Brisk's guessing game

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Brisk: alright guys, y'all ready for the guessing game?

Shade: Why're we playing this? 😑

Brisk: cause it's fun, and you'll love it

Amber: alright first question

Brisk: if my father's name wasn't Swift, what would it be?

Xena: Maggie

Brisk: 😐

Xena: What

Brisk: 😂

Xena: What!?

Maesi: he said Swift

Xena: oh he said Swift! Sry I thought he said Quick. 😂

Shade: okay now I'm staying 😂

Amber: 😂

Brisk: alright alright what's your real answer

Xena: George


Amber: I second that one

Brisk: George it is

Shade: alright what's the next question

Brisk: if auntie Rogue had a pet, what would it be

Amber: a cat, she loves those. They're calm and quiet

Maesi: though some are feisty

Brisk: alright next question. What would uncle Ghost be doing right now if he wasn't good at shooting guns

Xena: oh that's interesting


Brisk: Seriously

Shade: well I had to think of something

Amber: it does suit him a little bit

Brisk: alright last question cause it's almost midnight. If auntie MM didn't have her original weapons, what would they be?

Maesi: gum


Maesi: What gum is very effective to your enemies. Have you not watched tmnt 2012

Brisk: alright well that's all for tonight. GN Guys!

Amber: night

Xena: Night

Shade: night

Maesi: ima be the next host

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