When You Meet Him: Leonardo

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"(Y/N) dear," your boss, Mrs. Davidson put a hand on your shoulder as you were moping. "It's getting late, don't you have that big math test tomorrow?"

You shrugged, placing the mop back into the dirty bucket of water. "I don't mind, really. We had a busy day today, it wouldn't be right leaving you with the mess."

The older lady smiled, taking the clean tool into her own hands. "Go home, (Y/N). You did almost everything already. I can finish up."

"Are you sure, Mrs. Davidson? It really wouldn't be a bother if I stayed-."

"Home, young lady!" Your boss practically shoved you out of the small diner. "And if I hear that you failed that test, I will have no other choice, than to put you on vacation."

You gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

She smirked. "Try me."

"Fine!" You groaned, throwing your dirty apron on the counter. "I'll leave. But if I do pass, then you have to bake me that secret pie you like to keep from me."

Mrs. Davidson laughed. "Okay, you convinced me, put I better see that good grade on that test myself."

"I promise! I'll bring it in as soon as I get it!" You slung you're bag over your shoulder, waving to the elder lady. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

You closed the glass door behind you and started your way towards home, which you weren't afraid to admit to, you had a bit of a walk ahead of you. It took you about 15-20 minutes tops, you were even lucky to get there before mid-night.

It wasn't like you had a choice anyway, after your mother lost her job and your father suddenly bailed on you both, you were glad to get whatever you could.

You sighed, hugging your coat closer together as the cold stung your cheeks, of course the weather wasn't going to be on your side tonight.

Go figure.

To makes matters even worse, the three men who spotted you from a distant alleyway, began to quietly follow you from behind. You didn't even notice until one of them grabbed a hold of your arm and suddenly threw you against the closet brick wall.

"Ow! Son of a b-!" Your mouth was quickly covered as the three men eyed you up and down.


"Hello there, pretty girl. What's a sweet little thing like yourself doing out here all alone?" The small one with rotten teeth asked, rubbing small circles on your cheek with his thumb, while his two lackeys laughed in the background.

Not in the mood to deal with this total bull crap, you latched you're teeth down on the idiot's hand, hard. He yelped, taking his hand back, cradling it to his chest.

"Ugh! Gross!" You spat onto the ground. "Have any of you ever heard of hand hygiene?"

"Why you little-!" He didn't even finish he sentence before decking you right in your right eye!

You yelped, falling to your knees as the three loomed over you. "We're gonna enjoy this."

"I bet you won't after I'm done with you!"

Closing your eyes and waiting for more pain to be inflected on you, nothing happened. Only the sounds of fighting and slight struggles. After hearing the third thud you finally found the courage to slowly open yours eyes...well, at least your good one.

You couldn't believe it...the men were all on the ground, unresponsive.

"What?" You stood up and shaky legs, looking around for your sudden hero.

"Are you alright?"

You jumped, quickly looking behind you, but not seeing anyone!

"Uh...yeah, I'm fine." You kept looking around. "B-But where are you? Were you the one who did all of this?"

You heard a quiet sigh coming from the shadows, but still not becoming visible.

"You really should head to the hospital. You got quite a shiner there."

You huffed, crossing your arms. "Annnd you really should come out here so I can thank you properly."

"I-I can't. I'm sorry. I wish I could."

"Why can't you?" You asked. "Are you the hunchback from Norte Dame? Because I promise you, I've hung out with uglier."

A soft laugh was heard. "You take getting mugged really well."

"Eh. Getting mugged is just a normal, nightly routine. Nothing new." You shrugged. "Now can you pleeease come out? I really do wanna thank you, face to face."

"No, I really can't-."

"Pretty please?" You pouted...at really nothing. But your savior did see it, and actually found it...pretty cute.

"Awe alright. But you gotta promise not to freak out!"

"I promise! Scouts honor!"

It went quiet after that. His voice wasn't heard. Nor did he actually show himself either. You frowned. Turning around you found yourself bumping into something...or more like someone. Looking up, a pair of blue orbs stared down at you. A same colored mask wrapped around them as well. Taking a step back, you stood in front of a turtle. A giant turtle. A giant, talking turtle.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out. So you stood there while gaping like a fish out of water. The turtle looked down at you concerned, quickly holding his hands out in front of him.

"I'm so sorry! I knew I should've just left. But I promise, I'm not gonna hurt you!"

You didn't answer, just stood there while staring.

The mutated turtle sighed, turning around, about to jump away. But you didn't allow him.

"Wait!" You grabbed his three-fingered hand. "I-I'm sorry! I guess I just wasn't expecting...a turtle."

The blue masked mutant sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess you handled it better than most. People usually ran away, screaming."

Now you felt bad.

"Well, I'm not going to do that." You smiled. "Thank you for saving me back there."

Your savior smiled back. "Your welcome, Ms..."

"Oh! (Y/N), just (Y/N)." You held your hand out. "And you are?"

He took your hand and shook it. "I'm Leonardo. Or just Leo. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

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