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Brisk: (sees spider)

Spider: (crawls around)

Brisk: (grabs book) DIE!!!!! (Squashes it) perfect

More spiders: (comes at his feet)

Brisk: O_O....(calls exterminator)


Amber: (senses something under her bed) what the- (sees spider)

Spider: (looks at her with red eyes)

2 seconds later

Amber: (already packed her stuff and ready to move to a different house)


Shade: (walks on sidewalk and sees spider)

Spider: (just crawls)

Shade: (shrugs and walks off)


Maesi: (washing her face) (sees spider)

Spider: (looks at her)

Maesi: (eyes widen and calls for support)

3 minutes later

Shade: (sees spider) serious?

Maesi: (lashing onto him like a monkey) yes, kill it!

Shade: (sighs and flings it across the room into the trash can)

Maesi: my hero! (Kisses his cheek)

Shade: I don't get paid enough for this


Xena: (at Shade's house sleeping on the couch cause she was too lazy to go home) (sees spider)

Spider: (crawls around)

Xena: (goes to her uncle's room and grabs his gun not caring if he gets mad or not she gotta kill this fucker) Surprise mother fucker!

Spider: (looks at gun)

Xena: BURN IN HELL! (Shoots it)

Spider: (dies)

Xena: YES! (Accidentally shoots the ceiling) O_O...I'm pretty sure no ones gonna notice that right...(runs away)

1 hour later

Ghost: (comes home to find two guns shots. One on the floor, one on the ceiling) (knows exactly who it was and facepalmed) I'm gonna get that girl one day

Xena: (in his room softly putting the gun down) don't tell anyone about this (turns around to see her uncle)

Ghost: (crossed arms) should I even ask what happen?

Xena: uhhhhhh...spider?

Ghost: (just given up on life)

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