When You Meet Him: Raphael

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"You're unbelievable!" You screamed, throwing a glass vase at your older brother.

"(Y/N), take a flipping chill pill, girl!"

"Don't you dare tell me that!" You glared. "That money that YOU lost, was for food! The cabinets are empty, Hun! What are we going to do now?"

Hun glared right back, his hand traveling down the side of his face in a frustrated manner. "Well, by the looks of things, it wouldn't kill you not to eat for a couple days anyway."

You gasped, feeling angry, hurt tears begin to fog up your eyes. You couldn't believe this...you thought living with your cool big bro would be awesome! But now...you just wished you moved out of state with your parents.

"I hate you!" You stomped your foot, quickly grabbing a hold of your jacket, and feeling out the door.

There was only one place on this earth that would make you feel better, and that would be the 24/7 opened gym just located around the corner. You always went there when you needed to blow off some steam, and one of those punching bags had your name on it. Coming up to the building, you stormed in, hanging your jacket up and headed straight to the punching and kicking area.

Usually when you went in, there was no one in, so once you heard the sounds of hitting and grunting, it kind of took you by surprise.

"Great." You rolled your eyes. "I gotta share now." You took out your phone and earbuds and turned the corner to enter the room. But once you saw who exactly was in there...gave you the biggest shock of your life.

"Stupid Leo. Stupid Mikey. Stupid Donnie. Stupid all of them!" The giant, green creature huffed, punching the bag right off its hinges. You watched with shock, confusion, fear but mostly...curiosity? Sure a giant, walking, talking turtle was in a gym, hitting things hard enough for them to actual come off their set...but you couldn't help but continue to watch. This character was pretty interesting. In his own way, that is.

So watching him you did, silently hiding behind one of the many exercising machines, hearing him rant to himself about...brothers? A team? Training? You didn't know exactly what this turtle was talking about, but it sounded like he was apart of something BIG. And that's when it hit you, you didn't even know if this guy, or thing, was even friendly. Probably wasn't a good idea to even be near him.

"Okay, time to leave."  You thought to yourself while attempting to sneak away. Hence the word: Attempt. As soon as you tried to tip-toe out of the room, your clumsy self tripped on one of the dumbbells that was left on the floor, causing you to fall face first into the floor.

"Um...ouch." You mumbled, picking yourself up.

"Oh shell!" You heard the turtle mumble.

You suddenly realized that your cover was now blown. You sat up quickly, seeing that the creature was staring down at you, arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

You nervously chuckled, "S-Sup?"

The turtle rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms and making his way towards you, causing you to freak out a bit.

"W-Wait! Hold up! I'm sorry for starring! I was just-I was-I was uh..." You frantically rushed out, scooting back, hitting the wall.

The mutant stopped, raising a brow, but then burst out laughing while holding his hand out towards you. "Relax princes, I'm not gonna hurt ya."

Hesitantly, you accepted his hand as he helped you back up to your feet. "Thanks."

"No problem." He went back to crossing his arms. "Also, for future reference, if you want to exceed with your stalking career, I would suggest working on your stealth. It needs a little bit of work."

You glared. "I don't stalk people. Only suspicious looking creatures who may or may not be dangerous."  

"Heh, touché." He mumbled, turning his shell towards you. "Welp, see ya later, princess." He headed to the opened window on the other side of the room. You quickly stopped him.

"The name's (Y/N), shell head."

The turtle turned back. "Don't recall I asked for it."

"Too bad." You smirked. "You gonna give me yours, or do I have to stick with shell head?"

"Do you really want to know? We may never see each other again."

"Never say never, bro." You smiled. Surprisingly, he gave you one back.

"The names Raphael. But you can call me Raph, princess." 

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