"Dont get caught" (The Incredibles)

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(The characters Brisk and Shade belong to HimeOfShyness )

Brisk and Shade were in a car pulled over in an alley. It was Wednesday night 8:00pm and the boys were on the far side of there hometown. It's takes them about an hour to get back home and they promised there parents they'd do that. Well, one of them did anyway.

Brisk, who has the power to control any liquid around him, wanted to show the world that he wasn't normal. While he remember his dad being a hero back in his day, he wanted to be just like him. But he never told anyone this. What hurts the nose was that about 16 years ago, the government created a law that no superheroes should exist. Either they join the normal world, or leave forever. That law haunted Brisk ever since he was 8. But tonight, he was gonna prove them wrong. He just need a little....encouragement.

Shade, his younger cousin with the power to control metal, was talking to Brisk about an average villain named dog-pound. "So, I was walking down the street, and I noticed dog-pound using the bathroom."


"I know right? Anyway, I was minding my own business and walking away but then he saw me staring. And guess what he said?"

"He started monologuing?"

"HE STARTS MONOLOGUING!" Shade yelled as both boys laughed. "What the heck man?!"

"And even when he got arrest, he didn't shut up." Both boys stopped when they both heard the police scanner on the radio. The radio said something about a robber in a building. "Woah, a robber?" Brisk said as Shade gave him a glare. "Oh no. We're not doing this again."

"Doing what?"

"This is the 4th time Brisk. Last time, we almost got caught. By. Our. Parents." It was true. The 3rd time they came home, they were about 2 minutes late and Swift scolded at him for almost a whole hour. Brisk explained that it was just traffic so he left it slide. "Relax, as long as they believe it, they'll never know."

"There's gonna be a time where they will find out Brisk. And I don't think we'll be the ones telling the story." Shade replied mentioning that if they truly get caught, they might get more than just a lecture.

For a moment, the only sound they heard was Brisk drinking some water. "Brisk...why do you wanna do this?" Shade asked as Brisk put his drink down. "Think about it this way. We're children. It's our generation. This generation should have superheroes."

"What about firefighters and cops?"

"I'm not saying to get rid of the cops and firefighters. I'm saying that the they can't do all of this alone." Brisk explained as Shade tried to say something else, when the police scanner went off again. "Hey listen." Brisk said as they heard them talking about a fire right around 4 blocks from there position. "A fire? Dude! This is it!" Brisk excitedly said as Shade rolled his eyes and started the car. "We're gonna get caught."

"AW YEAH BABY! FIRE! YES!" Brisk shouted.

What the boys didn't know, was that they were being followed.


In the burning building, the two boys carried as many people as they could. Brisk used his water source to carry at least 3 people while making sure they were afloat.

Shade was using a metal platform while hold 2 people on there to keep them from falling off. "Did you get everyone?"

"Yeah that's it." Brisk replied as he was about to put out the fire but couldn't. "What's wrong?" Shade asked. "Shoot!" Brisk replied as he slammed his fist to the ground. "This place is too hot for me to produce anymore water. All of it is on the water platform for the people on it. If I take too much water, there won't be a platform for them to float on."

"Are you telling me we can't stop the flames?"


"Why did you bring me along."

"Cause if I brought Amber, she'd burn the place more with her anger. If Maesi were here, she'd make it worse with her electricity. And Xena hasn't even fully controlled her powers yet. Besides she's my sister."

"Well-....I get Xena, but seriously!? I just wanted to go-"

"LOOK OUT!" Brisk warned as a giant piece of the ceiling almost fell on them. It was burning to a flame. If they don't get out soon, it'll collapse. "Hey? There's a window. We can jump out through there." Brisk said as Shade looked at his direction. "How high are we?"

"Better question. You gonna jump?" With that, both Brisk brisk and Shade ran straight to the window and jumped out without hesitation.

Once they came through, the 2 cousins look at each other and fist bumped. "This might actually turn out great."

"Told ya." Brisk said as he got up and coughed a bit. That's when Brisk looked at a glass box and saw jewelry and diamonds. "Um Shade?"


"I think we landing in a jewelry store."

"What makes you say-" Before he could finish, Shade and Brisk saw the light coming on and an alarm sounded. "Oh man."

"This is not good."

"I told you this was a bad idea."

"I didn't know a jewelry store was open this time."

"It wasn't. That's why the alarm sounded you idiot!"

"Come on, if you'd known that-"

"FREEZE!" Both teenagers put there hands up in surrender. The cop was a rookie. Brisk could tell cause he was shaking like a leaf. Even if Brisk did keep his hands up, the rookie might make a mistake and slip his finger to his trigger. They gotta get outta here. Quickly.

"Psst, Brisk." Shade whispered as he looked at a water fountain. Brisk licked his lips and nodded. Shade, being as slow as a turtle (no pun intended), grabbed a cup from the fountain. "FREEZE!" The cop said as Shade and Brisk did there best not to flinch. "My partner, is thirsty." Shade replied as he continued to get his water. "I SAID FREEZE!"

"I'm just giving him a drink." Shade replied back as he slowly gave the drink to Brisk. Brisk drunk the water regaining his hydro powers. "Okay you had your drink. Now-"

"We know we know." Shade said as he looked at Brisk and smirked. "Why don't you...FREEZE!" Brisk yelled as he shout cold water at the cop. Boy only can Brisk shoot water from his hands, he can also choose the what type of temperature he wanted it to be. The was was so cold, it froze the cop like an ice sculpture. "RUN!" Brisk yelled as he and Shade raced out the store.

Once they made it to the car, Brisk quickly drove off. "That was close."

"Way too close. I'm not doing that again. I mean it Brisk." Shade said as Brisk nodded. "I know...you won't." He replied as he drove silently back home.

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