bows at them*

Shini: you don't need to bow

Leo: *points at April and Casey* this is Donnie's girlfriend April, and Raph's best friend Casey*

Keanna: * fist bumps them*

Leo: *points at Renet* and this is Mikey's girlfriend Renet

Renet: *shakes her hand* nice to meet you Keanna

*Keanna sits on the couch and feels something on her cheek*

Keanna: *turns her head* aww who is this and why is he so cute *picks him up and pets his head*

Raph: this is my pet alien turtle Chompy

Chompy: *bites her finger*

Keanna: ouch, i can see why you named him that

Leo:*looks at his phone* Keanna and Renet, can you 2 help get the pizzas?

Renet & Keanna: sure 

(now finally the real question)

Raph: so you haven't answer my Question whenever we have patrol you always disappear like "where are going"?

Leo: okay to tell you the truth, i have being hanging out with Keanna which is why i keep coming back late. 

*Keanna and Renet came back holding there magic staffs doing a flying spell on the stacked boxes of pizza*

Leo: thanks girls.

*25 mins later*

Raph: are you kidding me?

Leo: i know what i did was wrong but she is special to me *blushes*

Mikey: Keanna, can you teach us some of your moves?

Keanna: heck yes 

*Leo is happy that everyone having a great time hanging out with Keanna with Mikey enjoying her dance moves, Donnie liking her smarts, April, Renet, and Casey liking her funny stories, and Karai and Shini liking her drawings*

* 2 1/2 hours later*

Keanna: I have so fun, but i have to get going

Leo: Keanna before you go i need to ask you something

Keanna: what is it Leo?

Leo: well....umm

Casey, Raph, Mikey, and Karai: LEO JUST SAY IT!!!!

Leo: Keanna, do you want to want to go on a date with me this Friday at 6pm?

Keanna: yes Leo Yes

everyone: Bye Keanna

Keanna: wait a second

*Keanna runs up to Leo and kisses him on the cheek and goes home*

All: ooooooooh

Leo: *still blushing* okay okay it's not that big a deal

Casey: says the one who kissed her on the cheek when tucking her in bed

Leo: I did that because she's endearing to me, and

all: and?

Leo: and i Really Really like her

*the girls fangirl hard, and the guys smirk*

*Leo goes to bed, and of course dreams of Keanna in his arms*

Keanna POV

*Keanna sits on bed in her pjs and holding her flower comb*

Keanna: *to herself* i can't believe i kissed Leo on the cheek, to be fair he did kiss me on the cheek and i liked it. *goes to sleep*

*Little did she know Leo like the kiss*

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