Dare 3

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( this has got to be the most ridiculous page yet 😅🤦🏾‍♀️)

*2 days after the gang meets Keanna*

*in the lair's living room*

 *April is cuddling Donnie, Renet showering Mikey's face with kisses, Raph is on his phone, Karai painting Shini's nails, Leo is brushing Keanna's hair with Her laying on the couch and her head on his lap with her eyes close not sleeping. at that same time Mona walks in*

Mona: hello everybody

everybody (except for Keanna): hey mona

*Raph runs to her and kisses her*

Mona Lisa: *looks at Leo* who is this next to Leonardo?

Keanna: hi, I'm Keanna. i heard so much about you

Mona Lisa: well aren't you a dear

Casey: *watching youtube, then snickers getting a idea*

April: what's so funny Casey?

Casey: i got a dare for you, Renet, and Keanna

Renet: really. what is it?

Casey: i dare you 3 to do a fashion show

April, Keanna, and Renet: * gets excited*

Casey: girls i'm not finished, do a fashion show with... ugly dresses

*the girls look shocked with Renet freezing in place, April fainting on the couch, and Keanna faints off the couch and onto the floor, with shini and Karai looking at Casey*

Casey: I'm sorry girls but a dare is a dare

Keanna: you are going to be sorry

(the video up top is where the dresses are)

Casey: so you girls are gonna have 2 dresses each

*5 mins later*

Mikey: ladies and gentlemen welcome to our crazy fashion show! 1st up we have my lovely Renet.

*Renet walks out wear dress 1(dress #8 in the video). she has her hair in a neat bun, white pearl earrings and necklace, and blue fats*

*everyone had uncomfortable looks on their face*

Mikey: you look like a pretty x-mas tree

Renet: thanks Mikey * kisses his cheek*

Mikey: up next we have Keanna

*Keanna wearing dress 1 (dress #2 in the video). she has her hair in waves, a sliver chain necklace, sliver hanging diamond earrings, and pink high heels*

*everyone try to hold their laugh but to no avail*

Keanna: this is embarrassing, STOP LAUGHING!!!!

Mikey: *in a joking tone* Have you lost your sheep eke

* everybody laughing*

Mikey: lastly we have April in dress 1 (dress #1 in video), she has a curly back ponytail and yellow flats*

*everyone is holding their laugh but casey can't hold it*

Mikey: *in a joking tone* are you happy to see donnie back from the war?

Casey: hey little bow Keke, i found you sheep *tosses a stuffed lamb at her*

April & Keanna: CASEY!!!!!!!! *starts attacking him with the lamb and umbrella*

*Leo holds back Keanna and Donnie holds down April*

Mikey: since you attacked Casey you 2 have to face one more round of a ugly dress

Both WHAT!??!?!?!?!

*15 mins later*

Mikey: okay folks we have the 2nd round of dresses, first up si April

*April walks out in embarrassed look on her face wear dress 2 ( dress #6 in video), wearing her hair all flow, yellow flower earrings, and had yellow pumps*

Casey: hey everybody here's a yellow bird

* everybody try to hold their but to no avail*

Donnie" you look great

Mikey: *in a joking voice* tweet tweet get to the nest. anyway next we have my renet 

* Renet walks out in embarrassed look on her face wear dress 2 ( dress #5 in video), wearing her hair in a curly bun, light blue hanging earrings, and blue block heels*

Karai: what is this?

Mikey: you still look beautiful flower

Raph: let's Keke's dress

Mikey: last but now least we have the one the only Keanna

* Keanna walks out in embarrassed look on her face wear dress 2 (dress #4 in video), wearing her hair in a blowout, light pink hanging pearl earrings, white pearl necklace, and pink wedge heels*

Leo: aww, you look adorable sweetie

Mikey: *in a joking voice* looks like someone has been messing with the cotton candy maker

* of course everyone is laughing at Keanna and Mikey's joke*

Keanna: I'm so angry at yall i can't, GG you 2

 ( now in case anyone doesn't know what GG means it means "good game)

Mikey: *looks at Renet* cupcake you can go to your regular clothes

Casey: i can't believe I'm looking at a yellow bird and pink cotton candy *laughing at April and Keanna*

Mikey: funny you should mention, *looks at April & Keanna* you 2 have 1 last dress too put on now both of you get to it

*another 5 mins later*

*April and Keanna walks out embarrassed look on her face wearing the punishment dresses (dress #3 in video), Keanna in long wave hair, the same pink earrings and same shoes, and April wear a back bun with gold earrings and gold heels*

all: OH MY GOD!!!! *laughing like crazy*

*April and Keanna look at each other in a annoyed face*

both: * in a angry tone* IS IT OVER!?!?!?!

Mikey: okay people that's all the time we have for today thank you for seeing out crazy fashion show

Mona Lisa: cut *turns off camera* 

shini: you girls did great

*Keanna and April goes in there regular clothes*

*The girls are still upset with Keanna lays on the couch with her on Leo's lap, April putting her head on Donnie's chest, and Renet putting her head on Mikey's shoulder*


* a few hours later* * at 10:45*

Leo: okay everyone it time for -

*then i see everyone sleeping in the living room with Casey sleeping on the bean bag chair, Renet sleeping on Mikey's shell, Karai hugging Shini in their sleep, Donnie spooning April sleeping, Mona cuddling into Raph's chest sleeping, and when i look at Keanna she has her hands on her and moving so fidgety it must have been her outburst from the fashion show so i put a oversized blanket over her and she has calm down. so i lie down on the floor next to Keanna in case she wakes up*

*later at 3:45am*

no one's POV

*Keanna wakes up to see Leo shivering, so she crawl to him puts the blanket she has over him as she cuddles her head on his chest.*

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