When you meet him: Donatello

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"Ah-gah-oof-ouch-aah!" Donnie fell from fire escape he was on, though catching the canister of mutagen his brother and himself were after, good for him!

Don groaned, rubbing his head while pulling himself up to his knees, giving the canister a good once-over, making sure nothing leaked and cracked.

"Don! Come in, Don! Ya there?" He heard Leo's voice speak through the ear piece he had on.

"(Groan) yeah, I'm here, Leo." He picked himself up. "Just had a bit of a fall from a fire escape, no big deal."

He heard Leo gasp. "Is the mutagen okay?!"

Don scowled. "Yes, of course it is-!"

"It didn't break open did it? Seriously Don, the last thing we need is another outbreak!"

"DID you NOT just hear that I fell from a fire escape from a 10, possibly, a 15 story high building?!"

"....yeah, but the canister is safe right?"

"Ugh, yes it's safe-you know what, I'm just going to send you guys my coordinates!" Don quickly hung up, slumping against the brick wall.

(Scoff) brothers.

Letting out a sigh, the teenaged turtle tucked the contained mutagen away in his pouch, getting up and started to climb back up the fire escape so the other can find him.

But just as his three fingers curled around the metal ladder, he heard someone's quick footstep coming his way! Eyes widening, he ran in place as he looked around frantically to find a hiding spot. Which was hard considering he was in an alleyway.

His only choice being a nasty dumpster, he made the rash decision and quickly jumped in, closing the lid on his way.

"Oh come on! This is just not my night!" Don groaned, peeking up a little from the dumpster, seeing who the unexpected acquaintance is.

Quickly running into the 'supposed' empty alleyway, you choked on a sob, throwing yourself to the gross, grimy wall, sliding down to the ground. You tucked your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, letting the tears stream down your cheeks.

Don watched with concern, he definitely was not expecting this.

He frowned as he heard your cries, watching you hug your legs tighter, and the sleeves to your hoodie getting damp from the ongoing tears. You looked...absolutely miserable.

But what made Don even more concerned was the fact that you were showing signs of being...hurt. The way you babied your right arm, and how you flinched every time you rested your forehead on your knees. Is didn't take a scientist to realize that you were obviously in pain.

A look of sympathy took over Donnie's face as he continued to watch and hear you whimper and cry, your body shook violently against the brick wall behind you. At that moment, Don decided to go against all of the rules and restrictions his leader and sansei gave him, and jumped out from his hiding spot.

He cautiously walked up to your shivering form, bending down to your height. Taking in a deep breath, he gently taped your knee. "E-Excuse me, miss? Can I help you?"

The sudden touch and voice startled you, causing your head to instantly snap upwards to come face to face with your unexpected visitor. But the purple masked turtle face was certainly NOT what your were expecting!

"Aaaah!" You screamed, scrambling back further into the wall behind you. The giant turtle jumped to his feet, bringing his three-fingered hands in front of him. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'm not going to hurt-ow!"

Before he could even finish, out of nowhere, you pulled out a metal pipe and began swinging it at him! "Stranger danger! Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" You screamed, continuing your assault.

"Ow-hey-oof-wait-ack-a-ouch-SECOND!" The mutant grabbed a hold of your wrist, glaring down at you. "I'm not here to hurt you!"

You scoffed. "Oh please, I've seen enough alien horror movies to know how this works!"

"Alien horror-no, look!" Don let go of your wrist, and held his hands back in surrender. "I promise, I come in peace. My names Donatello." He smiled slightly showing off a slight gap in between his teeth.

You continued to stand your ground, the metal pipe still up and ready to attack again if needed be.

"It looks like you can use a bit of a patch up." The mutant, Donatello, pointed out towards your forehead. "Pretty nasty cut you got there; with your permission, I would like to cover it up. Wouldn't do you any good if it got infected."

Your eyes narrowed at him, slowly bringing your weapon down, you ask: "You want to help me? Why?"

The turtle simply smiled. "Just...because."

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