Ghost the babysitter

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So this is something for my friend. If the tag doesn't pop up then there's something wrong with the computer. I'm gonna repost it on my tablet so I can tag her. Anyway, Ghost is babysitting his niece Maesi, (made by Shy) and she's 5. You'll know more about her in one of Shy's TMNT Street Punk fem books


Ghost was driving his car all the way for his brother's house. Mostly, he would spend the day at his house while Ghoul was at work and Shade was at school. But now he had to watch over Maesi because none of the kids have school today and he couldn't bring Shade along because he's spending the night at Brisk's house. "Man, why couldn't she just spend the night at Amber's." Ghost thought as he pulled up at MC's house.

Once Ghost got out of the car, he walked over to the front door and ranged the doorbell. MC appeared in front of him. "Hey bro." MC said as Ghost smiled at his brother. "Haven't seen you in a while MC. How's your family?"

"It's going great." MC replied as Ghost peeked inside the house. It was a complete mess. "I'm guessing that she has your taste in not cleaning up after herself."

"Yes she does."

"Honey-oh hey Ghost." MM came up to the boys as she hugged Ghost. "Hey MM. Good to see you."

"Good to see you too. We're going on a date right now. We should be back in about 2 hours." MM said as she fixed her dress a little. Ghost decided to walk inside the house. "So where is Maesi?"

"Hiding. If she pops up just say cookies and-"

"COOKIES!" A 5 year old little girl turtle rushed over to the adults and immediately hugged her uncle. "-that'll happen." Ghost held her close as he almost fell to the ground. "Yep, she has your speed MC."

"Well, we should be heading out now. Bye baby." MM said to Maesi as she kissed her cheek. "Bye mommy." Maesi said as she saw her parents leave. "Well, now that that's settled, what do you wanna-" Ghost was about to say when he noticed that Maesi was already gone. "Hide and seek. We'll work with that."


After 30 minutes of playing hide and seek, Ghost decided that it was time for her to have a bath. He knew from experience that the kids didn't like taking baths so he had to think of something.

Ghost was sitting on the couch thinking about how to give her a bath when he heard something outside. ghost decided to check the window when he saw Maesi playing with mud. Ghost facepalmed. "MM's creation. I've got to remember that when I come back here." he said as he walked outside to the little firecracker. 

Maesi had mud pretty much everywhere. She looked up when she noticed her uncle. "Uncle Ghost." she said as she ran over to him and grabbed his hand. "Maesi, what're you doing?"

"Playing with mud." Maesi replied as she looked at him like it was completely obvious. Ghost rolled his eyes. "Play with me." Maesi said as Ghost tried to resisted, but he played with Brisk, Amber, and Shade all the time. I guess he could do it with Maesi too.

Once Ghost was sitting down with his niece, he felt a strong presence in the forest. He figured it was some animal so he ignored it. But as he tried to pay attention to Maesi, the presence got stronger and stronger. "Uncle Ghost?"


"Who's that?" Maesi pointed at a tall yet black figure who came up to them out of nowhere. Thinking he was a threat, Ghost held Maesi close behind him. "Who are you?" Ghost asked but the figure didn't say anything. He only used all of his strength to jump up onto the building and ran across the rooftops. "What the-"

"He didn't look scary." Maesi said as she watched the mystery figure go away.


After an hour and 30 minutes, Ghost decided to put on a movie to distract Maesi from what happened earlier. It was Madagascar Escape 2 Africa. Maesi started dancing when the lion Alex started to dance as well. Ghost couldn't help but watch her dance. She kept falling over a few times though, but she loved it anyway.

Ghost sent the video to his brother saying, 'This is definitely your daughter.' MC replied to him saying, 'She's got my moves.' with a smirk emoji. Ghost chuckled at his response. "Having fun there Maesi?"

"Yep." Maesi said as she felt all the mud from earlier. Ghost noticed that she was still dirty. "Maesi, you need to take a bath." Once Maesi heard the words bath, she immediately ran away. Ghost facepalmed. "This is what you get when you don't think before you say something." he said to himself as he ran after her. "Maesi, get back here!"

"No! No bath. I don't want no bath." Maesi said as she hide under the kitchen table. Ghost gave her a dumbfounded look. "Really?" he said as Maesi curled herself into a ball. "If you come out of there and take a bath, I'll give you endless cookies." Ghost said as Maesi thought about it and considered it. "Fine, only for the cookies."


"I STILL HATE BATHS!" Maesi said after she was clean. Ghost ignored that comment and rolled his eyes. Then, the doorbell runged. "Finally." Ghost said as he opened the door. It wasn't MM and MC. "What the-" he then looked down to see....Brisk!? "Brisk? What're you doing here?"


"BRISK!" Maesi said as she pulled her cousin inside the house. Before Ghost could say anything, two other small figured rushed into the house. "Amber, Shade?!"

"Hey Uncle Ghost."

"Hey Dad." Shade said as he followed the others. "I'm....gonna call Swift."

After 5 minutes of being yelled at on the phone, Swift finally calmed down. "Where's my son?"

"With me. And so is my son and Amber."

"Did all the kids just want to see each other?"

"Apparently." Ghost replied as he heard the kids playing in Maesi's room and heard them breaking stuff as well. "YOU KIDS BETTER NOT BE BREAKING ANYTHING!" Ghost yelled as he turned back to his phone. "So, when you getting him?"

"In about the next 5 minutes. And I'm also getting Amber as well. You want me to take Shade?"

"No, I got him."

"Okay that's good I can only handle two kids not three." Swift said as he hung up the phone.


Ghost then got a text from Swift saying that he's here. "Brisk, your dad's here."

"Aw man!" Brisk said as he started to hide somewhere. Ghost opened the door to reveal a very pissed off Swift. "I think it would be best if you lose the look okay?" Ghost tried to say as Swift stormed in. "BRISK HAMATO!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. Brisk still didn't come out. "Told ya." Ghost said as he decided to give it a try. "Brisk, please come down for the sake of all of-"

"OUCH!" Ghost immediately turned back to Swift. Brisk was on top of him and Swift was on the floor. "Sorry, I was in the bathroom." Brisk said not knowing that he landed on his father. Swift sucked in all of his anger and turned towards his son. "Where's Amber?"

"Right here." Amber said as she faced Swift as well. "C'mon you two, let's go." Swift said as he was done with all this kid business.


Finally after another 20 minutes, MC and MM came back. "Mommy, Daddy!" Maesi said as she hugged her parents. "Hi sweetie."

"So, how was it?" MC asked as Ghost sighed. "Crazy."

"Hey Uncle MC and Auntie MM." Shade said as his uncle and auntie noticed him. "Wait, wasn't Shade with Brisk?"

"You should ask Swift. Though, he's not gonna want to explain." Ghost said as he and Shade went towards there car. "Bye Shade."

"Bye Maesi." Shade said to his cousin as he went into the car. Soon, Ghost drove back home.


ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNND DONE! This took me an hour to finished. And the tag worked. I hope you like it Shy

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