"My name....is Hydro" (The Incredibles)

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(I don't own the movie. Quick, Brisk, and Shade belong to HimeOfShyness )

Brisk drove into the drive way of his house. He looked at the clock that said 11:37pm. "Shit." He cursed silently.

After him and Shade's run in with the cops, they quickly ran away into the car and drove back home. Brisk already dropped off Shade so he should be okay. Until his parents find him of course. But he won't be the only one getting yelled at tonight.

Brisk walked into his house and closed the door. He figured if he was gonna get caught, he might as well do it with a full stomach sense he hasn't eaten since he and Shade left. He took a small slice out of a chocolate cake and began his journey into the living room. "Alright mom and dad I know you're here!" Brisk called out.

When they didn't answer, he turned on the lights. He saw two huge water puddles on the floor. Brisk rolled his eyes. "Giving me the silent treatment huh? Alright then." Soon Brisk created his own hot water source and sprayed it at his parents.

The water puddles quickly rose up into two large turtles who looked like Brisk. One of them was Swift and the other was Quick.

Swift, eyes filled with anger, glared at his son. "THAT WAS HOT!" He first said encountering the hot water Brisk sprayed them with. "And it stung." His mother Quick added. "I told you I knew you were there. What was the point in hiding?" Brisk replied as Quick facepalmed. "Look Brisk, this is the 4th time tonight. I'm starting to think you're not going bowling at all."

Shit. They figured it out. Brisk crossed his arms and looked away. "Brisk, what's going on-is that rumble on your jacket?" His father asked as Brisk did in fact look at his shoulder. It was the rumble from the building. Before he could get it, Swift grabbed it first and smelled it. "You were in a burning building!?" Swift exclaimed as Brisk widen his eyes in shock. He facepalmed in stupidity. "If I wanted to save it, I would've done it but it was coming down anyways."

"Wait....you listened to the scanner didn't you?"Quick realized. Brisk turned to them and sighed. "....fine, I did."

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Swift yelled as Brisk stepped back a bit. "It was the only way for me to do my job."

"Your job is to go to school and work." Swift replied. Brisk did work at an office for more money, but lately, it's been a dick in the face. Manly because of his boss Baxter Stockman. He hated him to the bitter end. Unfortunately he still had to go back. And that hurts the most.

"You mean the work that's called, 'Go into an office that's owned by a fly head and come back out with no payment for months'!" Brisk called back as he punched a wall that was close to him. He made a giant crack but not enough for it to knock down. Brisk rubbed his hand with his cold water and sighed. "I'm doing this for all the superheroes who deserve to have a voice."

"Brisk, superheroes have been gone dense you were born. We can't bring that back." Quick replied as Brisk furiously rubbed his eyes. "And that's what makes me angry. Having to sit here and watch a burning building burn out with 5 people in them. If it wasn't for me and Shade-"

"Wait! Shade was in on this!?" Swift asked as Brisk stopped himself. "I....needed extra help."

"You son of a-" Swift punched his own crack on the couch and collected himself before he could do it to his own son.

Brisk still looked away. "Well what would've you'd done. If you called for help, they'd be dead already. I love as just saving some lives!"

"And putting your own life in danger!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to if you'd man up and save some lives yourself!" That came out before Brisk could even think.

Swift just stared at him with hurt and sorrow. "Wow...so the only way for me to impress you is by saving a couple of lives for my own."

"Dad I didn't say-"

"Go to your room."

"Dad I-"

"Brisk....just go." Quick said for Swift as Brisk looked down in sadness as he walked into his room.


The next day was work. More and more work. Just absolute work. Brisk was completely tired and he didn't feel like doing anything else. He wish he could make it up to his father. But even at breakfast he wouldn't talk to him. "I'm the worst son in the entire world." Brisk said to himself as a tear rolled down his face.

Brisk then heard a phone call. He pressed the speaker button. "Yes?"

"Brisk. In my office. Now." It was Baxter. Brisk literally smashed his head in the computer. "Can this day get any worse?" He asked himself as he walked away from his work desk.

When he left, a light green turtle walked into his office and placed a folder in his backpack.


Brisk made it to his bosses office and sat down in the chair. "What is it boss?" He asked as Baxter chuckled. "Oh nothing. It's just that...I loved seeing a super slaving away in my presence."

Brisk immediately got up from his chair. "Oh no don't worry I won't tell anyone. All the security cameras are off. No one knows what happens here." Brisk relaxed for a moment. "Listen, I've had a rough night last night. I also think got me and my cousin arrested, my dad won't talk to me, and I'm sitting here waiting for the day to end. So gimme one reason why I shouldn't be mad right now?"

"Oh but that's the best part. You see your power is water right?" Brisk didn't answer and let him continue. "Well, we can make the water spout on our tower grow up to 80%."

That's it? They want to use him as a water source? "Baxter, I'd help, but I'm here to rescue people, not to give them water."

"I can pay you handsomely~" Baxter added while rubbing his index finger and thumb together. Brisk rolled his eyes. "That's not gonna work on me. Thanks for the invitation, but my answer is no." Brisk finally said as he went to walk away.

"You know your father would be really proud if you gave up all of your dreams." That triggered a nerve. A bad one too. Brisk froze in his place and straight his body. "You think anyone can just talk about my father like that?" He said as Baxter laughed. "Finally I have your attention. So, how about that water?"

Brisk didn't care about the water. He didn't care about his family. He didn't care about the cameras. He didn't even care about the words he said to his dad. All he cared about was his boss's head on a silver platter.

Brisk's eyes turned white and his hands were filled with water balls. "Why don't you sit there and find out." Brisk replied with a weird voice. Baxter was confused for a moment but he quickly figured it out when Brisk used a wave of water to strap Baxter to the wall. "W-What're you doing?" Baxter asked as Brisk smiled cruelly. "Oh nothing. Just to tell you that the next time you talk about my super hero blood line, you'll be hearing from me." Brisk said as he sucked water up Baxter's nose and mouth. Baxter tried to call for help but the water was blocking all of his noises and sounds.

Soon, Brisk stopped and sucked all the water back out of his system. Baxter coughed up all the remaining water. "You....you psychopath! I'll have you behind-"

"Don't bother Baxter." Brisk said as he snapped his fingers and the water dissolved back into his body. "Brisk....you're-you're-"

"Fired? It's okay. I was gonna quit a long time ago." Brisk replied as he shrugged his shoulders as he pulled his key card out of his pocket and placed it on his former boss's desk. "Can't tell anyone what happened? They haven't seen it." Baxter tried to say something but the water was too tiring for him.

Brisk turned and walked to the door before he turned his head and said, "Oh and by the way, my name....is Hydro." With that, Brisk walked out of the door for the final time.

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